Chapter 33

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Just a little heads up that the drama is about to happen

Zayn pov

That night Perrie and I had a little 'fun' on the beach. We were the only ones there and it was getting dark so it's not like anyone saw. Maybe heard but not see. Anyways today we were leaving California and going back home which none of us want to do except me. I really want to sleep on my own bed with Perrie snuggled into me without the boys barging in.

"I hate planes so much!"Perrie whined as we were already in the air. Perrie doesn't really hate planes she just hates being stuck in them for 11 hours! I can say the same thing though...

"Just 11 hours."I chuckled as Perrie rolled her eyes. We ate a bit of our snacks then she lay on me getting her 'beauty sleep' is what she calls it but she's already beautiful. I stare at her sleeping body smiling. Okay that makes me sound like a freak.

"Will you quit it Niall."I groaned at the Irish boy who was sitting behind me kicking my chair like a little kid. He's so lucky that I haven't beat the shit out of him again. I felt him stop then returned to closing my eyes holding onto Perrie.

-11 hours later-

"We hope you enjoyed your vacation and welcome back to the United Kingdom. We ask everyone to walk slowly and wait for the proper time to leave the plane."A lady spoke into the microphone. Perrie was bouncing up and down. I'm guessing she's excited to be back home.

"Ok lads I guess we'll see each other later?"I asked once we got our suitcases. We said our goodbyes and I obviously ignored Niall then grabbed Perrie's hand as we left. I got us a taxi that drove to my house and Perrie came with. Oh my god my home. My sweet home where I can be alone! Okay maybe I'm overreacting a bit but in glad to be home. I can tell Perrie is too by the way she jumped on my bed and hugging it. Since the flight was 11 hours and it was early in the morning when we got to the airport it is now 1 in the morning in the UK. Time difference is a pain in the ass! Especially since we still have school tomorrow and I gotta teach a whole bunch of kids. Maybe I'll have them watch a movie so I can sleep for a couple hours. I take off my shirt and pants leaving me with my boxers then slipped into bed with Perrie who was already sleeping still in her clothes. I smiled to myself then covered her up with the blanket so that she wouldn't be could. I felt her cling onto me as I wrapped my arms around her holding Perrie close.

-couple days later-

Perrie pov

"And then we-"The bell rang meaning class was over. I said bye to Sanne and An before running to Zayn's class. The highlight of my day...

"Make sure to study!"He yells out to the kids who leave his class quickly. I giggle and walk into the classroom to see Zayn on his phone not noticing me here. I walked up to him and wrap my arms around his waist making him smirk.

"Why hello there Miss Edwards."He said looking down on me leaning his head on mine.

"Hi Mr.Malik"I bit my lip as Zayn leaned in closing the little space between us. Our lips moved in perfect sync and Zayn decided to make it a little heated by slipping his tongue against my bottom lip. Of course right as I slightly opened my mouth the bell decided to ring. I groaned breaking us apart before pecking his lips once more and heading back to my seat. The class filled in with students and Ellie came to me hugging me. Since I slept over Zayn's house last night I didn't get to see her till now.

"How was Florida?"I asked and she had a smile on her face telling me everything that happened. She did a whole bunch of things! "Oh! I met someone there!"She hinted and I giggled as she was about to tell me who she met when the bell rang signaling class is starting.

"How was everyone's spring break?"Zayn asked the class. Everyone yelled out what they did making the class loud and annoying.

"Okay okay how about we just all share one thing we did. Let's start up front."Zayn said making everyone shut up. All the student shared a couple things and it was usually 'went back to my family' or 'traveled' which I did too. When it was my turn Zayn smirked at me...

"Um I went to California which is a state in America. I was with my boyfriend and his friends so it was a bit 'interesting'"I said said emphasizing 'interesting' since Niall and I kissed. Zayn chuckled and I laughed to myself.

"Mr.Malik? How did you get that black eye?"A girl asked and my eyes widened. When Niall and Zayn got into a fight Niall left a good black bruise by his eye. It kind of fade away a bit but you can still tell it's a black eye.

"I just hurt myself during spring break no big deal."He answered then began to pass something to avoid any more questions about his eye. You know cos it isn't normal to date one of your students then one of your lads kisses her and states that he is falling in love with her. Not normal at all! But who said normal is good? Being normal is boring! For god sakes I'm dating my teacher.

"Tomorrow we will have a little test on how poems work and everything we learned about them. At the end you will be making your own poem about whatever you want."Zayn informed us making most of the room groan as he chuckled. He loves torturing kids. As for me lets just says I get a different version of torture...mixed in with a bit of pleasure.

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