Three cups of coffee please

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Shannon's P.O.V.

She owns a coffee shop ?  No ... No way am imagining things ? Is that Travis ? No wonder she wanted me to follow her. I'm laughing on the inside but play it cool on the outside.

She stops and  they hug and he smacks my arm and says " hey buddy didn't know you were gonna be here !  I was on my way to work and decided to stop by and say hello to my friend.  What brings you here ?"  

I smile and inside I'm a little confused yet I still don't show it.

" You guys know each other ?" I fold my arms and wait for their answer.

" Well yea , he's my best friend. This is the guy I was talking about. Why,  you guys know each other or something ?"   She looks at me then back at Travis again.

" We are buddies and business partners. Ever heard of a coffee brand called Black fuel ?"   I tilt my head.

Travis shakes his head and jumps in quickly to say " She has in fact Shannon. That's why I'm here, to talk to her and get pointers on how to get our company up and ready when it's time , ya know ?"

I shift and back up, fiddling with my car keys.  I'm close to leaving them both here & head to work.  But I'm not done with this convo.

" How come you haven't told me about this ? I'm the boss , don't you think maybe we , meaning you and I , no offense to her ..." 

"None taken ". She puts her hand on her arm massaging it as if she's nervous.

" It's our business . I already have plans where I wanna see it go.  I don't need anyone's help really , again no offense ".

She laughs and says " I'm really not the sensitive type. I can handle a lot worse then that.  But if you must know , he's here , because my birthday is coming up. And just about every year , him and I , take a trip to Barbados for a week. Kick back & just drink and celebrate. It's been our tradition since we turned 21 .  We didn't agree to meet here to talk coffee, unless you really do want to. And in that case , I'm all game. ".

She taps her foot and I pick the air of arrogance which I like in a girl . That attitude of not taking shit , just because she's a woman.

" I'm here for coffee and to drink it, that's all ". I look in the window. I gotta admit it's nice really nice in fact. My type of high end , spendy furniture from what I can see out here looking in.

Travis pulls out his phone and starts texting away. 

" Are we gonna have some of this coffee of yours, or just gonna  stand here all day ?" 

She opens the door finally and we all walk in.  

A couple of tables all  made glass tops And from the looks of it , all French designed chairs and couches.  We have similar tastes I see.

" How do you like it?"   She clinks around a couple of cups and starts  poring beans into the top of the machine.

" Fast and hot ". I sit down and pull out my phone and wait.

She laughs to herself and then says quietly " that's how I like it too ".  I see her grin and Travis shakes his head. 

" You do huh?"   I grin and lean forward on the table.

" That's what I said didn't I ?"   She's cocky just like I am. I like it.

" You got anything to eat I'm starving ". I day with frustration in my tone.

I watch Travis move over and come up behind her. He leaned his head onto her shoulder and tickles her.  Ive never saw him like this with chicks. But they've know each other a long time. So that might explain to ease between them.

" You bought the tickets right ?" She places the cup under the machine and it begins to brew.  Smells like heaven. 

" When are you guys leaving to this so called birthday trip ?"  I'm curious , because I might just tag along who knows. I like Barbados, who doesn't.

"Her birthday is in two weeks.  I will today hopefully , plus we have to talk about the BF meetings. I'm gonna miss the next one I think , but we can't Skype the meeting , right ?"    

I cut him off right there and say " Not a chance .  You know you have to be there , don't try and make this an excuse not to show. It's gonna look bad on me and that's not cool".  I secretly will let him go.  I'm just not gonna let him get off that easily.

" For Christ sake really ? I've been there through every one of those and you can't let me slide for one ? Dick !"  

I grab a pillow off  the couch and throw it at his back.

" Your being the dick ! By the way , why didn't you tell me you had a friend in the coffee business ? What if I want to go to Barbados ? ".  

Travis busts up laughing an comes over and says" Do you wanna come with us , big baby".  I grab the cup of coffee and says thank you to her and drink it.  God this shit is good. Really good in fact.

" I'd love to but I might make you look bad when I take off my shirt of it gets to hot. ".  That got  her attention. She looks over the top of the counter and our eyes meet.

"You think I'm impressed by that ? I've seen better ".  Again with the cocky attitude. She wants me, I can tell , playing hard to get is the game , let's play.

" I can change your mind on that , just you wait ".  I drink more coffee and Travis joins me at the table.

She cleans up the beans and sets the dishes in the sink in back.

" You guys ever dated ?"  I'm curious.

" Nope .  She was married once and he died three years ago. She doesn't really talk about it. Only to me. So don't say anything. ".  He looks at her and so do I.

I wanna know more about her , but I stand to my don't mix business with pleasure rules. I haven't crossed that yet and I don't plan on it either.

Even  as I want to desperately take both my hands and tear her fuckin clothes to shreds and fuck  her atop this French table.

No I won't. I Don't. Just keep it friendly, I say to myself.

We all sit and talk and I get to know more of how her and Travis met in the first place. I soon learn more about them both. Good and bad.

" Business & pleasure " Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz