White noise

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After I silently made a wish in my head, thoughts swirled around thinking of who would be next to me. That is, the shooting star did grant my wish. I highly doubt it.

On the blanket I lay in a supine position and stare up at the stars. I sigh loudly getting Josh's attention.

"Hey, what's wrong? That wasn't a very enthusiastic sigh," He told me with general concern in his voice. It felt good hearing something or someone with concern. I felt like it might be pity from him. That's what I feel like I've been getting all the time.

"Nothing," I lied. I put on a smile telling him im okay when really I'm not.

"Okay... first of all, you aren't. Spill the beans, I know we met like an hour ago, but..." He couldn't continue the last part which did leave me curious about what he was going to say. I sighed loudly again and did as told; I spilled the beans,

"It all started when my parents rejected me to an adoption center. Then I was adopted by a single mother, Sarah. Recently she passed away from suicide, she didn't leave a note or anything. Just her body hanging helplessly from the ceiling," the tears start to well up in my eyes causing me to close them tight. I don't want to cry, especially in public.

I looked up from my shoulders to see Josh's face in a frown, but his face had genuine sadness burrowed in his Dark eyes. He looked at me and saw my eyes and instead of saying, "I'm sorry I didn't know," He said,

"It'll be alright... trust me it gets better," His voice was shaky as he spoke. I pulled my knees off my chest and crawled on my knees towards him. I put my arms around his torso and noticed he was cold himself.

"Thought you said you weren't cold," I said. A smirk arose from his face, a said light chuckle escaping his mouth.

"I guess I lied," He responded while smiling. I let go and moved slightly closer to sit next to him. I pulled out my phone and decided to text him instead of speak.

Remi: Hey :-)

A ring from Josh's pocket sounds and he takes out the large gold metal device. He turns it on and smiles when he reads what I sent him.

"You know I'm right here," He says and puts his phone into his pocket. I giggle and place my phone into my lap. I put my legs out in front of me and notice my converse are starting to get really dirty.

"Oh god, I really need to clean my converse," I break our non akward silence by saying something as random as that. He laughs while he slings his right hand over to my left shoe.

"I can't tell... it's too dark out here," He moves his hand back into his lap. I smile at the small action he did and layed back down to look at the stars.

"I need to clean my vans," He said and stuck out his right foot.

"I can't tell if you need to clean it, it's too dark out here," I mock Josh. I smile at what I did and see him grinning from my mockery.

I grab my small phone off the blanket and check the time, 11:24 pm. I sit up fast and tell Josh I need to go,

"Hey dude, I'm sorry but I gotta go. Its late and I have work in the morning." I say exhausted and stand up off the blanket. He stood up along with me and folded to blanket for me. What a gentleman. He gave me the pile and we said our goodbyes.

I walk over to my car and open the cold door. I sit down setting the blanket in the passenger seat. I start up my car, but to discover it isn't starting. I sigh loudly and thought if the next person on my mind.


I tapped on his contact and waited a few rings until he picked up,

"Hey, Josh.... bad news... my car isn't working..."

"Do you need a ride? I still didn't leave this place. Right now I'm sitting in my car," He says into the phone.

I think about the offer and half of my mind says do it, the other doesn't trust him.

"Sure, but what about my car?" I ask.

"Um, didn't think about that," He replies with nervousness.

"I guess I'll leave it here?" I speak unsure about the idea. I step out of my car and make my way to Josh standing outside his car. He waves at me then hangs up the call.

"Hey!" I say as I move the blanket into his back seat and get in the front next to him.

"I kinda, need your address," He asks me as he starts the engine. I nod and type my adress into my phones GPS and place it on the dashboard.


I shut the car door and wave at Josh as he pulls out of my drive way. My townhouse illuminated by the street lamp was somewhat modern looking.

I open the door into my abode and start to walk up the stairs avoiding my step brother Davis, but that back fired.

"Rem, where the hell were you? And where is your car?" Davis asked me as I continued to walk up the stairs.

"First of all, I was stargazing at the park, and second of all my car broke down and I left it there... probably towed already," I sigh at the end and ignore Davis. He still followed me upstairs into my room.

"What do you want?" I ask angrily towards him.

"Who dropped you off?" He asks starting to leave to his room.

"An aqaintence named Josh, we met there," I reply and walk into my room.

"MY LITTLE SISTER HAS A CRUSH!" He yells and slams the door to his room.
No wonder he's 29 and still not married.

I get ready for bed and fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow.

Star Gazer (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now