Chapter 41

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Perrie pov

"Perrie..."Sanne said waking me up.

"Hmm?"I said stretching my legs and rubbed my eyes. Sanne who was nice enough to let me sleep in her dorm tonight because Ellie has been kind of a bitch lately kicked me out when her new boyfriend wanted to go over.

"Come on we have to go to school."Sanne said. Ugh school. I only have two weeks left of it before I'm in 'reality'. Speaking of the devil (get it reality sucks and so does Zayn) it's been 3 days since we broke up and I couldn't be happier! I feel like I have weight lifted off my shoulders. But at the same time I hate admitting that I miss him. I've been skipping his classes for 2 days straight. I went the first day but hated to see the sight of a cheater so I went to the bathroom and never came back. I plan on skipping today.

"School sucks."I said sitting up. Anastasia was making us some coffee as I went to go and change. Sweatpants snd a sweater! Best combination!

"Well reality sucks."Sanne said passing me the sugar for my coffee.

"I hate that, please don't say that! Reality this reality that. It's a horrible word."I said getting annoyed.

"Right okay."Sanne said giving An a look. I know where they're thinking. It's what they've been dying to know for the last couple days!

"What happened between you and Zayn?"Anastasia blurted.

"Zayn? Zayn who? I don't know a Zayn."I said cluelessly. If I was going to get over him like I said I would I'm starting now. Even though the day we broke up I said the same thing and ate a full carton of 'Ben and Jerrys' while watching sad movies which always end up with me crying.

"You know Zayn. The guy you've been madly in love with for a long time."An continued as I rolled my eyes. "He's also our English teacher."An added.

"Oh Mr.Malik? What about him?"I said with a smile. An looked defeated and left to go do her hair and make up leaving me with Sanne.

"I just want you to know that whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'm here for you."Sanne said with a small smile.

"Thanks Sanne, but really there's nothing to talk about."I said smiling. I stood up grabbing my books.

"Ready for school?"I asked before we all left. School. As much as I want to avoid it we're graduating soon and I can't let my grades slip.


"Hey Perrie. Or should I say whore?"I heard an all too familiar voice say as I walked down the hall.

"What do you want?"I asked turning around to face Selena. I swear nobody will leave me alone today! Can't I just go one day without speaking to anyone.

"Well I just wanted you to know I still have the pictures. You know, of you and Mr.Malik."Selena smirked making me roll my eyes. Oh yeah those.

"Okay, so what?"I snapped as she held a folder in her hand.

"I was thinking of stopping by the principals office today and handing him this."Selena said taking out some pictures which were clearly Zayn and I.

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