Chapter 9

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*Daryl's P.O.V*

I walk over to Rick who has a map on a hood of a car. "Alright everybody is getting new search grids. If she made it as far as the farm house Daryl found, she might have further east then we've been so far." Rick tells us. "I'd like to help, i onow the area well." The boy Jimmy said. "Hershel's okay with this?" Rick questions. "Yeah, yeah. He said I should ask you." He stutters.

Lauren walks over to us. She smiles at me and I nod back. "Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me" I see Lauren roll her eyes at her brother. "Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay high." I say. "Maybe we'll pick up her trail again" Rick says. "No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here take a birds eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there I'll spot her" I finish Lauren smiles at me again. "Good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there too." T Dog teases. Lauren raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Cupacabra?" Lauren questions. "First night in camp Daryl tells us that whole thing reminds him of a time when he went Squirrel hunting and he saw chupacabra." Dale tells them. Jimmy scoffs. "What are you braying at jackass" I ask. "So you believe in a blood sucking dog" Jimmy taunts. "Do you believe dead people walking around?" I question.

Jimmy reached out for a gun. "Hey hey, you know how to use one boy" Lauren asks after placing the gun back on the car. "Well if I'm going out their, I want one" he states. "Yea, and people in hell want slurpees." Lauren giggles. She signals me to come over. I walk over to her. "You best be safe and come back in one piece." She says to me. "Always am" I kiss her forehead. "Tell squirt I said bye" I say before walking to the stable getting on the horse and riding into the trees.

I aim at the squirrel and pull the trigger on my crossbow. I watch as it hit the animal and pins it to the tree. I walk over and grab my arrow and tie the squirrel to the rope and climbed back on the horse. I tell the horse to go and guid him to where I want to go. I notice a creek. I look down there for Sophia. I notice something but the drift wood they have there. "Woah" I wait for the horse to stop. I get down from the horse and slowly climbed down the hill I'm on. I reach the bottom and I walk over to the drift wood. Sophia's doll.

I pick up the doll and let the water drip off. "Sophia!" I yell seeing if she was near by. I don't hear a reply so I climb back up to the horse and get on. I lead the horse away. The horse gets spooked when crows fly out from a near by tree. "Woah boy" I try to calm him. He soon calms and carries on trotting. I look around and I didn't notice the snake before it was too late. He snake hisses and spooks the horse. The horse goes up on its hind legs, sending me flying down a rocky waterfall. I reach the water.

I groan in pain. "Son of a bitch" I curse. I see the water is a deep red colour. Blood. I look down to see I have somehow shot myself with an arrow. Through my side. I crawl out of the water. I reach the bank and I pull my hunters knife out and cut the sleeves of my top off and tie them together. I then wrap that around my waist. And tie it round the arrow. I grunt in pain. Lauren's gonna kill me. I look up at the hill. I grab a long stick and use to to help me find my crossbow. I finally find my crossbow.

I walk over to the hill and muse my stick(😉) to climb. I climb a fairways up, I climb a bit more but I grunt in pain. "Oh come on. You've done half. Stop being such a pussy." I tell myself. I grab on to a tree to help me up but I don't have a strong enough grip. I end up falling back down the bank. I grunt in pain before black dots crowd my vision.

My eyes slowly open and I see a a man standing above me. "Why don't you pull the arrow out dummy. Bind your wound better" he tells me. "Merle." I question. He chuckles slightly. "What's going on here then. You taking a siesta or something." Merle asks. "Shitty day bro" I mumble. "Want me to get you a pillow? Rub your feet?" He teases. "Merle leave your brother alone." A voice says. "Sorry darling, its just easy to annoy him." He says turning to the figure who is now walking to me. "Hey Daryl." The figure greets.

It's Lauren. But she's waring a light blue dress and goes down to her knees. She looked gorgeous. She always does. She had her hair curled. She had winged eyeliner on. She can closer as Merle walked away. She came and sat by me. She smiled at me. Her lips look so kissable. She leans down to me. I go to kiss her but she sits back up. She smirked and laid down next to me. I'm on my side so I can see her. She turns to face me. I lean in but she sits up. She's like a drug and I'm already addicted.

"You have to get up Daryl! Get up! Quickly!" I hear her voice in the distance shout. I close my eyes them open them again to see a walker bit I g at my shoe. I jump in to action and try to kick him off. I reach for my knife but it's too far away. I push the walker away. I grab a long piece of wood and make the walker fall to the ground and smash it's head in with the wood. I lean back. I see another walker heading over to me. I groan in pain and frustration. I pull the arrow that is in my side out. It gets closer before I can get it out. I pull the string back on my crossbow as fast as I can and place the arrow in and shoot it at the walker. It falls to the ground pushing the arrow into head more and out the other side. I try to control my breathing.

I take the rest of my flannel top off and tie it round my waist. "Son of a bitch was right" I mutter. I wash my hunters knife of before cutting the squirrels stomach open. I stab my knife into the tree and grab something out of the squirrel and eating it. Not caring what it was. I take a lace of one of the walkers shoes. I cut off the walkers ears and place them on a shoelace and tie it around my neck.

I start to climb the bank. "Come on baby. You can do this. Come back to me and Tia" Lauren encourages. That made me climb faster. As I bear the top. "Come on bro. Grab your friend Rick's hand. I reach the top and climb up. "Yeah you better run" I yell. I them start walking back to camp.
I reach the tree line and stumble over. I see Rick, Shane, T Dog, Glenn and Lauren run over. They slow down as they reach me. Rick points a gun to my face. Lauren gasps. "Is that Daryl" Glenn asks. "It's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head you gonna pull the trigger or what" I say. "Thank fuck" Lauren sighs. I then look at Lauren. The look of worry is all over her face. I hear a gunshot and I am on the floor again. I hear a high pitched scream. I feel my head and it starts to sting. Laur me rushed over tears down her face. Why is she crying? "I was kidding man" I grunted. I see Andrea and Dale sprint over. "Oh my god is he okay." Andrea asks. Lauren storms over and punches her hard and with that one punch Andrea falls to the floor unconscious. "Stupid bitch" she snaps. I am pulled into the house and laid on the bed while Hershel stitches me up.

*Lauren's P.O.V*
I sit in the chair next to Daryl's bed. "I found it washed up on the creek bed right there. She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere" Daryl says to Rick pointing. "Cuts the grid almost in half. How's he looking" Rick asks. "I had no idea we'd be going through antibiotics so quickly. Any idea what happen to my horse." He asks Daryl. Daryl scoff. "If it's smart it left the country." I zone out for the rest of the conversation.

I feel someone ta my shoulder I turn to see Daryl. "What's up" he asks. "I thought I lost you" I am age to mumble. "Come ere" he says and pats the bed. I climb on and cuddle him slightly careful not to hurt him. "I saw my brother. And you. But it was a hallucination. Seeing you there made me realise something" he tells me. I look at him. He leans down and places his lips to mine. It was a short sweet kiss. We then pull away. "I love you" he whispers.
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