Chapter 7

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"Mmm I love you so much baby."Zayn mumbled pecking my lips. He wrapped his arms around me bringing me closer to him. Zayn kissed down my neck making me moan when the bell rang.

"Fuck."I mumbled then jumped off the desk and hurried to the back of the room where Zayn moved my new seat. He wanted to make sure we weren't making anything obvious when I say next to him so now I sit alone in the back of the room. When Zayn took a seat at his desk the room flooded with students. Ellie waved and went to her seat Kyle where they flirted until Zayn started the class.

"Okay class today we'll be working o-"

"Hello? Is this Mr.Maliks class?"A girl walked who was stunning. She had long brown hair and was really pretty.

"Yes, and you are?"Zayn asked looking over at her.

"Selena Gomez. I transferred here from America so I'm new."she said handing him a yellow slip.

"Ah yes okay. Well welcome to Bradford Selena. Please take a seat next to Perr-Miss Edwards."he quickly fixed himself. Since the seat next to mine was the only open one she had to sit next to me. Selena walked over in her clinking heels and took a seat next to me.

"Hi I'm Per-"

"Look I literally don't give a fuck about who you are."She snapped at me. Jeez I was just trying to be nice.

"So today we're starting Romeo and Juliet. Raise your hand if you know a bit of what it's about..."Zayn said and most of the class raised their hands including me. "Good. I'll need everyone to go grab a book by the window please."everyone hurried to the window and grabbed a book.

"That teachers pretty hot huh?"Selena spoke and it took me awhile to realize she was speaking to me.

"Are you talking to me?"I asked surprised and Selena rolled her eyes.

"Yes I'm talking to you why are you so surprised?"She asked as we took a seat back at the tables.

"Because a minute ago you were yelling at me."I said and she rolled her eyes once more. This girl just got here and she's annoying the shit out of me already.

"Whatever. Anyways what do you think about the teacher?"She asked and looked at Zayn. I looked over at him and he was talking to the rat of the class.

"What about him?"

"I mean he's a really hot teacher. The rest here are old and smelly as fuck."She joked and I let out a laugh.

"Miss Edwards and Gomez is there something you'd like to share to the class?"Zayn sternly said eyeing me up and down.

"Sorry, Perrie was just telling me how you're such a hot teacher."Selena said and my face started beaming with red. I didn't say that! Selena did! The whole class began to laugh at me while I hid my face in my hands.

"Um ok now back to Romeo and Juliet."Zayn said and I looked up to see him with a red face too! Oh my gosh this is horrible! I looked over to Selena and she was smirking at me. What is she capable of?

--after class--

"See you later Perrie."Selena smirked and left the classroom. When everyone left I went over to Zayn.

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