New Studio

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Rhett POV

Today is the official day that Link, myself, and the crew have moved into a new building. The old studio was a bit small for what we have coming up and it was also in my garage... We are also taking on new members of the crew and we plan on introducing them to the mythical beasts on this tour of our new studio that we're giving during the shooting of this episode today.

"Hey Link. Why don't you start today's episode off."

"Okay. Are you sure Rhett?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

We then turn the camera on and Jason is standing behind it trying to keep it steady until we start the tour.

"We've moved!"

"Let's talk about that."

"Good Mythical Morning!"

"Today's episode is brought to you by 'the guys with the goods'. Goods like the toilet seat. The flame toilet seat. I can't wait to sit on this Link!"

"Is it hot?"

"No it's not warming it's just... it makes you feel hot while you're... ya know... on the pot!"

"For number two!" Whispered by Link.

Link POV 

"Alright guys! Here we are. We've done it. We've worn the same outfit."

"Remember to wear it like..."

"And we have moved into a new facility."

"Halloween outfit." Rhett has the toilet seat on his head.

"Whenever you move into a new facility, you should always wear the same outfit as the person that you do internetainment with."

Rhett takes the toilet seat off of his head. "Well no. This is- That's not about moving. This is about.... ya know, this is you and me turning over a new leaf. We're gonna wear matching clothes for the rest of our lives now. Starting today.... so we gotta start shopping together."

"th-this was a total accident. Ummm yeah, so here we are. We've uh... we-"

"This is not intentional is what he means. We just showed up with red hoodies and purple shirts on and said 'why not?'"

"We-we have not uhhh... resolved all of the internet issues, for those of you who have endured that whole episode yesterday, uhhhhh..... thanks for that. I didn't know that was happening."


"But it was."

"But we- we don't have official internet but we have this temporary internet situation as you can see. I mean, the place is still under construction. It's being painted right now. Just ignore Gaston as he paints. He's just- he's painting a beam up there, ya know?"

"Everybody's gotta do their part around here."

"And it's gonna be okay."

"It-It's good. Um, so yeah. I think- I think what we can do is uhhhh.... In a second we can show you guys- give you guys a tour of this place. But I will start off by saying that this particular room right here that we're in, we're calling this the lounge. This- I don't think this is where we're gonna be shooting Good Mythical Morning going forward. This is-"

"You called it the lounge huh?"

"I'm calling this the lounge. Cause we're gonna have like... there's couches in here. There's a- there's a television. You know? Our- our team has expanded. If we have like... group discussions and may need a white board that stuff's gonna happen here."

"White board, huh?" Yeah. Why is he questioning that? I'm just gonna ignore it.

"Uhhh but the first peice of magic that's happening here ummmm... is.... we're actually using it as a set for a series of videos we are producing for You may have seen their uhhh.... television ads. One of them has a fancy bear. One of them has a couple and a big thing of guacamole. Ummmm... There's a couple of other ones-"

"But basically the way this- it-it's a contest. You can win money and the way you do that is uhh... You submit an ending for a commercial that you want us to make or make your own ending for the commercial and if you're chosen there's a couple of- all of the rules are at the site. We're gonna put a link in the description."

"Uhhh... It's So we want some good ideas from you mythical beasts. That's why we're talking about it. We will read your ideas if you submit them. And if they're good or challenging uhhh... But still doable in like a 48 hour period, we will do it and you will win money."

We then take the mythical beasts on a tour of the studio. We start up in the loft area and work our way through the studio. We show the mythical beasts the view of the lounge from the loft and then go back down and head into another room. There it's sort of like an office. There's an intern working on a whole bunch of different things for us. The next room is the cafeteria or just another part of the kitchen. We sit down at the table and talk about what we could do here. We even joke around and say that we could make business deals through thumb wrestling. Then we go into the kitchen area with the refrigerator and the stove and microwave. The kitchen is basically all blue. The cabinets are blue, the fridge is blue. Rhett of course goes for the food that's on the counter, the spicy cheeseballs. Classic Rhett.

We then tell the mythical beasts that we got a fish and he needs a name. That would be a special project for the Kommunity. Hopefully they pick a good name.

Shortly after that we take the mythical beasts out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. Rhett makes a joke about the bathroom and I decide that it's a good time to leave the area. As soon as Rhett makes a bathroom joke, leave.

We then introduce the mythical beasts to one of our editors Ben. He is on the floor, on his stomach, editing a video. Then once we get out of the editing bay and into "My office" which is next door. Then we move across the hall and say hello to Stevie and Kendall who are working on things. Then we go to this open studio space which just has boxes in it. We're not gonna tell the mythical beasts what's really going on here. At least...not yet. For now I'm calling it "The Dance Studio."

And of course in this area there is a bathroom. Rhett proceeds to sit on the toilet there and talk to the mythical beasts from the toilet. Time to go.

We then enter another studio. We have all of our stuff from moving in this room. We don't know what we're going to do with this room yet. For now it's "The Second Dance Studio."

Oh look. Rhett manages to find another toilet. Great!

When we finish the tour I take the wheel and Rhett and I hold it in the middle of the two of us and I spin it. Once we finish arguing for no reason, Jason turns the camera off and we continue moving things around in the new studio. I have a feeling we're going to be doing this a lot lately. I just hope Sarah understands. 

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