Not so happy anniversary

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Shannons POV

My bed feels amazing as fuck right now. I don't plan on leaving it anytime soon. I put a call in to Travis and the crew , I just needed a day to recoup and get my head straight. Yes I had gone camping and had fun , but I knew right now I couldn't function at work. I knew I couldn't give 100 percent.

Julie wanted to come stay with me and keep me company but I told her pleas just let me have some time alone. It was nothing personal towords her or anyone else for that matter. It was me. My head and heart were battling for Dominance.

My ex had called me this am. I hadn't told jewels or Jay yet. I didn't wanna tell anyone. I knew they would say things like " what's wrong with you ?" ARE YOU CRAZY ?" Maybe I was.

She left a voice mail saying that she was thinking of me on our anniversary today. Why today ? She never calls me any other day. Shes the kind of manipulating bitch who plays with your head and makes you think oh suddenly I care. Hell no ! I'm not falling for that trick.

Still after holding out till 10 am , I end up calling her back. I want to just tell her to get the fuck out of my life , loose my number go be with your man who you left me for and be done with us. Forever! Leave me alone!

After two rings she picks up. I almost forgot how annoyingly irritating her Valley girl accent is. Why did I even go the calling?

"Well hey there , funny you should finally call me after all this time. You busy getting women pregnant or something? Please don't tell me your still hung up on us ? I've clearly moved on " I hear her tapping her finger on the table. Passive aggressive much ?

" I haven't thought about you till the other day really. You don't cross my mind until I have the urge to be irritated as fuck by a chick. Your name crosses my mind when I see a dumb blonde shopping in Beverly hills. Yes other then that , nope I'm over us. " I sit back , puff out my chest and smile waiting for her comeback. And of course she doesn't have a witty one to toss my way.

" Your dick is small , you never gave me a orgasm , not once. My man is the best I've ever had. " She cackles. Watch this.

" You've only been with three guys darlin. I've had better, trust me. Your not one I look back and think wow she was amazing in the sack.  "   I'm not sorry whatsoever.

" I hate you !"

" Feeling is mutual. Bye !" I hang up and toss it onto the couch. I need a drink.

Ahhhhh ! Three shots of whiskey and three glasses of vodka. That hit the spot. Time to relax.

A couple more drinks then after , I'm plastered and feeling really REALLY  good. I'm numb, tired and stumbling and it's only 1pm in the afternoon.

I reach for my phone to call jewels to let her know I want her company after all. 

As it rings,  a breathy voice picks up as  I say " Come over, have some drinks with meeeeee.   I'm haaappppppy can you tellllll" I know I sound so drunk , but hell she will understand.

The door bell rings and I know I didn't invite anyone over. I walked over looking through the peep hole and I swear I see Julie. I open the door and let her in. Why does she have lighter hair suddenly. Hmmm must have colored it this morning when we got back.

" I know you wanna fuck me baby , so let's not wait any longer. " she says to me.

I love the tight black dress shes wearing. That ass. Good Lord!

I kiss her and toss her over my shoulder taking her to bed. I rip her dress off and her panties. Oh she shaved that pussy for me. Mmmmm tasty!

I toss my shirt and pants off and let my mouth destroy that sweet piece of cherry pie. She's soaking wet damn.

Her hands grip my hair tight.  I rub my cock along her thighs , looking up at her now, shes hungry for me. I rub my tip up and down her wet lips. Now  she's gripping the sheets and moaning loud as hell  ,  the dogs are barking now.

I kiss her stomach and then her lips. Fuck I can't wait anymore!

I'm unaware of the door opening down stairs and someone coming upstairs.

The bedroom doors slowly opens and a light beams into the bed.

I can't see who it is. I scream out " CAN'T YOU SEE IM FUCKIN MY GIRL ? JESUS,  EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?"

The bedroom light comes on above us.  I feel a hard slap across my face. Fuck that hurt !! DAMIT who is this ? Oh my god ! It's Julie !

" How could you ? I was coming to keep you company , but I see you don't need me here after all. Goodbye Shannon " She turns and leaves the room as the door slams against the wall.

I look down and see the woman who I thought was Julie , was really my ex. I was to fuckin drunk to realize it. What have I done ?

My ex leaves as I scream out to get the fuck out.  I quickly dress and try and catch up to Julie. She's nowhere to be found. Oh my god,  I think I really fucked up bad this time.

I try and call her , she won't answer me. Just pick up , damit pick up !

I text her numerous times and it says "read" , but no reply to follow it.

I can't lose her. I can't , not again.

I call up the one place I know he might be.

" I never thought you could stoop so low  Shannon. Your ex ? That's like eating a piece of cake off the floor. It's nasty. Why ?"

" She's there isn't she ? Lemme talk to her , please jared? I have to hear her voice. "

I could hear her crying in the background. It hurt me to the core I destroyed her inside.

" He's wants to talk to you " Jared says holding the phone away from his lips.

" Tell him to go fuck himself. I have nothing to say ! Suck my dick Shannon , blow me ! "

" She stole my line. YeAaa, Shannon  she's not in the best of  moods right now , maybe because you cheated on her today, that could be it "

" Jared I'm not in the mood damit , lemme talk to her " I can feel my veins buldgibg and my neck tense up from just wanting to reach through the phone and pull her through back to me.

I could hear the phone being moved around.

" Suck my proverbial dick Shannon! I don't even wanna see you ever again. You did the ultimate fucked up thing, I have had enough , I'm done. Have a nice life."

It became quiet then Jay began to talk again.

" I think she's mad at you. Look, just give her time she will come around and want to talk about it. Man just let it go for now, ok? I'm tired,  let's talk later. " Jared yawned and I could hear her crying in the background.

" I can't lose her Jay , you have to convince her to forgive me. "

" Let me see what I can do,  Ok? I have to fly out in a couple hours I need a quick cat nap. Talk to you later "

" Ok bye "

I hung up and lost it. I fucked my ex on our anniversary, and ended up losing Julie. It wasn't supppsed to end up like this. How do I make this right ? I had no clue. But I wasn't gonna give up no matter what

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