Chapter 44

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Don't watch video until I Tell you to because it's very sad and yeah. Btw I do NOT own that video I just thought it fit very well with what's happening!

Zayn pov

"Congratulations, you're having a boy!"The obstetrician said giving us ultrasounds pictures. My eyes widened and became a bit teary...I'm having a son? Oh my god that's incredible!

"Oh my god."Gigi blurted then bursted into tears of joy. I squeezed her hand and smiled. We're having a boy. I can't believe it!


"Are you sure you have to go back? You can't stay with your pregnant fiancé?"Gigi smiled holding my hand as we stopped in front of the college. After the appointment we went out for lunch but I had to go in back for work. It's only a couple hours though so it's not the whole day. And maybe I can have the chance to talk to Perrie. When she graduates I want to at least be on good terms.

"I just have a couple days left then we'll have the summer to ourself okay? Well us and our little boy in there."I said before pecking her lips feeling nothing at all. I rubbed her belly. I may not love her which is bad, but I'm going to love that baby no matter what! He's mine and always will be.

"I love you."She said smiling.

"Love you too."I said before pecking her lips then walking away. I hurried to my classroom as I was already 5 minutes late. I stepped in to see all of my students playing around throwing papers at each other. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Alright please take a seat all of you."I stated putting my coat down onto my desk. I still couldn't stop smiling because well I'm having a boy! That's for sure something to be happy about!

"Ah come one Mr.Malik were graduating soon let us have a little fun."Blake said. He's the guy who flirted with my Perrie that one time we took a break. Well she's not exactly mine anymore but I still have my eyes on him. If he ever goes near her or hurts her like I did he better watch out.

"Sit down Blake."I ordered. He looked scared and quickly sat down making me laugh a bit. I'm going to miss bossing around these kids.

Perrie pov

I'm sitting in a classroom with a girl I hate sitting next to me, my backstabbing cousin a couple seats in front of me, and the guy I love but I'm not with in the front of the classroom talking to everyone. Talk about torture. I just wanted this day to end.

I looked around at the classroom as everyone seemed to be happy talking about graduating. Just thinking that soon I'll never see these people ever again. Yeah it sounds good to not see Selena ever again but Sanne and Anastasia are both moving. They're my best friends and I don't know how I'll live without seeing them everyday! Then again that's how it's going to be with Zayn. Zayn. Our relationship was such a rollercoaster. Thinking about how we ended kind of made me mad. Thinking about it brought back all those feelings I had that day I found out. I hated him so much. I was think how? How could he do this to me? I've been faithful to him and this is what I get in return. Now he's having a family with Gigi. They're probably going to live happily ever after while I'm here alone. What if I never fall in love again? What if I end up alone because Zayn was my only chance of love.

The bell knocked me out of my thoughts as I quickly stood up and ran out the door in anger. I'm angry because of what he did to me. Why do I fell like he used me even though I know he didn't. Did he ever love me? Or was it just for fun for him? Because I loved him so damn much.

"Hey Perrie, I was wondering if-"

"Leave me alone Sanne."I angrily cut her off as she tried talking to me in the hallways. I bumped her shoulder and continued to walk out of the school bumping into everyone. I wanted to be somewhere alone.

"Perrie, wait up!"I heard Anastasia scream out as I ran to the dorms. Sure they were going to catch me but maybe I'll get some alone time. I quickly ran into the dorm where I've been staying with Sanne and threw my bag onto the floor and sat down in the corner with my knees pressed up to my chest. I let my head rest on my knees and slowly began to cry on how angry I was. I hate what he did to me! He made me this upset! He made me like this!

So many thoughts traveled through my head as I sobbed into my hands. He's such an ass! I hate that I still love him even though what he's did to me! I can't love him anymore. But how do I stop? Love is like an addiction. Once you're hooked on there's no stopping. Gosh I should have never fallen in love in the first place. Love is evil.

"Perrie."I heard Sanne say with a loud door slam after. Their footsteps became louder and louder as they searched the dorm for me.

"Perrie, are you okay?"Anastasia said sitting in front of me along with Sanne. I raised my head up from my knees and began to sob. Am I okay? No I'm not. How can I be okay?

(Video starts to make sense here but towards the middle. I recommend to watch the entire thing)

"I just kept...going."I whispered leaving the girls confused. "How do you keep going...when the worst thing has happened?"I asked with my voice cracking. They both looked at each other mouthing a couple words before looking at me again. I stared at my knees not wanting to look at any of them. I so bad wanted to hide how I was hurting, but now they know.

"Are you talking about your split from Za-"

"I hate him!"I screamed making the girls jump. "I hate him!"I screamed once more. "I feel like I'm never going to be happy again!"I sobbed into my hands. I'm never going to be happy because the only time I was ever happy in my entire life was with him! How am I supposed to be happy if he's not with me?

"Perrie's it oka-"

"And everyday it just gets worse and worse! I can't miss him anymore!"I said shaking my heads and sobbing. "He ruined me. He fixed me, but then broke me to a point where I can't even take it anymore!"I screamed in tears.

"How am I supposed to act like we never happened? Like I never loved him at all, because I still do."I whispered the last part.

"Look Perrie, you will get over him because you're a strong girl. I know that right now you feel hurt but soon you'll feel happy. I promise you."Anastasia said as I sniffled. She brought me into a hug and I continued to cry into her shoulder.

"We are always going to be here for you Perrie. We all may be in different places around the world but we're all one phone call away."Sanne said hugging me too.

"You're a strong girl Perrie...always remember that."Sanne said with a small smile.



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