You complete me

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One the other side of the beach....

Jared held Kims hands as they exchanged  Vows. Kim wanted to say her words first .

Kim's Vows;

I love you this much....

Enough to do anything for you, give my life, my love, my heart and my soul to you and for you.

Enough to willingly give all of my time, efforts, thoughts, talents, trust and prayers to you.

Enought to want to protect you, care for you, guide you, hold you, comfort you, listen to you, and cry to you and with you.

Enough to be completely comfortable with you, act silly around you, never have to hide anything from you, and be myself with you.

I love you enough to share all of my sentiments, dreams, goals, fears, hopes, and worries, my entire life with you.

Enough to want the best for you, to wish for your success and to hope for the fulfilment of all of your endeavours.

Enough to keep my promises to you and pledge my loyaly and faithfullness to you.

Enough to cherish your friendship, adore your personality, respect your values and see you for who you are.

I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you and sacrifice myself for you if need be.

Enough to miss you incredible when we are apart, no matter what length of time it's for and regardless of the distance.

Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and to never ever give up on us.

Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need or want me, and never ever want to leave you or live without you.

I love you this much.

Jared smiled and took in the vison of his wife before him. For once in his life , he felt speechless. It was now his turn to speak from his heart.

Jared's VOW' s ;

Today, as I give myself to you, my mind is clear and my commitment is strong. All that I am and all that I have to offer you in love and in joy. Because of you, I laugh, I smile, and I dare to dream again.

Today Kimberly, I  join my life to yours. Not merely as your husband , but as your friend, your lover, and you confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, and the companion of your life.

I consider it an honor and a privilege to be the one you have chosen as your life’s mate. I promise to be a true and faithful husband . To love, respect, and be honest with you always. I promise to be supportive of your goals and as you grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. I will never be afraid to confide in you. I promise to be a good listener and a safe confidant. You are always safe and welcome in my innermost world. I promise to share my goals and ideas with you. As we grow together throughout our relationship, there are no limitations on the possibilities of our relationship and I hope we never have to realize just how high our high can be.I believe in you and I always will be here for you. Now, always and forever.

As the rings were exchanged , he whispered in her ear " I'm taking you to Tahiti for our honeymoon , we will be flying there right after this, so be ready. Oh and no sex till we get there."

As the Priest said " Kiss your bride "  Jared grabbed Kim dipping her down kissing her with such passion , she felt dizzy coming back onto her feet again. Laughing and holding tight to each other's hands , the ran  over to Shannon and I , almost knocking both of us on our newlywed butts.

" Congratulations you two ! Have fun in Tahiti! Yea, I knew, Jay told me. I had to keep it a secret. "   I winked at Jay and watched Shannon and Kim hug. That floored me to know, there wasn't any animosity between them anymore.  It finally felt like we  were a family.

Jared and Kim parted from us and rushed to catch their flight out. Shannon an I however , were in no rush. We parked ourselves in the sand. Dinner was on it's way with champagne , and of course strawberries covered in chocolate, my  favourite.

" What do you want for Christmas babe?"  I asked Shannon , taking a bite of the strawberry he fed me.

" You really wanna know " He wrapped me tight in  his arms as I laid my head on his shoulder.

" Yea, what does your heart desire ?"  Swallowing down some champagne.

" Only you, I don't want anything else. How about you ?"  His thumb caressed my chin making me sleepy.

" I want a baby with you. I know I'm sick , but I  wanna try again. Tell me what  are  your thoughts on adoption ? "  I felt him squeeze me extra tight. I worried a for a second, then it all faded away,  as he spoke the words I hoped he would say.

" I'm down for anything that makes  you happy. As your husband,  that's my job Julie, I love you !  "  He kissed me and I felt like the luckiest girl in the  world.

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