Chapter 24

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

I stand next to Tyresse and Daryl, passing the pipes into Daryl's arms helping Tyreese. "It's good you weren't there for it" Tyreese says to Daryl. Daryl looks at me then back to ty before nodding slightly. "She hanging in there" Daryl asks glancing at Sasha who is currently using an axe to break the church pews. Tyreese sighs a no. Daryl walks off to take the pipes outside. I walk over to Tia. "How you holding up?" I ask he softly. "I'm okay I guess just want all of us together again." I sigh and kiss her head. "I'm gonna stay here with you. Carl's also staying so is Michonne Merle and the weird Priest." I say. "Mum don't be mean" Tia laughs. I raise my hands jokingly. "How about once they head off I can show you how to skin a kill, how about that darling" Merle says walking up to us. Tia's eyes light up. "Can I mum? Pretty please" I laugh. "Hey I would be a hypocrite if I were to say know. I learnt from ya Uncle Merle. But now the student  has become the Master" I tease Merle. We all laugh.

I hug Daryl tightly, and he holds my close. He places his chin on top of my head. "Bring them back." I say, he pulls away smiles at me then grabs my chin and lifts it up and places his lips on mine. It was a short soft kiss but with so much love. I wave him off and then go to Tia. Michonne holds Judith in her arms and tries to get her to sleep, she places her in the little Moses basket that we found and closes the doors. Carl places a piece of wood over the doors and uses a table leg and nail to keep it there. I bring a blanket by a wall and grab Judy's Moses basket, sit down by the wall and put Judith next to me. Father Gabriel, looks destroyed about what happened with his beloved church. Merle and Tia are in the rooms at the back skinning a Squirrel. I lean back and think about all the people we had lost. Was I upset that my brothers gone? No. Will I ever tell Tia of her real Dad? Eventually. I feel my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

I wake up to Judith crying. I pick her up and sway her in my arms. I look to see Carl talking to Tia and Merle on the other side of the room. Michonne is by the back doors talking to Gabriel who looks a mess, he slowly closes the door and Michonne walks over to Carl and the others. Judith starts to cry again. I grab her bottle and feed her. I start to sing to the little baby in my arms.

"Maybe I came on too strong. Maybe I waited too long. Maybe I played my cards wrong. Oh, just a little bit wrong. Baby I apologize for it. I could fall, or I could fly. Here in your aeroplane. And I could live, I could die. Hanging on the words you say. And I've been known to give my all. And jumping in harder than. Ten thousand rocks on the lake"

I stop when I notice Judith is asleep. I place her in the basket and bring her over to Carl, He smiles as I sit. "Open up! Please! Don't leave me out here! Lauren! Michonne! I had to see it! I know now!" I hear from outside, I rush up to the door. I hear more screams. Gabriel. How the hell did he get out there! Carl pulls at the piece of wood on the door but it doesn't budge. I try and help him pull it off but its no use. "Step back" Michonne shouts. She has the axe in her hand and bangs it on the wood. "Carl go get your sister and go to Tia and Merle in the back room. Now! Quick! Go!" I shout at him as we pull the wood off. Michone pulls Gabriel in, I aim my gun and shoot walkers that get to close. I run a bit back and stand next to Michonne. I fire my gun and Michone uses her katana and kills some walkers. "There's too many" She shouts. "Run to the back, I'll cover you" I shout. She rushes off. "Lauren! Come on!" I run up to the back and see Carl and Merle shooting walkers. I run into the room with Merle and Carl following. I push the desk up against the door. It's a small desk, it's not going to hold for long.

Gabriel pushes the door and points to a hole in the floor where the floorboards have been removed. "That's how I got out.  Crawl all the way to the back. Take the little one and go. I push Carl down first and pass him Judith. Tia goes down next Then Michonne. "Gabriel come on" I yell. "No you two first, this is my fault. When the last person lets go of this door they might not make it. So go!" he yells. I go down and crawl to the back. Tia runs to me once I climb out. Gabriel is the next to come out. "Where's Merle!?" I shouted. "He said he has to prove to the group that he can be trusted and he held the door. I had no choice he moved me off the door." he said. Tears spring in my eyes when he still doesn't come out. "Merle!!!" I scream. "Dang it women! I'm fine" I turn to see Merle. Me and Tia run to him. "went out the wrong side" He mumbled. We all rush round the front and close the door and nail it shut.

Michonne looks at me the looks at Gabriel. I nod. We both walk over. "Where did you go?" I question. "The school. I had to see. I had to know." We got cut off by the doors of the church starting to break. I pull out my throwing knifes, just in case. "Where do we go" Carl asks. I look around to see the piece of wood fall off the door. I hear an engine, I turn to see a massive Fire Truck heading our way. Abraham does a salute as he drives by and straight onto the church steps stopping the walkers from leaving. I smile at the sight of Maggie. I run to her and I hug her tightly we both fall to the floor laughing. We pull away and she gets up to hug Michonne. I walk to Glenn and hug him. "Your back" I say happy yet confused. "Eugene lied. He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end" Glenn sighs. I frown. "Where is everybody" Glenn asks as Maggie reaches us. I smile wide at Maggie. "Beths alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, but the others went to get her back." I say. Maggie looks like she is about to cry tears of joy. "Do we know which one?" She quizzes. I nod. "Grady Memorial" I answer. She laughs and starts to cry as she hugs Glenn. "Let's blow this joint, go save your sister." Tara says. Abraham and Merle joins us. "Walkers are all taken care of." Abraham says. We all climb into the truck and drive to the hospital.

We pull up in the truck. I Climb out and walk over by Maggie. I smile at her. We all walk towards the hospital. Abraham and Glenn at the front. I have my gun up just in case. A lone walker comes out from the side, Glenn goes up and stabs it I the head with his knife. Walker walks out but Michonne slices its head off. I aim my gun at the roofs to see if there are any snipers. I look down when I notice the door open. Maggie rushes forward a tad. I see Rick shake his head. My heart begins to drop. He walks to the side. Sasha and Tyreese following while helping Carol. I smile when I see her but that soon fades away. Maggie is ahead of all of us when she stops. Her gun falls to the floor. Maggie takes a step but falls to the floor crying. I look ahead to see My Dixon crying while carrying a figure is his arms. Tears well up in my eyes. There is Daryl's arms is Beth's lifeless body. Maggie screams in pain. She screams her sisters name and Glenn holds her close, I walk forward to Daryl. Everybody stops walking but the redneck walks towards Maggie with the youngest Greene' body and places her down by Maggie. I walk up to him and hug tightly. He cries into my shoulder and hugs me back. I see Cieran in the back, tears flowing down his face. Next to him his younger sister Jodie carrying a bundle of blankets. My heart drops even more when we hear a baby cry. But not from Judith.


I'm soooo so so sorry for the late update!!

There will be another update in the morning!!

love you all

Bye Fellow Archers


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