VOTE THIS | 33 Oh's Are the Worst

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Song: Sunny Day - Jay Chou

I watched the time on my phone jump to 8:00 p.m. and froze as if Cinderella had just lost her magic.

That would be 12:00 a.m., stupid.

I opened my mouth to suck in a breath through it forcefully to revive myself. My heart was mimicking a bloody heart attack.

Calm down, Choi Inhye.

I stared uncertainly at the buzzer next to my door. Would he ring it? Or ring me? I squeezed my phone in my hand as heat consumed me. The thought of Oh Sehun calling me sent me stumbling into a swoon.

But he did not ring either.

Eight o'clock passed like it had never been there.




I watched the minute changed like a madwoman. Time ticked on so slowly I was doubting my sanity.

Is he . . . late?

I stared at my phone for the two-hundredth time.

It was eight-oh-five.

That's . . . practically eight, right?

I couldn't believe I was sitting like a stone on the couch, talking to myself in my head because of a certain someone's lateness.



Practically eight o'clock still, Choi Inhye, calm yourself. Eight o'clock means eight to eight-ten for most people. Stop tripping.



Is he late? Is eight-oh-nine considered . . . late?


I watched the time like my life depended on it. I didn't care if I looked possessed. The boys I'd dated had never been late past ten minutes unless they'd let me know they were going to be later than that, and Oh Sehun had better not be an exception.


I threw my phone down and walked to the kitchen. That was ten minutes. The eight-oh's were finally over. Stupid Oh's. Oh's were the worst. I hated Oh's. Just like I hated Oh . . . Sehun.

The kitchen was already clean when I found my very annoyed self gliding in it. I stared at the pot of Chicken Noodle Soup I made for dinner. I guess I had been pacing around in my tiny kitchen mindlessly just so I could stay away from the equally tiny living room, where my phone was.

He's late.

I can't believe he's late.

I stormed back into the living room, and then stormed right back into the kitchen before I could get close enough to my phone.

What am I supposed to do?

I felt a bit weak.

I had spent this afternoon being super productive. It was not because I was going to meet Oh Sehun tonight, of course. That'd literally be two seconds – Here's your keys, bye! So no, wasn't because of Oh Sehun. I just wanted to make sure I didn't fall behind on my classes now that I was starting my internship. I kicked the chair lightly, justifying my own productiveness with a bit of guilt. I wished I hadn't finished all my readings and homework this afternoon. I didn't have anything to do now.

I finally wandered back into the living room like a moth to a flame when I couldn't contain my shambolic thoughts any longer. Maybe he had since texted something about running late?

I picked up my phone.

It was eight-thirty.

I couldn't believe it.

Time had apparently gone on a run as soon as I left it alone on my couch. It was now flying on a goddamn rocket. I couldn't believe it was already eight-thirty. That stupid Oh Sehun was definitely late.

I unlocked my phone and went to my text messages furiously.

2:12 p.m. Hun | how was lunch?

5:41 p.m. Hun | i miss you

6:11 p.m. Hun | lol waiting for me yet innie? :)

6:55 p.m. Hun | see you in a bit

I stared at my screen. Perhaps I should, text him. But he had said "see you in a bit." That meant he was coming, right? Should I text him? He said this morning that he'd be here at eight, I thought irately. How can he be late?! Without a word too?!

6:55 p.m. Hun | see you in a bit

8:31 p.m. Me | It's 8

Perhaps I shouldn't have texted him. Now all I was thinking about was when or whether he would reply.

He did not reply.

I sat on the couch holding my phone like an idiot for another long while before I decided that looked way too pathetic even if no one was there to see it.

The night was starting to turn cold. I went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of water. The cool liquid traveled down my throat slickly, putting some clarity in me in midst of a lurid brain. But that didn't seem to help the situation. I was now pretty sure I had already cleaned my kitchen before I cleaned it again during my soulless moonwalk here just now. I always cleaned it right after I ate dinner, and that was at six-thirty. Today I had made sure it was extra clean too and spent a long time wiping everything. I wanted to yell at myself for cleaning the stupid kitchen unnecessarily three thousand times more just because Oh Sehun did not show up at eight.

And then my phone buzzed.



I feel sooo bad for Innie omg. How could Sehun. :( That text from me would've been like MOFO IT'S 8 FUCKING 30 WHERE TF IS YO ASS. Jk of course not I'm a sweetheart. But get it together Sehunnie. ;)


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