4. Lips & revealing

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Your driving me insane you know that right?

I know that now xx

Like not knowing you is totally driving me crazy! How do I even know you go to my college? Or if you're just some crazy person?

One I do go to you school, and two I wouldn't define myself as crazy. xx

Whatever you say!

I swear I'm not! How do I prove it? xx

By telling me...who.you.are!

I'm afraid I'll stick to crazy then? xx

Pleeeeeease? I just want to know who you really are!

But what if you stop texting me when you find out who I am? xx

Why would I stop? Your so interesting!

Me? Interesting? Can I record you saying that please? Maybe when we meet I'll show you that again xx

You can't be that bad!

Maybe I am. What if you don't like me in the first place? xx

Well then I was dumb because the more I know about you the more I want to meet you!

Me and this mystery guy have been texting for over a month now and so far since I'm so interested in him my grades are going down because I'm not paying attention in class! Especially my English class! In fact Mr.Malik invited me to his house to be a 'private tutor' or something which I agreed to.

If your so certain xx

I am! Now I gotta text you later because I'll be heading off to a private tutors house.

Okay then see you later? xx

Nice joke!

I stepped into the bus and took a seat next to a window since I loved seeing everything pass by my eyes. Mr.Malik said he lived on Johnson Street so I waited until we came close to that bus stop to hop off. When I got off I made my way towards his house which was pretty big for a teacher. I thought they got paid badly but his house told otherwise. Once I rang the door bell Mr.Malik opened the door and was dressed very causal. Different then what he wears to school.

"Ms.Edwards come in."he smirked as I stepped in. I took my jacket off and Mr.Malik hung it up.

"I set everything up in the living room so we could get straight to work."he lead me to a huge living room which was beautiful. It had s white grand piano by the window and a huge flat screen tv!

"Nice home."I complemented then took a seat but realized I was way to close to Mr.Malik so scoot over a bit.

"Thanks."He replied then got a book from the table and opened it to a poem.

"Why do we only read about poems? Like why don't we write anything or something?"I asked a bit annoyed. Poems were getting boring.

"I'm glad you asked because after reading poems in class were going to learn how to make a proper poem."he said and I shook my head in return. "Now can you please read this poem aloud."He said and handed me the book. He touched my hand while doing that and I felt myself blush. Over a hand touch.

"I can't remember what it was before you, and I don't even know how we got here but that's exactly what I needed. Someone who could make me forget where I came from and someone who could make me fall in love without knowing how to fall."I read aloud. For some reason this brought me to the mystery guy. It's hard to say I'm falling in love with him when I don't even know who he is. Maybe I should tell him...

"Now what do you think that poem is about?"Mr.Malik asked as I was day dreaming about. I looked up at him and he stared right at me. I don't know if it was just me day dreaming but he kept getting closer and closer-

"Zayn! Me and the girls are here!"I jumped back before my lips touched his and was shocked. Oh my gosh. Oh. My. Gosh.

"I-I need to go."I breathed out. I jumped up from the couch and ran out the house almost bumping into a lady with 2 kids. Before they said a word I ran out the door and down the steps.

What did I just do?


I walked home. It was maybe 5 miles and my legs hurt but I couldn't stop thinking that I almost kissed my teacher. He was so close to me and did he want us to kiss? I don't even know! I went up the stairs and opened the dorm room to see Ellie and Kyle snuggled up and asleep on her bed. Probably napping.

"Oh hey Pezz."Ellie whispered.


"Are you okay?"she whispered since Kyle was sleeping.

"I'm good. I'm going to go shower."I said then grabbed some pajamas and headed to the bathroom. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted the mystery guy. After reading that poem I have to tell him something.

I think I like you. And not like a crush in elementary school or something but I think I'm falling in love with you. This is crazy but it's true! Please text back.

I send it then hopped into the shower since that always gets my mind off things. Especially right now.


Sorry it's such a short chapter but I'd like to clear up that no Perrie doesn't know the mystery guy yet! Please vote and comment!

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