His Butler: Listens in

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Sebastian walked down the halls of the school thinking over what he was to do.

"Michael is here. Such a troublesome problem. He is the archangel in charge of battle, a formidable opponent. Perhaps I should start Master Rin's training sooner than planned." he muttered.

Sebastian spotted Sytry coming down the hall eating cookies. As Sebastian looked closer, he saw a boy who resembled Demonica following behind Sytry.

"Sytry is Baalberith's Candidate, isn't he?" Sebastian questioned. Last I checked, Demonica also worked for Baalberith. This is an opportunity. Sebastian thought.

He smiled and made himself less conspicuous.

"Hello Sytry," Demonica said, casually placing a hand on his shoulder.

Sytry moved Demonica's hand and stared at her with an annoyed look on his face. "What are you doing here?"

Demonica smiled, "Is that any way to treat a comrade? I was just about to tell you some interesting information your uncle has kept from you,"

Sytry suddenly turned and looked at Demonica with interest. "What information?"

Demonica smirked. "First off, do you remember the rumor that was spread fifteen years ago about Lord Satan having Children?"

Sytry nodded, "I remember. All the demons were talking about it."

"Well, that was true. Lord Satan had Children, twins to be exact, and one of them possesses Lord Satan's blue flames."

Sytry's eyes widened in shock.

"The boy is at this school and is Lord Satan's favorite out of all of you candidates, despite the fact that the boy isn't tecnically a candidate, at least, not yet. If that wasn't enough, you won't be able to tell who he is, not easily anyway. He is Camio's brother and like Camio, he has a very human like appearance. Remember, he's Lord Satan's favorite, So he's on a higher pedigree than all of you. Lets just hope the Elector doesn't choose him."

"But surely you know who he is?! You could tell me!"

Demonica shook her head. "Nope. I have no idea! Have fun!" Demonica turned on her heels and walked away, smirking.

Sytry clutched his fists and turned around and glared as he muttered, "I'll have to get William to elect me fast," Under his breath.

Sebastian listened intensely. Why didn't Demonica give Rin's identity away? She must be still working with Angela. But why? I hardly doubt this is all for entertainment alone. Sebastian pondered.

He sighed, "I must work quickly," he murmured, Walking away.

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