Batman- Are you cheating?

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"I'm so done with you." I yelled as I walked to our shared room and pulled a duffle bag out.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He asked as he saw me throw clothes left and right into the small workout bag.

"I'm leaving." I said as I walked to the bathroom and grabbed all my stuff.

"Why?" He asked as he started tossing things out of my bag.

"Because, I obviously can't trust you. You are out late at night, you are always at work. I know signs of cheating when I see them, Bruce." I said throwing everything he threw out back in. I quickly zipped up my bag, and put on my black uggs.

"Wait, you think I'm cheating?" He asked

"Are you cheating?" I asked looking into his brown eyes.

"No." He said as he sat down and ran a hand through his hair, making his neat combed hair messy.

"How am I supposed to raise our little boy. If his father is working late?" I asked

"I will work less, but I'm not cheating on you. I should be asking you that." He said standing up his was anger. I could tell his eyes were a darker shade and he was frowning, his hands were in fists, his knuckles turing white.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I yelled at him

"You broke up with your broke ass boyfriend, and then came to me your much older, wealthier, friend. Who is madly in love with you. How do I know it's not his, and you are just fucking using me? How do I know that when I'm working late your not calling Jackson, so you could laugh at me for being stupid, and taking you in? How do I know you aren't fucking make love to him in our bed?" He asked his jaw clenched and his face red with anger

"Bruce." I said dropping my bag, my eyes filled with tears ready to fall and run down my cheek. I reached out to him and he pulled back.

"So the real question is, Are you cheating on me?" He asked

"No, I'm not, this child is yours and if you feel like you need scientifically proof, then we go get a test done." I said

"You will most likely fuck your doctor, just go you can get the test rigged. I know girls like you, you just want to be with me, so you can be next to Bruce Wayne, millionaire. You don't even want to know the real me. The one that needs to be loved, to show his soft side. I may have showed it to you, but now I regret it. You just want to have some of the Wayne fortune." He said slightly chuckling as tears ran down his cheeks."I thought you,my best friend, I thought you were different. So if you want to leave like the rest of my girlfriends then go." He said standing up and handing me my bag

"Bruce." I said

"That's all that you seem to know right now. Look go, go back to the love you your life Jackson.Don't name your baby boy Bruce Wayne Jr. Name him after Jackson his real dad." Bruce said with sad eyes

I knew he has always wanted a family of his own. It was hard growing up with out parents, all he had was Alfred. I looked at Bruce and he slipped my bag on my shoulder.

"Maybe this is the best for us, Bruce. We seem to have trust problems. I hope you and I both figure it out. An maybe in the future,you can see your son. But now, is a good time to maybe be on our own, learn how to trust. Maybe, just maybe, we will see each other in the future." I said as I slowly made my way to the door.

"Bye Bruce." I mumbled


I know it's short, but I cried a bit. I can make a part 2 of you would like. Just comment

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