The Punishment

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Link POV

Today on Good Mythical Morning I have to get my chest waxed. I lost the challenge that Rhett and I competed in. So now I have to be punished by getting my chest waxed before we go on vacation. He's going back to North Carolina to visit his family, and I am going to go visit mine. I just can't believe I lost the challenge. I think it's rigged. I mean, all he had to do was fix his hair while I did all of the challenging.... challenges. It was definitely rigged.

I tell him that I believe the challenge was rigged so he makes a deal with me. He will get his chest waxed too. We meet the woman who will wax our chests. She seems nice. Rhett volunteers to go and get his chest waxed first. He lies down on the table and I am standing right next to him watching her wax him. I even volunteer to pull some wax off myself. She welcomes me to do it. I pull hard and fast and he screams. He keeps screaming until she is finished, and I'm laughing at him the entire time. By the time he's all waxed and his chest is mostly bare, his skin looks red and irritated.

It is now my turn. Great. I'm just glad that we're doing this in the afternoon so I can go home after this.

Rhett POV

This is going to be fun to watch. He watched me suffer through the waxing process and now it's his turn. He lies down on the table and he knows what's about to happen. He screams anyway. It sounds like he's in pain but it is too funny to not laugh at. I then volunteer to take a turn at waxing him. It's payback time. When I get ready to pull the strip, the woman tells me to pull out and not up, that way it's less painful for Link. It makes sense. I then do as she said and pulled. Link screams like a little girl and I laugh my head off. It may not be funny to him but it's funny to me. She then finishes his chest and moves down to his stomach. He says it doesn't hurt him as much as his chest did. My stomach hurt more than my chest did. I guess I'm just sensitive there. Once she finishes, she leaves and we sit on the bed.

"I had a flashback uh-"

"Sit up here and take your shirt off." I do as Link says.

"This is kind of like uhh... 1989 soccer practice."

"My nip-" he laughs because he knows I'm right.

"You know this- this is what we would've looked like in 1989."


"We just got- we're doing- we're on the soccer team." Link reaches his hand out for me to shake it and I do. "It's like 'hey man you did great out there. Wait- oh you got some chest hair coming in? Nope. Not yet.'" Link laughs. "'Maybe next year.'"

We then go back to our desk and put our shirts back on.

Link POV

I am glad to be going home after this. And we don't have to film a good mythical more because this is the last episode of the season. Season four is over. It's amazing. We'll be back in a month though so we won't be gone for long. Once I thank the crew and the mythical beasts, we turn the camera off and I get my stuff to go home. I wonder what Sarah would think when she sees me later.

I get in my car and head home. Rhett is staying at the studio a little longer to make sure everything is edited correctly and to make sure nothing goes wrong. Once I get out of my car, I walk in the house and am greeted by Sarah who kisses me and gives me a hug. I still am a little sore from today, but I try to mask my pain and discomfort.

Sarah POV

Hmmmm..... something's up with Link. Whatever happened to him today must not have been a good thing. We eat dinner and he looks uncomfortable in that chair.

"Hey Link? You okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm alright."

"What happened." I know something did. I just have to get it out of him.

"I was punished for losing the challenge that Rhett and I did."

"What did you have to do as punishment?"

"I had to get....." he swallows and takes a breath. "My chest waxed" he says with a heavy sigh.


"Yes and it hurt so much!"

"Was it worse than the peppers?"

"It was about the same at first. The pain didn't last as long as it did with the peppers but I'm still uncomfortable."

"I guess that's what you get when you lose a challenge to Rhett."

"Yeah." He laughs which makes me laugh. I swear it's contagious. "You do NOT want to lose a challenge to Rhett. If you do, things like this will happen." He then unbuttons his shirt and I see that his chest is all red and raw.



"Did you scream like a girl?"

"It wasn't that bad."

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Are you sure?"

"Mmmhmmm" he says while not looking at me.

"If I ask Rhett the same question, am I going to get a different answer?"

"Nope." Hmmmmm.... he answered that too quickly for me.

"Maybe I should give him a call."

"Go for it." He laughs. I roll my eyes and laugh again but I don't call Rhett. We just go onto the couch and watch some TV. I end up reading a magazine and he's still watching. A little while later, we go to bed. This time I grab the book on my nightstand and he is playing a game on his phone. We then go to sleep with no weird dreams to report or really any trouble at all.

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