My Story

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Sarah POV

April 25, 2011

Dear Journal,

I decided to start off this new spring as a way to get my feelings out and also relive some old memories. Considering I haven't said anything to any of my friends. Not even my best friends who I haven't talked to in forever but I will introduce them in a minute. First let me introduce myself a little bit.

My name is Sarah. I am 33 years old. I am short, I have long brown, curly hair, and I have brown eyes. I grew up in beautiful Buies Creek, North Carolina. It was a small town a little bit east of Lillington. It was a nice little town. Everybody knew each other so if you got into some trouble, your mom knew by the time you got home. That was the only bad thing about living in a small town. In first grade I met two boys who were trouble makers. They did some of the stupidest things. Their names? Rhett James McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Neal III. Everyone called him Link though. It was short for Lincoln since that was so hard to say when we were kids. I guess it stuck.

I wanted to be their friend so badly so I did whatever they did. I shouldn't have had that mentality because I had to stay in for recess and color a unicorn while they colored Paul Bunyan and Babe his blue ox. Thanks a lot guys. I did make friends with them though. They were my best friends in fact. And for the longest time too. I liked them. They were fun to hang around. They were the funniest boys I ever knew. Up until I was 15 years old we were stuck like glue. We called ourselves the three mythical beasts. I thought it was a fun group name considering how we met. We did absolutely everything together. Whether it was going into the woods, or going to abandoned houses we did it. And somehow we always managed to stay out of trouble. It was great.

I said that I liked these boys. Now that I think about it, I didn't just like these boys.... If ya know what I mean. As we got older and got more mature I developed feelings for both of them. I never dated any of them though. I didn't want to ever risk our friendship so I never took the chance. I also didn't want them to fight over me and risk their friendship so that was another reason.

When I turned fifteen, I got an unexpected birthday present. My dad told me we were moving in a week and honestly that sucked. I didn't want to move. And to make it even worse we were moving across the country. I loved it in Buies Creek. All my friends were there. I had no desire to leave them. I didn't have much of a choice though. A week later I was headed to the airport. I hate goodbyes. They're so final. The last thing I remember before boarding the plane is seeing Rhett and Link. I hugged both of them and when I did, I gave both boys one kiss on the cheek. That way they knew I always loved them. I then took my things and looked back at them one last time. They had one tear coming from each of their beautiful blue eyes.

I will never forget those eyes. They were like the sea after a storm. They have stayed with me since I boarded that plane so long ago. I can still see their eyes whenever I dream. I know that may seem creepy or weird but it's not. Trust me. Those eyes are all I remember about the way those boys looked. I haven't really kept in touch with them since I moved. That's only because I have no family in North Carolina anymore. I wish I did keep in touch though.

I miss those boys. I wonder what they're up to these days....

Oh well. I guess I'll never know for sure.


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