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This chapter is a little short and in my opinion not the best and that is a result of writer's block..... Unfortunately..... I hope you like it anyway! 😊


Rhett POV

Commercial Kings has been a great experience for Link and I. It really is improving our directing and film making skills. It also is giving us a lot of experience. I seriously don't know what we would do without it. I do wish a lot more mythical beasts could watch it though. They seem to be upset because a lot of them don't get IFC. I just know they're supportive anyway.

I'm sitting in my office that I share with Link. He's not here right now and I'm doing research for a commercial we're working on. I get a call from a local number. I don't know who it is. I just hope it's good news.


"Hello Mr. Mclaughlin. I'm sorry to inform you that Commercial Kings has been cancelled."

"Cancelled? What do you mean cancelled?"

"Your show will no longer be airing on IFC. I apologize."

"Oh. Thank you for the call."

"I'm sorry sir." The call is disconnected.

What are Link and I going to do now?

"Hey Link! I just got a call about our show."


"It's been cancelled."


"Yeah. That's exactly what I said."

"Well what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know, man. I really don't know."

We both sit on the couch wondering what to do. We don't want to move all the way back to North Carolina. That would be crazy. And besides, Sarah JUST moved in with Link. It would be horrible if she had to move all the way back to North Carolina with us. What are we going to do?

Sarah POV

"Hey guys. You seem down. What's bugging you?"

"Our show got cancelled and now we don't know what we're going to do."

"Oh..... Well that's not good."

"No. Not really."

I stop and think. Didn't they have a talk show thingy a while back? Maybe they should do something like that.

"Hey guys! What about doing a talk show?"

"What do you mean like Chia Linoln?" Link said.

"What's Chia Lincoln?"

"It's a daily talk show that we did for about two months" Said Rhett.

"Yeah. We got this chia pet Abraham Lincoln from some fans so we decided to base a show around it and see how long it would last" Link continued.


"We did only forty episodes until it died" said Link sadly.

"Oh. I didn't know it died."

"Yeah. We didn't take very good care of it. It wasn't getting enough light."

"So what did you guys talk about during this show?"

"Well maybe you should watch some of it and find out for yourself."

"Good idea! I'll do that!"

The next few hours I spent watching their show Good Morning Chia Lincoln. It was interesting and very funny. I laughed almost every episode. They really should do something like that again.


"Hey guys! You really should do something like Good Morning Chia Lincoln. It was funny and interesting."

"You think so Sarah?"

"Of course! I wouldn't tell you otherwise. Hahaha!"

Link POV

Great! Now we have a plan. We still don't have a name though.

"What would we call it?"

"I don't know. We can always work on the name later. Right?" Rhett said.

"That's true." I agreed.

"Oh and I know this guy Jason who can man the camera for us!"

"Really? That would be very helpful!"

"Yeah. I'll give him a call."

Now that Rhett is taking care of getting a camera man, I can focus on the content of the show. What would we talk about? I have no idea. I guess we can just talk about what we do. Maybe morning routines? Rhett thinks my morning routine is crazy. I disagree. I think it's logical and it makes sense to me.

Whatever..... I guess we'll have the mythical beasts decide.

Hmmmmm..... Mythical...... Morning.

Good.... Mythical.... Morning... Yeah. I like that.

"Good Mythical Morning!"

"What?" I hear Rhett say in the other room.

"The name of the new show. I figured out what we should call it. Good Mythical Morning!"

"Oh my gosh that's great Link! Now we just need to get somebody to sponsor us and then we definitely will have a show!"

"Oh hey Rhett. Did you talk to that guy Jason?"

"Yeah. He said he would do it."


"Yeah. Hey Link! Start calling possible sponsors!"

"Okay!" I then look online for possible sponsors and find a few. I have to talk to Rhett about which one we should use. I email them all and tell Rhett. We have to wait a couple of days for a response.

This is so exciting! Good Mythical Morning! I can't believe we're doing this. We're going back on the Internet. Wait till the mythical beasts see this. They're going to love it.

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