Chapter 22

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Perrie pov

To unknown: please stop texting me. I don't know you so please stop

I put my phone down and stared at a sleeping Zayn. Last night was Valentine's Day which was great. He loved his present and wanted to hang it up on the wall. I think it ended up great! Of course the night ended with one bed. Pretty sure you don't want all the details.

"Morning baby."He smiled at me and I snuggled by him wearing one of his shirts that smelt like him. His hand slid down my body till it touched my bum giving it a little squeeze. I giggled and just laid there relaxing. Zayn poking my bum every once in awhile.

---couple hour later---

"Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!"I sang in a little tune bouncing up and down as we were in the car. Zayn chuckled at me as I continued staring at me.

"Perrie..."He chuckled. "You do know we're only going to the market to buy food right?"He asked me and I looked at him.

"You can't ruin the mood Zayn! Going to the market is a road trip!"I said like a little kid and then continued bouncing on the seats singing 'Road Trip' on and on. Once we got to the market Zayn opened the door and held me hand as we entered the market. I grabbed a trolley then we made our way down the aisle of food.

"We need milk..."Zayn said putting a container of milk in the trolley.

"And cheese, bananas, bread, biscuits..."he went on grabbing everything to put into the trolley that I was just pushing.

"Oooh I want these biscuits!"I yelled out getting a couple stares. I ran and grabbed a box of biscuits that had frozen on them.

"Can't we get them please?"I begged making Zayn laugh. I felt like a little kid again begging for biscuits! Zayn nodded and I put them in the cart and grabbed more food items.

"Ooh look they have tootsie pops!"I said running to the candy getting an odd stare from an older women maybe in her 30s. She had a small kid maybe 8 or 9 years old with her. I gave her a look back and went back to Zayn with a tootsie pop in my mouth.

"Pezz we gotta pay for them first."Zayn laughed but grabbed a tootsie and put it in his mouth too. I laughed as we went around the market going nuts like small kids! We paid for the food and were rolling the trolley back to the car.

"Get in."Zayn motioned into the trolley. "We have to bring it back into the store so get in."He said once more and I sat in the trolley. I felt Zayn run into the store pushing me in the trolley making me burst in fits of giggles.

"Oh my god Zayn no."I laughed as he almost crashed into someone. We got back into the market and Zayn helped me out.

"Grow up...won't you?"That same women I saw earlier said then walked out.

"Well something but her in the ass."I laughed when she walked out. Zayn and I went back to the car passing the old women again who just glared at us. I shrugged it off as Zayn started his car making the way back to the house.

"Oh this is my song!"I screamed turning the volume up. It was 'Heart Attack' by Demi Lovato! One of my favorite singers from America. I sang along getting looks from Zayn as he was smiling.

"You make me glow."I sang point to Zayn as he chuckled smiling. "But I cover up won't let it show."I continued as we stopped for a red light. The car next to us gave me a funny look as I stuck my tongue at them in response. I continued to sing the song while joking around by pointed at Zayn and doing crazy dance moves. Once we got to the house I felt all worn out but helped Zayn bring all the food we bought inside.

"I'm kinda in the mood for a pizza."I said taking out the pizza we bought at the market. I preheated the oven then continued to help Zayn unpack everything else.

"Condoms eh?"I giggled taking them out of the bag and handed it to him. Zayn was embarrassed and put them away in his room I think...he always puts them there anyways. He came back down the stairs as I put the pizza in the oven.

"I invited the lads over if you don't mind."He said and my eyes widened. That means I have to see Niall...wait why am I worrying so much? Maybe he's gotten over me?

"Yeah it's fine."I said then pecked his soft lips. I put the rest of the things away eating a couple biscuits at the same time when the bell rang indicating that Zayn's lads were here. I took the pizza out and cut into slices.

"Mm I smell food."Niall said walking in with the rest of the boys following after. They all hugged me and Niall gave me a kiss on the cheek making me want to wash it off. Don't get me wrong...Niall is a nice fellow who will get a girl that loves him one day, but he needs to understand that the girl will not be me. I walked over to Zayn who wrapped his arm wrapped around my body.

"Hey Zayn what's the address again? Eleanor is coming over."Louis asked and I gave him the address already knowing it by memory. I served everyone pizza and took a seat next to Zayn.

"So I was thinking maybe this weekend we could head off to the beach? My dad can let us borrow his boat if I ask."Louis told us.

"Uh Perrie and I can't."Zayn said and I looked at him giving him a questioning look.

"My aunt is getting married and I'm taking Perrie with me."He said and my eyes widened! What? That means I have to see Yaser again and trust me putting Yaser and I in the same room will not end well...

"Hmm crazy I didn't know about this till now."I said a bit annoyed. He could have at least told me earlier so I can get a dress or something. It's almost the weekend and now I'm stressing cos I got nothing to wear! Wait maybe I can- wait no already wore that...I'll find something.

For the rest of the time here I talked to Eleanor and how she's gonna be modeling for a magazine which I found really exciting. She said her modeling career is actually going pretty well and I only hope that when I graduate college mine will be too! The boy were playing the PlayStation and I tried to join in but literally I sucked so Zayn took over for me.

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you about the wedding thing."Zayn come up from behind me leaning his head on my shoulder. I shook my head and stopped doing the dishes to turn around.

"Do you not wanna go?"He asked me since my sudden change in mood. I rolled my eyes and gave him a glare.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? When were you doing to tell me if it wasn't brought up today?"I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders making me scoff.

"Why are you being such a bitch?"He snapped and I gasped. He did just not. Fucking arse.

"Me? I'm the fucking bitch? Okay yea sure go ahead Zayn. Point fingers and call me a bitch for being truthful."I said storming out of the kitchen.

"Yeah you are. Why have you been acting different lately? Is there something bothering you that's making you act like a bitch? Fucking mood swings?"He said and I rolled my eyes going to the stairs as he followed behind me.

"You know what? If that's what you really think is happening then why don't we take a break? Obviously you don't know me well enough to tell something was wrong earlier."I screamed with tears in my eyes.

"Fine if that's the way you feel!"he yelled back at me.

"Fine!"I screamed shutting the door on his face.

"Fine."He said once it made a loud slam. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know me at all if he thought it was some mood swing. Zayn can't figure it out because he doesn't know me!

I sat down on his bed getting teary-eyed about this. It wasn't until I heard a loud slam downstairs that I began to sob to myself. It's fine. I'm an independent women. I told myself wiping my tears. It's just Zayn and I had little arguments before but not to the point where we both raise our voices having a screaming match. I laid myself down and that night I did something I never thought it would do before. I cried myself to sleep over a broken heart...

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