Chapter 24

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Perrie pov

It's been a week since I told Zayn about what happened between my family and I. Since that's he's been trying to talk to me but I would ignore him. His calls, his texts, just everything about him. That's the way you get over someone's. But what if I don't want to get over him?

Maybe we just weren't meant to be. I don't even know why I took us seriously...he's just not for me I guess.

"...and I won't be missing you. And no one can love you the way I used to do."I whispered to myself getting teary.

"Perrie..."I heard Ellie wake up and I wiped my tears.

"Yeah?"I sniffled and put my notebook down. Since then I made this song about everything I went through. It's called 'The End'. The words I sang felt like knives were stabbing me because they hurt that much.

"I think you should just go back to him."

Zayn pov

"F-Fuck Gigi."I moaned kissing her lips roaming my hands up and down her body. She giggled pecking my lips then sucked down my neck.

This sounds wrong I know but I needed pleasure and I couldn't get it from Perrie so I came to Gigi which does make me sound like a whore. But I miss Perrie so much. If I miss her why don't I just go and apologize? I guess thinking about all of this got me distracted as we stopped kissing.

"Anything wrong baby?"She asked running her hand through my messy hair. I've been staying at her place since Perrie and I broke up. I know it's bad but I needed to do something...

"I think I should go..."I said and she got off of me as I put my jacket back on. I left without saying a word and drove to one place that I needed to go to. It was 1 in the morning and I can see her dorm light on still. What is she doing up so early? Or staying up so late? Either way it's one of those.

Just go in and apologize

I looked back up and the lights went off as I groaned to myself. Fuck I just wasted an opportunity to get my girl back...

It's fine...I'll try again tomorrow.

-next day-

The bell rang and I saw Perrie walk in wearing black jeans and a big oversized jumper. In fact it was my jumper. But boy did it make her look cute...okay snap out of it Zayn. You got a class to teach.

"Well spring break in a week...any plans anyone?"I asked and many hands shot into the air. I called on a couple people and got answers like 'back home' or 'the states' and some people were even going to cool tropical places. I wish my spring break consisted on that...but really it was probably just going to me moping around. For the rest of the class I didn't feel like teaching anything so I let the students go on their electronic devices. Since I'm the teacher I had to walk around making sure no one is doing anything inappropriate. I walked by Perrie and saw her writing into a notebook. She seemed to be hiding the words but I got a little peek on what she was writing.

You messed with my heart baby. Now it's black and blue.

Hmm I wonder where that was from? I kept my eye on Perrie most of the class period and see how her facial expressions was from concentrated, to serious, to a bit emotional. So badly did I want to wipe her tears away and it killed me so much that I'm probably the reason for them. She's the reason for mine too. Yes guys cry and it's usually for serious things which Perrie and I were. The bell rang and I saw Perrie leave the room.

"She really misses you."I turned around and saw Ellie still sitting in her chair. I shrugged and Ellie came over to me.

"Look I didn't like you very much when she came to the dorm crying saying how much she regretted taking a break from you or when you officially ended the relationship, but I gotta say she really needs you right now."She admitted and I felt my heart shatter. Fuck I messed up bad.

"Ellie it's all my fault. I called her names that I know I shouldn't have when she was totally innocent. It's my fault all of this happened."I groaned.

"No kidding."She laughed and I gave her a 'seriously' face. "You know about her family issue right?"She said and I nodded feeling horrible. I'm such a horrible person! I literally broke Perrie and her story broke me.

"When she told me that she had a panic attack at your house I was so scared for her. I didn't want her to go through what she already did before."She said and I shook head.

"I just don't even know. She looked perfect to me. She still does but behind that perfect looking soul held such a heart breaking story."I said and she nodded. Ellie left saying she had to meet up with someone as I stayed in my classroom regretting every single little thing I did to Perrie. I had to fix it...and fast. It's already been a total of 2 weeks with no Perrie, and I can't let that last any longer.

Perrie pov

"Pezz come on cheer up!"Ellie said handing me a bowl of ice cream. I let out a small smile and took the ice cream.

"Do you reckon things will get better?"I asked. I want things to get better and as much as I didn't want to admit it I needed Zayn. I feel so lost with out him. I forgot what it was like to have friend out of school since I've always been with him...

"They will. Every story has its cracks."She speaks and I agree.

"This is one really big crack then."I said then burst in laughter as I took it the wrong way. Oh my god! Get it? Crack? And Butt-crack? Ha! No never mind bad joke.

"There's that smile."She giggled. I grabbed a spoonful of ice cream and tapped it against Ellie's.


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