Ghost Pepper Challenge

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Rhett POV

I am not happy about the episode we're filming today. The mythical beasts thought it was a good idea for me to try and eat a ghost pepper because I did so well on the other pepper challenge we did a few weeks ago. Why did I agree to do this?

Link POV

Rhett's about to eat a ghost pepper. I'm a little worried for him but I'm glad I don't have to do it.

"I'm gonna eat a ghost pepper."

"And I can't wait."

After the teaser I look over at Rhett who looks thrilled to be doing this.

"Are you okay man?"

"No, but I'll survive."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Don't worry so much."


I then say good mythical morning to the mythical beasts and Rhett reminds them of the spicy pepper challenge we did a few weeks ago. He then tells them that the Ghost Pepper is one million scoville units. Oh my gosh! He's talking too much.

"Just eat the pepper, dude! Everybody's like 'please eat the pepper.'"

"I am going to regret this."

He then takes a bite of the pepper.

"Now just chew it up. Tell me how does it taste. Tell me what you're thinking."

He's still chewing. A few seconds later he exhales very loudly. I wonder if he swallowed it.

"Did you swallow it?"

"I'm trying to."

"Is it already hot?" He nods. "Give us something." Come on, man we wanna know.

He swallows and I can smell the pepper on his breath. "Oooo I can smell it. Oh gosh!"

"It's like I've bitten the toe of Satan." Jason laughs from behind the camera. Rhett hiccups.

"Your breath is like.... putrid." He hiccups and then laughs and I laugh as a result of the sound that came out of him. "Was that a hiccup or...." He then clears his throat and hiccups again. This time he makes himself laugh and I laugh at him. "Oh goodness... I can-" He hiccups again but it sounds like he burps too. "Oh nasty." He keeps hiccuping and starts to open the gallon of milk that is on the table. "Don't drink that yet. Go a little while without drinking the milk." He's making a face.... and he's also squirming in his seat. He does not look too happy.

"What's happening? Tell us."

"I can't talk."

"What-where ya goin?"

"I gotta drink this" he says as he reaches for the milk.

"What does it feel like? Just tell us what it feels like."

"I can't talk!" he says and then starts to drink the milk.

"What does it- what does it taste like?"

"It feels like a mistake." The crew laughs. "My throat is burning, man." He then drinks more milk.

"It is so hot.... I feel like I need to do something." He then gets up and walks to the back of the set. He starts jumping around and shouting. Then he starts punching the back wall and knocks something off in the process. I told him not to punch anything. He might break something. He then came back to the table and drank some more milk.

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