Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 already? Omg and I have 3k reads! You guys are the best ❤️

Perrie pov 

-2 days later-

Yesterday we went touring around California and it was really fun...and hot! I thought I was going to faint by the amount of heat there was.

Anyways for the last couple days I've been trying to get far away from Niall as possible because really I don't want to get involved with him. It still kills me cause I haven't told Zayn yet...

Zayn pov

"What you staring at mate?"Louis asked coming behind me. I was looking at Niall and Perrie who were sitting next to each other on the couch. I know Perrie and to me she looked a bit uncomfortable. I've tried to forget what happened between them at the spin the bottle but seriously I don't look at Niall the same anymore...

"Zayn you know she likes- well loves you."Louis mentioned as if he knew was I was thinking. "I can see it in her eyes, and also in yours."He continues and I smile a bit. I am pretty crazy about her. I don't know what came to me that week where I slept with Gigi...I guess I needed to be with someone. God I'm such a manwhore. It's fine Perrie doesn't have to know about that since its behind us.

"You're right."I said. He pat my back before going outside probably with Eleanor or something. I walked over to Perrie and Niall then took a seat next to Perrie.

"Hey boo."I said kissing her lips in front of Niall. She giggled breaking us apart then I pulled her to seat in between my legs so that she wouldn't have to look so uncomfortable next to him. She had her body placed up against me relaxed.

"Oh hey Nialler, didn't notice you there. What's up?"I smirked at him only to receive a glare.

"Nothing."He plainly said still glaring at me. I smirked bringing my attention back to Perrie who was on her phone playing flappy bird. I laughed every time she lost because she would groan and try again and again and again.

"Here lemme try."I said as she handed me her phone. I still had my arms around her so she can watch me play it too. I only lasted to 12 which isn't that much but it beat Perrie's high score. I handed it back as she tried a couple more times failing. After that she went to snapchat and did this thing where it puts affects on your face. She looked really cute in the dog affect one. We took a couple pictures and I made sure to kiss her cheek a couple times which did piss Niall off. He walked out of the room well actually stormed out leaving Perrie with confusion.

"Probably his man period."I said and she giggled before taking more pictures on her phone. She made funny, serious, and crazy faces in all of them. God she's so adorable...I love her so much.

Perrie pov

"La la la la la-woooh!"I sang but felt myself being pulled into a room. What the? Where am I?

"Relax love, it's just me."I heard an Irish voice. The lights went on and Niall stood there with a smirk totally freaking me out. Um why'd you bring me here?

"Um okay. That doesn't really explain why you just pulled me in here..."I said and he stared at me for a few seconds not saying a word. He bit his lip as I leaned on the wall. I'm not just going to leave without an explanation. He's been acting weird. Especially around Zayn...

"Do you like my messages?"He asked and I stared at him with confusion. "You know the ones where I say 'you look beautiful today' or things like that."He smirked grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on it. So it's him!

"What the fuck Niall?"I asked taking my hand back. "Why are you texting me those things. I thought it was some creepy stalker!"I whacked his arm making him roll his eyes.

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