Chapter 4

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*Lauren's P.O.V *

I wake up to someone breathing lighly into my ear. I turn to see Daryl sleeping. My eyes widden in shock. I look to see how we are laying. My head was laying on his arm. Daryl's arm was wrapped around my waist and his hand resting on my stomach. Our legs were the tangled between us. I couldn't help but blush and smile.

I felt him stir so I pretended to be asleep. I could feel him flinch in shock. But he soon relaxed. He leaned foward and hesitatly kissed me on my cheek. I stayed still in shock. Daryl then got up and walkdd out the room. As soon as the door closed, my hand went straight for my cheek. I blushed. What is that man doing to me.

*Jodie's P.O.V *

I sat down next to Carl and ate my eggs quitely. Carl talked to his mother. Sophia sat with her mother while glaring at me. Glenn was hungover and sitting next to Dale. Rick then walked in. "Morning" he mumbled. "Are you hungover? Mum said you'd be" Carl asks. "Mums right" Rick mumbles while sitting down. "Mum has that anoying habit." Lori teases. Csrtl and I both laugh.

Shane them walks in. "Hey" he says to is all. The all greet him back. Shane gets his breakfast then goes by T Dog. "What the hell happen to you? Your neck?" T Dog asks. "Must have done it in my sleep" he muttered in reply. "Never seen you do that before" Rick added. "Yeah it's not like me at all." Shane says while looking at Lori.

Daryl then walks in wearing a new vest. "Where did you get that Mr Dixon?" I ask as I go past him to table to out my plate away. Daryl kneels down. "Lauren made it for me. Call me Daryl, Mr Dixon makes me feel old." he told me smiling then went to get his food.

Lauren then walked in and just sat down. She looked in a world of her own. Daryl sat by her. Jenner came in a few minutes later. We all greet him. "Doc, I don't mean to slam you with questions." Dale starts. "But you will anyway" Jenner finishes. "We didn't come here for the eggs." Andrea states.

Jenner leads us back to the main room. He shows us a a video of a person who turns. I don't understand anything he is saying. I go to the back and notice a clock countdown. I tap Dale who is the closest to me before pointing at the countdown. He nods at me. "Dr Jenner, I know this has been taxing and I hate to ask one more question, but that clock. It's counting down. What happens when it gets to zero." Dales asks, causing the rest of the group to look at the countdown. Which has one more hour left. "The basement generators, they run out of fuel." Jenner answers hesitantly. "And then?" Rick asks worried. Jenner just walks away.

"Vi, what happens when the power runs out?" We listen for the answer. "Whem the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur." A computer voive said. "Im gonna go check out the basement " Lauren says before walking away. Rick, Shane and T Dog follow her. I sit down and play with my hair.

Before long they return. A loud siren goes off. I cover my ears. "Everybody get your stuff and lets go." Shane tells us. We all start to head for the door. But Jenner closes the door. "Open the door." They all start arguing. I see Lauren grab a drink from the table nesr her and take a big swig. "In the event of a catastrophic power and a terrorist attack, for example, HITs are deployed to prevent organisms getting out." Lauren drops her bottle of alcohol and it smashes on the floor. The look of fear spreads across her face.

"Lauren what are HITs?" Rick asks. "Fuel air explosives. It sets the air on fire" Lauren says. "No pain. An end to sorrow. Grief. Regret. Everything." Jenner tells us all. Daryl tried to open the door. Carl comes to sit by me. He hold my hand and smiles at me for reassurance.

We just sit here in silence. Ignoring everything around us. I feel someone pick me up and I see us running towards the main entrance. Once we do Shane and T Dog try to break the glass. "Rick on your first day at camp, i found this in your pocket. " carol says before pulling out a grenade. Rick takes it then places it in front of the window. I duck for cover. We them head for our vehicles. We duck down again as the CDC explodes.

We leave and drive away from what we thought wad our safe heaven.

4th chapter!! Ouat0143
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