Chapter 8

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"But Romeo I don't under-"the bell rang cutting Zayn off from reading Romeo and Juliet.

"Okay class we'll continue tomorrow. Have a great rest of the day."Zayn announced before everyone left. I hurried to his desk when everyone was out and sat on it.

"So what's the plan for today baba!"I excitedly said but Zayn frowned.

"Louis invited me to a party."Zayn said which I don't know why he was all sad.

"Why is that bad?"I asked. He put a hand on my leg making me jump a bit.

"He invited my ex girlfriend."Zayn said and now I knew why he was upset. Wait does that mean he still has feeling for-

"Perrie I swear I don't have feelings for her."Zayn stated. Oops! Did I say that out loud? 

"Why don't you want her to be there?"I asked and he shrugged. "I think because of the pain she put my through. With her I thought we were unbreakable. Until that is I found out she was having sex with another guy."He frowned and I bit my lip.

"I'm sorry Pezz. I'm making it sound like I still love her but I swear I don't, because I love you and only you."He sighed then pecked my lips. "Why don't you come with me to the party? You got along pretty well with the lads I'm sure they won't mind if I bring you."He smirked and I nodded. Zayn said to go get ready so I left to my dorm where I saw Selena and Ellie sitting there.

"Hey Ellie."I greeted her and ignored Selena. I haven't been on the best of terms with either of them but Ellie and I are related so it's best to make up sooner and not later.

I walked to my tiny little closet and looked at my dresses. None of them were really the party type which was getting me nervous. Zayn's ex girlfriend is going to be there so I have to make a good impression. I don't wanna look like a slob. I've been wondering how she looks like? Probably pretty but what will she think of me?  Wait what about this? I pulled out a shirt or maybe dress kind of thing. The last time I wore this I wore it with jeans under. But now that I think about it this was long enough to wear as a dress...? Whatever I'm wearing it.

I slipped off my clothes and slipped on the grey dress

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I slipped off my clothes and slipped on the grey dress. It was a bit cheeky but that's kind of what I needed to feel more confident in it. Next I put on some black heels that had a cool designs of zig-zag in the front which I found cool. I began to straighten my hair when I got a text from Zayn asking if I was almost ready. Is he kidding? I'm barely getting started! I texted back twenty more minutes but really I think I need an hour.

"Ah fuck."I mumbled when I burned myself with the straightener. Great just great. Now I'm gonna have a blister on my finger!

"Wow Pezz where are you going?"Ellie said  stepping into the bathroom.

"Getting ready for a party. I'm going with Wayne."I said and she nodded and checked her phone.

"Selena is having a sleep over tonight so do you mind if she sleeps on your bed? I mean your never really here any more so I thought it would be fine."Ellie said and I nodded because I knew if I argued it wouldn't end pretty.

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