Just another day in paradise

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If I could can this scent of my office I would and probably make a ton of money. I felt pride in my brand and even more pride in my employees. They gave their all. Well most of them.

One gal , has this mindset that partying is more of a priority in her life then work. That I can't stand for. So I let her go. I'm not a tough boss more fair then most would be. My brother , hell hath no fury over that man. He will not put up with anything less then perfection. I don't blame him really. He sometimes has reminded me that I'm to soft on my crew & that I should be more forceful on the rules. I'm new to the game . I still have things to learn myself . I can't really push my crew any harder then I push myself. Like I said I'm fair.

I hear someone laughing.  I know exactly who it is. It's my buddy Travis. He makes its fun to come to work. We have history and he quickly became one of best friends over time.

" Bout damn time you show up. Did you stop for someone else's coffee or something, Traitor ! Lemme smell your coffee where did you hide it?" 

Travis hit my arm , we laughed it off and headed to meet the rest in the meeting room down the hall.

I quickly thank everyone for all their hard work and show my appreciation. And of course I brought doughnuts.

We all go over what photo shoots that are coming up , deliveries or returned items that need to be taken care of. Oh someone is suddenly at the door ? I glance around and everyone is accounted for so I'm curious who this is .

Travis opened up the door , in walks my brother. He always felt free to drop by , although , I don't know how he could with so many projects on his plate as well.

" Your eating that sugary mess ? Is that anyway to feed your workers ? Here I brought something better. ". He set down a plate of fresh fruit. Go figure. Health nut.

" So what's up ?" I grabbed a strawberry and glance at my phone making sure I don't miss any texts or emails.

" I'm taking the week off. I have some guys coming in from out of town and their prime climbers and I'm thinking why not take time off and go have fun right ?" Reaching around me to grab a slice of mango , he slides his phone in his back pocket and compliments my office and the way it smells.

" I don't climb shit and you know that so Im gonna keep my feet on the ground and work. You go climb those cliffs. Hey Travis ? Can you let everyone know I need them back here for the shoot by 2 ? I have some stuff I need to go over in the downtown office "

Sipping my own brew , I follow Jared outside and his assistant is waiting for him and I can tell he needs to leave soon.

We both part ways. I head downtown and pull up the office of my contractors. I'm getting very excited to get these new shops up and running. I have no doubt I can keep up with others.

I'm a little hungry so I need more food in my system before I do anything else.

Waking around the corner , I find my favorite eatery. It's expensive, but the food is worth it. What can I say, I have expensive tastes. I've earned it.

A lady walks out the door and I hold it letting her pass as I enter. 

Hmmmm, I think a berry crepe and a turkey and egg scramble is in order.

I feel someone breeze past me. I glance over and see a girl, tall brunette, who obviously likes coffee. I can tell by the large size and smell.

She grabs a seat beside me. Tapping my finger on my coffee cup, looking around , our eyes meet as she glances my way. She's cute as smiles at me. Probably waiting for her guy to come meet her for breakfast.

Half hour passes , she's still alone. Maybe she's meeting up with a friend. More time passes , nope not that either.

Well now it's time for me to go. I grabbed my jacket and am about to leave and I hear a voice behind me.

" Don't forget your phone ". I turn around and it's her speaking to me. As she hands it to me , I slowly place it back in my pocket.  I smile & say thank you then leave.

Later that day, I'm finally heading home. Cool beer and a movie sounds like a plan to unwind.

Turning up my radio, I stop at the light and hear someone pull up next to me. Whoever it is , they have great taste in music.

Looking over , there she is again. Nice car.

We both smile at each other and drive off. If she was a guy I would race her. But I don't think her car could keep up with me. Or so I think.

I take off in a hurry and out of nowhere , she blazes past me. Well then ! I step on the gas to catch up with her. She pushes past me again. I like her fiery spirit.

And then both of us are halted by a stopped car. There goes that. It was fun while it lasted. She takes off after the light turns green and I soon catch up fast. Stopping behind her , she Reve's her engine. Show off.

Off we go once more and hit the freeway. It's on! I gun the gas and once again she catches me.  I grin as we steal glances at each other in the rear view mirrors. Nice way to end my day. I have to take this next exit so in my mind she will keep going and that's the last of our racing fun. I'm wrong

She follows me off the exit and we both pull up to the block where I live. The hell?

I watch as she turned down the road past my house. She's got nice legs and the house is just as laid back as mine.

She must have felt me watching she turned and smiled and shouted back to me " that was fun , to bad you lost. Maybe better luck next time ". And off she went into her house.

I turned off the lights and grabbed a cold one and settled in for the night. Wonder who she was and if I'd see her around again. Yea probably since she on my block. Maybe round two of that race tomorrow. I laugh to myself and take a drink of my brew. Turned out to be a great day after all.

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