Chapter 23

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-next morning-

My horrible alarm woke me up in the morning with the stupid tune. I got up look around until I remembered what happened last night. That little dirt bag. Wonder if he came home last night? Who cares? Not me!

I went down the stairs to get some food when Zayn was sitting at the table already ready eating some pancakes. To avoid conversation I grabbed a granola bar and was about to run up the stairs until I heard a voice speak.

"At least have a real breakfast. Get we're gonna avoid each other but rather have a full stomach then starving all day."He spoke and I turned around to see extra pancakes piled on top one another.

"I made extra if you want any."He said. His pancakes are always good but I wasn't gonna give in this easily. I ignored him and went upstairs to change into a black skater skirt and a black and white striped crop top. I slipped on a pair of converse then went downstairs to walk to school. Zayn was already gone and it was a nice day out so it wasn't going to be that bad.

---a couple days later---

Zayn and I haven't been all. I'm not saying it's good or bad but I don't even know what to think of it. He's his own person now and I am too.

"So what are you doing after school today?"Blake this really cute guy in Zayn's class asked me. The bell hasn't rang yet so we began to talk and I started flirting with him just to make Zayn mad. Hey if I was mad he was going to be too.

"I don't know but maybe we can hang out?"I answered biting my lip and winking towards him. From behind Blake I can see Zayn rolling his eyes.

"Why don't we just go now?"He asked grabbing my hand and my eyes widened.

"Okay class is starting back to your seats."Zayn said probably listening to our conversation. Blake mouth 'maybe later' and I nodded before walking back to my seat. Selena was back today but I still had my detention. Apparently when you skip some they add them on so now I have like another week of detention. Zayn gave us all hard ass work and assigned it for homework if you didn't finish it which most of the class didn't and hated him for it. I'm sure he's just mad...

"Don't forget about detention later Miss Edwards."He spoke to me before class ended. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Great. I'm going to he stuck in the room with my kind of but not really ex boyfriend for an hour. Wait does it count as ex if it's just a break? Whatever just don't think about it. The bell rang and I stayed in class since detention was apparently right now. I looked around the room noticing I'm the only student here again...Zayn was just sitting behind his desk reading a book while wearing his cute- I mean just his glasses.

My phone vibrated and I took it out and saw it was the unknown guy. Seriously I already have enough to deal with and this person is making it all worse!

"No phones in detention Miss Edwards."he told me and I put it down on my desk. Just one hour and that's it Perrie. You can survive! I began to fiddle with my promise ring getting a little teary. It's my fault isn't it? I overreacted about such a small little thing! After about 10 minutes my phone began to get texts non stop.

"Okay Perrie. I don't think you fucking understand this but no phones in detention."He said getting fed up. Zayn grabbed my phone and took it to his desk only to look through it.

"You can't do that!"I told him going over to grab my phone back.

"'You looked beautiful today?' Who the hell is this texting you? Are you already cheating on me?"He snapped and I shook my head tears forming.

"You know I want to know they exact same thing. Who the hell is texting me because they've been texting me non stop for almost a month now!"I said and he shook his head in disbelief.

"You know what? I'm so happy we broke up! You know why? Because I don't have to deal with your fucking attitude and how much you lie to me! We are way better off without each other!"He yelled and I began to tear up.

"I thought we were just taking a small break."I said holding back my tears and he just shook his head.

"What's the point of that? Is it really going to help with anything? I should have known we weren't going to work out..."He said looking straight into my teary eyes.

"Fine if you just want to break up its fine with me! I can maybe find someone better who actually accepts me! And doesn't question every single little thing about me!"I said taking my phone away from him.

"The only thing I ever asked you about was your parents but I left it alone when you didn't want to speak about it...what happened anyways? What made them raise a crazy daughter like you? No wonder you guys don't talk..cos you super annoying!"He yelled and I began to have tears run down my cheeks.

"You know what I'm going to do after this? I'm gonna find Gigi because she's better than you and treats me way better!"He yelled and my eyes widened.

"You know Zayn? I give up on you now."I cried but he still stood there angry. "I was always going to tell you about my family but I never know how you would take it? Probably call me a freak."I said and he rolled his eyes. "You want to know the truth? Because I'll tell you right now."I said calmly.

"Yea tell me how they raised a horrible daughter like you."He snapped and I cried.

"My family never cared about me."I admitted making him roll his eyes.

"Boohoo get in line-."

"Zayn! Just hear me out will you?"I cut him off already in tears. He looked taken back and I let out a small sob. "My mam didn't care nor did my dad who left when I was born. My mam found a husband and he hurt me Zayn. He hurt me so much."I stated. "You wanna know what he did to me? He raped me. He raped me till I began to physically bleed and you know what my mam said once I told her? She didn't believe me! She said I was going crazy and making it all up because I never liked him. When I got older I wanted to run away. My step dad would still continue to rape me and if I told a single soul he'd beat me. When I told my mam again and she didn't believe me guess what he did? Beat me until I was coughing up blood."I admitted and Zayn stood there in shock as I told him everything. His eyes got a little teary.

"So you can go find Gigi since she's 'so' perfect."I said and slipped off the promise ring he once gave me.

"Because perfect is a thing that I'll never be."I threw the ring at him and walked out.

Mr.MalikOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora