His Butler: Inquire

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Sebastian walked outside of the school and smiled. "Who would have thought there would be demons here," he muttered.

Sebastian spotted a Church and sensed a presence that couldn't be human. "An Angel," He murmured, approaching it.

Sebastian opened the door and his eyes widened in shock.
"Angela," he said.

Angela turned and stared at Sebastian. "Its you. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," Sebastian answered, narrowing his eyes.

"Angela, who is that?" A voice asked. A man entered the church and looked at Sebastian skeptically.

"Kevin, this is Sebastian. An...acquaintance of mine," Angela said, walking up to Sebastian and grabbing his arm.

"Let us talk outside," She said, pulling him along.

Sebastian and Kevin locked eyes. Sebastian smirked and walked Out.

Once Sebastian and Angela were outside, Sebastian asked, "Why did you say I was an acquaintance? And what are you doing here?"

"Sebastian, I have decided to put our differences aside. I am here because I can't return to heaven and a boy named Alois Trancy has forced me to accompany him to this school," Angela explained.

"Put our differences aside? Have you forgotten? I am a demon and you an Angel who tried to Kill Master Rin and steal Master Ciel from me not long ago. I hardly doubt we could simply Put our differences aside," Sebastian stated.

Angela sighed. "I know you have no reason to trust me, however I mean your masters no harm. I have information you might like to know,"

Sebastian raised an eye. "You have information I would like to know?"

Angela smiled, "Yes. I do have demon associates. One of which was Baalberith. In exchange for my information, I would like to strike a deal with you,"

Sebastian eyed Angela, "Strike a deal?"
Sebastian pondered for a moment. I don't trust Angela, however, does she truly know something? If so, I could use her. And I could always simply kill her

Sebastian smiled, "Very well, Speak. What type of deal are you talking of?"

Angela sighed in relief. "I want Protection. Baalberith sent Demonica to Kill me and I want to be assured my safety. The information I have will be worth it. Promise me protection and the information is yours."

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