Chapter 43

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Zayn pov

"I don't know lads."I spoke to my friends who were seated in my living room.

"I think I'm actually losing her...forever."I said staring at my fingers.

"Damn."Niall mumbled.

"Maybe if you just talk to her-"

"That's not going to work."I cut Louis off. "I messed up everything. If anything I should just let her be because Perrie deserves someone better than me. Someone who won't go behind her back."I said getting angry. I'm such an idiot. Ever since the break up I've been horrible to her. It's all my fault.

"Zayn. Open your eyes! All of us know how much you love her! Don't just let her go! We can see it in your eyes how much your in pain and we really don't like to see our best lad in pain."Harry said making me sigh. They just don't get it do they? Now that she's not here it feels like I'm missing a part of me. Yeah she was a part of me and I'm not afraid to admit that. I loved her since the days I laid my eyes on her and I still do.

"Don't you get it? She told me she hates me! Perrie said she'll get over me and I'm afraid for that to happen. She's never coming back to me no matter how hard I try. It's over."I yelled mad. Once she graduated were never going to see each other again!

"Look Zayn I believe what you two had was real I really do. I felt like a dick after coming in between you two, but I know for sure that if it doesn't happen now then in the future fate will bring you two back together."Niall said patting my back. I squeezed my eyes shut. Why can't this just be a dream? Why can't meeting Perrie be a dream? I wish it all never happened...

Perrie pov

"I'll just have a coffee with a blueberry muffin please."I politely said to the cashier. I gave him my money then went by Sanne and Anastasia to have our 'brunch'.

"We're graduating soon!"Anastasia excitedly said as I took a sip of my coffee but I immediately spit it out.

"That's bloody hot!"I laughed at myself. The girls handed me a napkin and laughed along as I cleaned up.

"Anyways back to graduation...we never really discussed what's happening after graduation."An said as I bit into my muffin this time.

"What do you mean? Like go to a party or something?"I asked with my mouth full of muffin. Mmm blue berry...

"Hello Perrie are you even listening to me?"An said knocking me out of my blue berry thoughts. I nodded and she smiled.

"I know you weren't so I said like where are we all going? Our life is finally starting!"She said excitedly. 'Life' yeah. Life is something that can either be good or bad to you. In life there are a whole bunch of mean people and sometimes you fall in love with them. Or sometimes they go behind your ba-

"I'm going back to Australia to be with my family. I really miss them so I'm gonna stay there for about a year to find a job for cosmetology."Sanne said smiling. I didn't know she was from Australia that's so cool. An started saying how she might go to Africa and help out the people who need helping since she did come to college to be a nurse. Geez everyone seemed to have their life planned out while I was here having no clue what I wanted to do.

"I think I might just leave."I said making the girls confused.

"I want to go somewhere new. I've never been anywhere but here and back home! I want to live somewhere else and start fresh there."I explained as they nodded. Leaving did sound like a good idea. But leaving people I care about might not be all that good.

"I want to do that. Hey you know maybe you can get over Zayn by doing that! Meeting new guys!"An said and Sanne slapped her arm making her groan.

"Ow what was that for?"An said rubbing her arm making me laugh. Oh these girls...

"Your not supposed to mention him in front of Perrie. She's trying to get over him."Sanne mumbled as I smiled.

"Guys it's fine. Mention him all you want because I'm totally over Zayn."I lied with a smile. They shook their heads and smiled too..they bought it thank god.

-a couple hours later-

"Do you know where to hairdryer is?"I asked Ellie. I wasn't really on speaking terms with her but I was cleaning out my side of my dorm already.

"No. You probably left it at your boyfriends house."She snapped as I rolled my eyes. Really I should be the one mad at her not her mad at me. She's the one who told! She went behind my back...everyone does that to me don't they?

"I thought we were really close Ellie. I don't even know what to think anymore."I said as she moved a couple of her boxes onto the floor. She pretended not to hear me making me roll my eyes. What is she so upset about?

"Why did you do it Ellie?"I asked her folding my arms to my chest. "Why?"I asked again as she rolled her eyes at me.

"You want to know why?"She said loudly throwing a box onto the floor. Geez. "I'll tell you 'Perfect Perrie'."She sarcastically said. "You always got what you wanted and when you wanted it since we were little. Now that we're older you got a nice boyfriend and everything is going perfectly for you. Your just so perfect."She angrily screamed the last part making me laugh. She can't be serious? I'm too 'perfect' that she wanted to sabotage my life?

"I'm sick of that words you know Ellie? Perfect? No one is perfect. If you think I'm perfect let me tell you all about my life once more."I said angrily. "My dad left before I was even born. My mother married a horrible man who would beat me and rape me which went on for years. My mom wouldn't believe me. I barely had friends at school and I used to run away to escape but that never worked. The only good thing that happened to me was Zayn."I said and not only did it hit Ellie it hit me. Zayn was the only good thing that happened to me. He actually loved and cared about me...

"Not only that, but now the only good thing that ever happened to me which is Zayn got his ex girlfriend pregnant so we're over. Does that sound perfect to you?"I said looking at Ellie dead in the eye. She had tears all over her face after realizing I'm not perfect at all. The rest of the time there we didn't talk. All I could think about was Zayn. He really was the best thing that ever happened to me...



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