Chapter 34

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Get ready for the drama to happen 😉 it's gonna be pretty epic!

Zayn pov

-a week later-

You want to know what I hate? When everything in your world seems perfect. Like it's all going well then one bad thing happens! That bad thing can ruin your entire life! Especially when you didn't mean for it to happen! You weren't expecting anything like this to every occur. I know I didn' all started when she called...

Flash back

"What do you want Gigi?"I asked looking at Perrie who was sleeping on my bed after out night before. She looked peaceful as ever laying there.

"Well hello to you too Zaynie!"She said making me roll my eyes. "I've missed you a lot. Why don't you come back? We can start all over again?"She asked making me roll my eyes. Please I have Perrie and that's all I need. She's my world.

"Gigi what I did with you was wrong. It was a small fling and I was upset."I said remembering the week Perrie and I broke up. I just needed someone to hold and being stupid I chose Gigi.

"Zayn you can't just leave me alone. I..."She began but stopped. I waited for her to continue so I can hang up on her and hopefully not deal with her ever again!

"Get to the point Gigi."I say annoyed. I shut the bathroom door then fixed my hair in the mirror.

"I'm pregnant."

End of flash back

God why am I so stupid? How can I impregnate Gigi? My ex girlfriend! What I did was here was a small fling but boy is it going to leave a big mark. God karma is such a bitch.

I don't know what I'm going to say to her. Perrie and I can't break up again. I won't let that happen! Even if I'm going to be a father...
Oh god. I'm gonna be a dad.

Perrie pov

"So how was your spring break?"Selena asked me snapping me out of my daydream. I looked at her and she had a smirk on her lips looking me me. Why was she asking me this?

"Good, and yours?"I said being friendly. Just two more months Perrie of sitting next to this demon. I have to survive 2 more freaking months...

"Good. I went to Florida with my friends including Ellie. Sorry you didn't get the invite-what am I kidding? I wouldn't want you there."She laughed to herself and I rolled my eyes. Yep still cocky.

"Well I went to California. It was pretty hot and sunny."I mentioned and Selena rolled her eyes.

"Obviously."She said. I'm guessing Selena used to live in America before since she knows everything about it. But why move to England? If I was her I'd stay there because  you feel free!

"So did you have fun with your boyfriend? And his pals."She said recalling what I said to the class last week.

"Good. I went to many places that were cool. Like this place called 'Santa Monica Pier' my boyfriend-"

"You mean Mr.Malik? Or should I say Zayn?"She said grinning and my eyes widened. S-She knows? How? I mean we're not the best at hiding it but how?

"Surprised I know aren't you?"She laughs to herself. I feel like I couldn't speak. Like I couldn't say anything at all...


"I have my ways."She cut me off as I was still shocked. She laughed and looked at me up and down. "Better be nice to me from now on Perrie, because I know a whole lot more than you think I do."She added before the bell rang. Once it was just Zayn and I in the room I teared up. She knows! She fucking knows! How can she know this? She can't! Selena is the most evil person ever and will tell everyone!

"Hey babe."Zayn said coming towards me. I blinked my eyes making my tears go away so that Zayn wouldn't be able to see them. I can fix this. By myself.

"Hey."I said cheerfully and wrapped my arms around his waist resting my chin on his chest.

"So I was thinking we can go to dinner? Just us?"He asked me and I smiled. Wait I have to meet with Sanne today. I guess I am going to need a little help might as well be her and not Zayn.

"I love that idea."I started making Zayn smile. "But I might have already made plans with Sanne. You remember her right?"I asked him and he chuckled nodding.

"If I recall she's in my first class in the morning always cracking me up with her dirty jokes. She's really got a dirty mind."He laughed to himself. He grabbed my bum and lifted me onto the table to sit.

"Yeah her! Well we made plans and I can't break them."I said. I felt my phone vibrate and I picked it up.

Watch out Edwards. I'm warning you. I actually do know a lot more than you think so if you do one little thing to me the whole school is going to know how you're such a slut.
-Selena xx

I clicked on the picture she sent and my eyes widened. How did she? When did she? Oh my god! It's a picture of Zayn and I! He's kissing my lips and if the whole school see's this including the principal we're dead meat!

"You okay?"Zayn asked me and I nodded grabbing my bag. "I'm fine. It was just Sanne asking when I was coming. I guess I'll see you later."I replied jumping off the counter then pecked his cheek. Before I could get far Zayn pulled my arm and locked his lips with mine making me smile half way.

"If I'm not going to see you might as well be a good kiss."He chuckled to himself as we parted. I laughed and pecked his lips once more before making my way out. Sanne was moving into a dorm because she's been showing up to school late. I was going to help her decorate her room. Anastasia was moving in too but left to visit her family.

"Hey Pezza come in."She said opening her dorm room. When you think of living on your own in a dorm you think it's so cool! But really it's not. These dorms are so small you can't fit much. Therefore not very exciting. I walked inside and put my bag down then looked around. All dorms are painted a gray color which is boring.

"You have lots of stuff."I laughed seeing Sanne struggle to move everything. "This isn't even all of it! There's a move-in truck with everything else! I think I'm gonna have to put stuff in storage."She giggled grabbing clothes out of a bag. I laughed and helped her put things away. I need to tell her about Selena. I just don't know how.

"Something wrong?"


"You're acting a little different. Anything on your mind?"she asked and I nodded. Lots of things actually.

"Selena knows about Zayn and I."I admitted leaving her confused. "She told me today during class then afterwards she sent me a message when I didn't even give her my number."I added taking my phone out showing her what she sent me.

"How the hell did she even get that picture?"Sanne asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "She's such a creep. What did she do follow you?"She asked. Maybe? I don't know..

"What do I do? I don't want the school to know about Zayn and I! Trust me they'll think I'm some whore who fucks the teacher for good grades or something."I exclaimed mad. Ugh Selena is starting to piss me off!

"Perrie I really don't know what to do. Have you told Zayn?"She asked and I shook my head.

"No, I don't want to give him anything to worry about. If anything it's my fault we got caught."

"It takes two to date Perrie. This isn't your fault. In fact it's no ones. So what you're dating a teacher! You love him and I'm sure he loves you. If you tell him you'll both get through this."She said and I nodded. We let the situation go then continued to decorate her dorm.

Okay Selena you want to play? I'm in.

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