Chapter 27

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Perrie pov

"Okay so we got checked, gave our suitcases to the workers, and now we have 20 minutes until we board the plane. Now if anyone needs to use the bathroom I suggest to use it now. And buy snacks here instead of the plane trust me."Liam instructed us being the 'leader' of the boys. He was most responsible out of everyone...

Zayn and I quickly went to the bathroom then went to buy snacks. I got some skittles and water while Zayn got gummy bears and a Coke. We did all that in 10 minutes leaving us another 10 minutes to go around the airport. He held my hand as we got donuts then headed back to where we were all meeting up. Liam stood there looking impatient with everyone else as if he was just waiting for us.

"About time! You both got your boarding passes?"Liam asked and we showed to to him making him nod. The flight got called and we headed in line to board the plane. I took a seat next to Zayn as he had the window seat. We sat in first class along with the rest of the group.

"Ni, can you stop hitting the back of my seat."Zayn whined turning his back where Niall was sitting next to Harry. With them behind us this is going to be one long flight...especially since it's 11 whole hours!

Once the plane started flying we were able to take off our seat belts and relax a bit. These seat are very comfortable so I wouldn't be surprised if we fell asleep the entire time.

"You tired babe?"Zayn as I yawned rubbing my eyes. I nodded then Zayn opened up his arms so I can rest on him. I shuffled myself over so half of my body was on him and half was on my chair. Zayn didn't seem to mind as he held onto my body protectively. I rested my head on his chest slowly drifting off to sleep.

-couple hours later-

I felt a hand fiddling with my hair which woke me up a bit. I yawned looking up seeing Zayn smiling down at me with his hands running through my hair.

"Hey..."He spoke and I stayed resting on him since I was too comfortable to move.

"Hi, how much more hours do we have?"I questioned.

"5 more hours."He said and my eyes widened. I was sleeping for a whole 6 hours! That definitely made up for the sleeping time I lost last night since we both had to wake up early.

"Wow I slept for a whole six hours?"

"Yeah, but you looked so peaceful that I couldn't bare to wake you up."He chuckled and I giggled sitting up. I grabbed my skittles and water eating a bit cos I was a little hungry. I popped a red one into my mouth and threw one at Zayn as he tried to catch it but totally failing in the process. I giggled then opened mine as he threw a red gummy bear in but I actually caught it.

"So we have five hours to spare. Anyone want to do anything fun?"I heard Harry say to us and we both turned around. I don't think there's a way to have fun on a plane.

"What do you mean?"I blurt out and he smirks.

"I'm glad you asked. You see we can prank these ladies-"

"Harry were on a plane. If we freak them out we freak everybody out."I pointed it out and he smirked shaking his head at me.

"You're not fun."

"Yes I am."I snapped back.

"Are not."

"Am too."

"Are not.

"Am too!"we fought like little kids getting looks from people around the plane.

"Fine then truth or dare."he said and I laughed giving him a 'seriously' face.

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