Yeah Sherlock!

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Ron: What shall we get up to today then chum?

Hermione: Chum? Chum! Since when have I been your chum!

Ron: I'm not sure...So what do you want to do --?

Hermione: Oh look there's Harry!

Harry: Ey gys I hae braes 

Ron: What did he say?

Hermione: I think my hearing aid's going what did you say sonny jim?

Harry: I ust gt braes 

Ron: I still can't understand him

Hermione: You know what this is a job for?

Ron: I don't know what is it a job for?

Hermione: *Grins* 

Snape: Yeah it was really weird at that last death eater meeting

Dumbledore: What happened Sevykins?

Snape: Voldemort had a really weird moment when he was talking! He sort of went "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD! NEH HEH HEH!" And then Bellatrix went "he isn't dead my Lord" and then he went...

*Screams coming from another room*

Dumbledore: What he screamed like a girl? 

Snape: That wasn't me screaming!

Dumbledore: No Sevykins it was Voldiekins

Snape: No it wasn't him either! It sort of sounded like a guy that's super famous and has a scar on his forehead and has a bunch of fan girls that are stolen by sparkly fairy gay unicorn princess...

Dumbledore: Well I don't know any of them!

Snape: Me neither...

*More screaming coming from the other room* 

Snape: I think this calls for an investigation!

*A few minutes later* 

Snape: *Walks out of a changing room dressed as Sherlock Holmes* 

Dumbledore: *Walks out of a changing room dressed as Dr Watson* 

Snape: Right...Now we need to go investigate

Dumbledore: Good thinking Sherlock!

Snape: *Pulls out a magnifying glass* 

Dumbledore: Nice monocle! 

Snape: *Faceplam* 

Dumbledore: So what now Sevy -- I I mean Sherlock?

Snape: We investigate...*Opens door to the room*

Dumbledore: *Follows*

Snape: Miss Granger?

Hermione: *Holding a tazor* Er hi Prof. *Waves nervously* 

Snape: It's Sherlock to you! 

Dumbledore: So why is Hermione holding a tazor, Harry tied up in a chair his hair sticking up at odd angles and Ronald sitting there with a fake knife through his head?

Ron: DAMN! I thought it was convincing! 

Hermione: Harry couldn't speak so I tazored him to get him to speak 

Harry: I ave baces 

Snape: Haha! The kid has braces!

Hermione: Oh that's what he was saying!

Snape: Well done Sherlock! 

*Yeah so Harry has braces and stuff Snape and Dumbledore completly Epic failed at being detectives and Hermione got a new hobby, tazoring people XD*

Hermione: Hey Ronald!

Ron: Hullo Mione!

Hermione: DON'T CALL ME MIONE! *Tazors Ron*



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