The Spiciest I Get Is This Red Shirt

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Stevie POV

Today Rhett and Link are eating spicy peppers. They are doing what is called the "spicy pepper challenge." They take a bite of a pepper and see how bad it feels. They then go up the Scoville scale that illustrates the amount of heat associated with each pepper. They're going to go up as high as they possibly can without trying to kill themselves. FYI Link might vomit. Jason starts the camera and then they start the teaser. 

"We're gonna see just how hot of a pepper we can eat."

Link shakes his head like he doesn't want to but says "let's do it" anyway.

They then finish the teaser and Link does not look happy. All he can do is worry and be anxious about this challenge. He doesn't look ready for it.

"Good mythical morning" Rhett says to the mythical beasts.

Link lets out a heavy sigh and says "now I'm going to go ahead and say right off the bat that I have never been so anxious about an episode of Good Mythical Morning. What we are about to attempt is making me feel sick to my stomach just out of anxiety. I-"

"I'm nervous."

"-don't like to eat... I don't like to eat spicy foods. At least you like to eat some spicy foods. You enjoy it" Link says while gesturing towards Rhett.

"Not like this" Rhett responded.

"I-I-I hate spicy foods. I've never volunteered to 'Oh, yeah, would you like it spicy?'" Link says in a funny voice. "'Yes I would like it spicier'" he says in another goofy voice. This man is full of weird and wacky voices.

"Now that- I just- I- That's not in me."


"The spiciest I get is this red shirt."

"It is pretty spicy" Rhett says before he furrows his brow.

"But uh- ya know. So I'm nervous. Uh as we get into this, ummm disclaimer: I might vomit just out of anxiety... OR out of eating the hottest peppers that we could find!"

"Please don't vomit." I'm with Rhett on this one. I don't want Link to vomit either.

"Uhh just a quick note before we get into it though. You may have noticed these episodes of Good Mythical Morning are shorter than what you're used to. We've done that to make them more shareable. Thank you for sharing them. If you want more, click through at the end of this video to the show after the show. That's right. An entirely other show called Good Mythical More. Three to five minutes- maybe even more of unadulterated us-"


"Today trying to recover from ummm this experiment."

"Alright. Just a little science here because I like to be scientific. A 2013- a 2013 institute of food technologist annual meeting- which sounds like a really fun meeting..." Uhhhh no, Rhett you just love food.

"Yeah..... Food technologist."

"-to be at- suggest that there is a correlation between preferences for spicy food and risk taking personalities."


"So. Here's what we're about to test. We're about to find out who's more of a risk taker. The person who can go further on the Scoville scale is more of a risk taker and probably should get some sort of award. You may have heard (that the leading cause of death in Maine is moose on the highway... Sorry had to) of the Scoville scale. This is a measurement of the intensity of the spiciness and we're gonna start with bell peppers and we're gonna go all the way up to habanero. Yes we realize there are peppers that are hotter than habanero but we could not find them. The guy at the grocery store was like 'you're not gonna find those and by the way why would you want to find them?'"

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