Chapter 26

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Perrie pov

I fiddled with my hands as I laid down in the comfortable couch with Zayn sleeping right behind me. He had his arms around my waist since last night and still hasn't let me go which crept a little smile onto my face. I snuggled into Zayn's chest hearing his heartbeat no matter how weird that sounds. I felt like I was at home. Zayn's arms were home to me...

"Morning beautiful."He whispered as I looked up at him with a smile.

"Morning."I replied pecking his lips. Last night lets just say we used more then one condom in Zayn's room. Hey we had to make up for the lost time that we haven't had sex.

"Zayn! We're here!"I heard a yell and mentally groaned. Of course the boys would come here...

"Fuck."Zayn mumbled and I giggled wiggling out of Zayn's grasp then sat up showing my bare chest. I caught Zayn peeking and laughed.

"Stop staring!"I laughed whacking his arm. I got off of the bed revealing my whole body which I didn't really mind showing Zayn any more.

"You look so beautiful."He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Zayn I reckon I look like that this early in the morning."I giggled then walked into the bathroom to shower. I heard a knock on my door soon after and laughed as I heard Zayn's voice.

"Can I join."he asked as I turned the water on making me giggle.

"Go talk to your lads. They're probably wondering where you are."I mentioned and he groaned as I stepped into the shower to clean my body...


"Hey lads."I said finding everyone in the tv room. I took a seat next to Zayn and Niall which wasn't the most comfortable thing. Zayn smiled and rested one of his hands on my thighs.

"Finally you two are back together."Louis raises his voice and claps. "Every time I saw this dude he literally looked sadder and sadder if that's even possible."Louis mentions and I look over at an embarrassed Zayn and giggle a bit.

"Yeah I'm glad."Niall said and I looked over at him to see him with a frown. I gave him a weak smile and turned back to Zayn who was talking to Harry. I think they were talking about spring break...

"Look so this is what I'm planning! Us boys and our girlfriends go out to somewhere nice and where the beach is! We can rent a small house or something and it can be a little of a vacation."Liam said as if he already had anything planned out. Really my spring break just got a whole lot better...


"So are you sure you want to go with the boy and I for spring break?"Zayn asked me with a bit of worry in his voice. I laughed and turn to face him as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Why not?"I asked and he gave me a 'seriously' face making me laugh.

"The boys are cool and all but living with them for a week can get a little crazy."He said and I giggled shaking my head. I can handle a little crazy since I myself am crazy too.

"I think I can handle that. Besides as long as we're together it'll be fine."I reassured him and he smiled then pecked my lips.

"I love you so much baby. You know that right?"He asked me and I giggled staring into his eyes and then at his lips then back to his eyes.

"Yeah and I love you too."I admitted seeing a spark in Zayn's eyes. He pushed my back onto the wall lips on mine then traveled down my neck leaving small bites. I moaned from pleasure as Zayn pulled off my shirt throwing it on the floor and told me to jump. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waste as he lay me gently on his bed and I took off his shirt in the process. He slid my pants down and unbuckled his leaving us both in our undergarments. Next thing I knew we were both under the covers reaching our highs...

-next day-

I walked into school with a smile that day. I genially was happy for once. Now that Zayn and I were together nothing could possibly bring me down.

"Hey Pezz, is that a smile I see?"Ellie giggled as she sat next to me in Spanish class. I nodded and began to tell her the exciting news.

"We're back together."I said playing with my promise ring that was on my finger again. My hand has felt so empty without it.

"Really? That's great I'm happy for you."She said bringing me into a hug. I felt really happy that Ellie was always there and had my back. She treats me like a sister even though we are cousins. Class began and all I could think about was seeing Zayn next class period. Now that we were back together his cheekiness in class will most likely come back. When class ended I hurried to his class being there before anyone else. I quickly locked my lips with his once we were the only ones in the room.

"Well hello to you too."Zayn chuckled pecking my lips once more and held my hand in his. Sure enough when class started his cheekiness did return. So did our stares, lip bites, and teasing throughout the class.

"Why are you so...happy?"Selena asked me with a frown on her face. What? Does it kill her to see me happy for once? I rolled my eyes and turned to her with a smile.

"No reason."I replied giving her a wink. I stared back to Zayn who had his gaze on me biting his lip. I smirked and looked around the room to see if anyone was listening before taking my phone out of my pocket.

To Zayn<3: you really need to stop those stares cos I'm literally going to kiss you any second

From Zayn<3: I'm not even doing anything Pezz ;)

To Zayn<3: hush! We both know you're trying to turn me on in class

From Zayn<3: it working?

To Zayn<3: yes

I heard a small laughing coming from Zayn and I hid a small giggle. Selena looked over at me and looked a bit confused. Ignore her. At the moment I don't even care if she's still suspicious or not. As long as I'm happy then I'm good to be honest.

From Zayn<3: ;) so they boys just texted me...

To Zayn<3: and...

From Zayn<3: they want to go to California for spring break which is in the states

To Zayn<3: I'm not sure I can afford that

The bell rang and I packed all my books putting it all in my bag as everyone else left the room leaving Zayn and I. I can't believe the boys want to go to the states! That's a whole lot of money to travel over there! I thought we were going to go on a road trip or something not to a different continent.

"So about spring break-"

"I'm paying for your ticket."he cut me off and I shook my head. That's a whole bunch of money I'm not letting him spend it on me...

"Um no you're not."I argued. "Do you know how much it costs to go to the states? I'm not letting you waste your money."I continued and he smirked at me. Did he do something...

"You just look really hot when your mad."He said and taped on my nose making me laugh. Only he would say this in a situation like this. "Besides, while you were doing your work I crept onto the air flight website and already bought our tickets."He said leading me to his computer where it read that Zayn purchased 2 tickets to Los Angeles, California on Saturday.

"Zayn!"I whacked his arm as he pretended that it hurt. "How dare you buy me a ticket?"

"Because,"he started bringing me closer to him. "You said as long as we're together that's all that counts and I really want us both to go on this vacation."He pecked my lips making my heart melt. God he always knew how to make me feel better...

Well I guess I'm going to California for Spring Break. With Zayn and his lads. Oh god that means Niall...

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