The Past

83 13 4

Link POV


Rhett went on vacation with his parents so Sarah and I were trying to think of something to do. There wasn't much to do because we live in such a small town. After hours of thinking, we decided on a race along the creek.

"Hey! Sarah! Wait up!"

Why did she have to be so much faster than me?

"Why? Slow poke!"

"Come on! You know you're faster than me! You don't have to show off!"

"Me? Show off? Never!"


I sprint after her. She slows down. I run her over and we both roll down a hill. She ends up on her back and I am right on top of her.

"GET OFF ME!!!!"

"I'm dead."

"Get off!!!"

"I'm dead."

"Come on Link! You're not Rhett! Get off!"

"Oh fine!" I say with a loud exaggerated sigh.

I roll off of her and we laugh for a bit.

Still laughing I ask "Why did you slow down?"

"You told me too. I was trying to be NICE!"

"Yeah, well you're 'being nice' got yourself run over by me!"

"Well that's what you get for being slow!"

I get up off of the ground and then take her hand to help her up. Instead of getting up she pulls me down to the ground and then gets up and runs off. I chase after her until we come to a tree. She stops to catch her breath while leaning on the tree.

Sarah POV

I close my eyes and slow my breathing. Then as soon as my eyes are open, Link is leaning on the tree with one arm. He looks at me with his big blue eyes and smiles a lopsided toothy grin.

"Hey Sarah! Would my  princess like a dance with a REAL prince?"

"And who are you Prince Charles?"

"Why, yes. Exactly." His crooked grin returns to his face.

He takes my hand and pulls me off of the tree. He then bows and offers his hand for me to take. I take it and he looks up at me while still bent over- a wicked smile upon his face. He's up to something. I know it.

He takes my right hand in his left and wraps his right arm around my waist. He then twirls me and dips me and I come up laughing my head off. We then continue to circle until he stops for some reason. He looks me right in the eyes and then slowly leans in. He stops however, because he told me he heard footsteps. I didn't hear anything.

"Race ya home!" he says to me.

"Oh, you're on!"

We race back to his house and I win, as expected. We go up to his room and collapse on his bed. We laugh about the whole thing for about five minutes. He hugs me and then I rest my head on his shoulder. A few minutes later, I hear quiet little snores from above my head. These little snores relax me and I fall asleep shortly after.

Mama Sue POV

I heard the two of them race up the stairs to Link's room. I was downstairs doing laundry. Once I finished I went upstairs to see if they wanted something to snack on. I opened his door and saw Link's arm around Sarah and the two of them sound asleep. I went in, covered them with a blanket, kissed both of their foreheads and then shut the light. I closed the door on my way out and left them alone to sleep. They must have had a long day.

Link POV

Woah. That was a weird dream. Did that really happen? It couldn't have happened. I don't remember doing any of that.

Sarah POV

What a wonderful dream. Just like I remember it happening all those years ago. I wonder if Link remembers that. I should ask him.

I then think to call Link and ask him if he remembers that happening. But what time is it? It's only 2 o'clock in the morning. Ugh...... I guess I could just text him to see if he answers. If he does then he's awake and I can give him a call.

S: hey Link

I send it. A few minutes later I get an answer.

L: Hey Sarah. What's up?

S: can we talk? There's something I wanna reminisce with you about.

L: Sure.

I then call him.

"Hey you."

"Hey Sarah. What'd you wanna talk about?"

"Do you remember that weekend when Rhett went away with his parents and we ended up racing in the woods by the creek?"

"What? I thought it was just a dream! That really happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I just had a dream about that."

"Really? Me too!!!"

"I don't remember any of it happening though."

"Really? Why not?"

"I don't know. I was a kid who had a lot of problems growing up so for some reason memories from when we were kids are not all there. Even if they're positive memories."

"Oh. That's so sad Link."

"Yeah....... but at least you remembered it."

"Yeah. I'm glad I did. It definitely was fun dancing with you and just having fun. Did you ever learn to really dance 'Prince Charles'?"

"Hahahaha! No not really."

"Well I figured that would be your answer. Hahaha!"

"You know me too well Sarah!"

"It seems that way."


"Yeah Link?"

"Have you thought about what I said earlier?"

"Yeah. I have."


"And...... I think I want to do it."


"Yeah. Really. I just want to make sure we're not rushing things."

"Sarah, trust me. We're not."

"Okay. I trust you." I start to laugh and so does he.

After a little more conversation he says "Sarah, it's 2:30 in the morning. Can we try and get some more sleep?"

"Hahaha. Sure Link. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay. I can't wait. I love you."

"I love you too."

We hang up and then I drift back to sleep. I would love to have more dreams like that in the future.

I just hope I made the right decision and I'm not rushing into anything.

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