Broken pieces

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Life was pretty sweet at the moment. Shannon and I decided to become serious and exclusive. He made it a point to come by work and surprise me with flowers and sometimes lunch. His heart was genuine and I was  very lucky to have it as my own.

I decided one sunny day to take a drive and surprise him at home with lunch & coffee.  He finally had a day off to relax and enjoy peace and quiet.

I hit the LA freeway and turned up the putting the A.C. on blast.

The traffic was a nightmare I'm this city. No matter howhard you try to avoid it you can't.

I felt my seat vibtrate and glance  down quickly to see the caller ID.  It was Travis, that's odd,why could he be calling me at this time.

"Hey buddy  whats  up ?"  I could hear his breathing wasn't steady or calm. It seemed like I was about to hear bad news about  something. I decided to pull off the next exit and just hear whatever he had to tell me 

"Don't go near Shannons house. Just trust me on this. Turn around and come back this way."  How did he know I was headed  that way?

"YOU mind telling me the reason why I shouldn't go ? It only lunch babe "   I could hear frustration in his voice. That worried me 

"Trust me , you don't wanna go there right now. Jewels, come back this way. I'm warning  you now. " 

" Travis I really think you worry to much. I'm just gonna drop off lunch then I will head back that way ok. Gotta go, im almost to his house, love you bye "  I heard him yell WAIT !  I hung up it was to late.

I turned down the narrow road leading up to his place. And just at that moment, something felt  off. Maybe Its just nerves. I caught a glimpse of a car I didn't recognize.  I pull  a little further up the road and see something I wished I hadn't. I should have listened to Travis. I wished I had taken his words seriously  this time.  I hold back tears as I locked eyes with Shannon.  He's home alright , but he's not alone. My heart rips in half. I watch him watching me. He's with a girl.  Someone I've never met. A tall, skinny brunette with a tan ,holding his hand as they both smiled. Who was she ? Then they  kisses. It felt like I'd been fed poison and was left to die.

How could he ? I had  been nothing but loyal and faithful to him. Yet somehow, he didn't feel the need to be the same way with me.

I shove the car in  drive and speed past them both. I hear his boisterous echoes telling me to STOP COME BACK!! Yet  I keep going.  Not looking back. It hurts me to the core. Why didn't I listen to Travis. He knew better. He fuckin knew I was headed into heartbreak and tried to save me. Yet It all all fell onto  deaf ears.

I heard my phone ringing.  I knew who it was. I almost tossed it to the back seat In frustration. Then I realized how badly I just needed to hear the voice of reason. Travis.

"You saw him didn't you ? I warned  you babe. I'm so sorry. You wanna talk about it ?"   Through tears and gasping for  breaths of  air,  I pulled into a rest stop. Slamming my hands on the steering wheel feeling that I was so stupid to fall   for such a man like Shannon. I misjudged him so badly. Damit ! 

"Julie ,talk to me. Tell me what your feeling lemme help you stop hurting " 

" I loved him , how could he do this to me ? What's wrong with me? Damit Travis,   what did I do wrong ?  I'm at the Aroma Cafe parking lot in the back. I can't drive anymore I can't even see straight. Meet me here please "  I dropped the phone and lost all control.

Half hour later Travis arrived and I saw his car door fly open and the next thing I felt was his arms tight  around me. He just knew that's what I needed. No words just a hug.

I didn't know if I would ever forgive Shannon. Time would  tell.

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