what about us ?

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A month later ......

The sand feels so good beneath my feet. Water dance across my toes. Heavenly escape from the busy life as a business owner. I pulled out of the joint coffee shops with Shannon and Travis. Travis fully was ok with it. Shannon however, he wasn't happy. But that wasn't my problem. I had a business to run. Love was my least concern.

"What are you up crazy girl ?" I smiled and turned around and saw Travis standing there with his hands behind his back. His smile was comforting. Two days ago , my childhood best friend Kevin , passed away. It hurt me to the core. We lived next too each other for years. He always made me feel like I was pretty even if all the other boys didn't. He was my prom date. Travis was voted prom king , he didn't win, however ,he had my vote.

His date was the head cheerleader. She was gorgeous. I was happy for him. That night , we danced him and I. I saw how protective he was over me. He knew Kevin through me. And quickly  became friends. We both were trying to process this  the  best we could. It happened so fast. He was driving and was killed by a drunk driver.  I  Received the news at two am.

I felt like my whole world went black. I called the first person I knew could be there and understand, Travis.

He took the news just as hard,  if not harder , then I did.

Today we had had a favorite momento of his that we decided to drift out to sea. He loved the sea.

Slowly we both set the two boats,  he had mAde in wood shop in fifth grade,  into the water. We said our last words and set the boats  a sail.

We both held hands then walked back up to the parking lot. It was time to get back to work again.

I dropped him off and pulled up behind the office. I needed more time to process what was going on in my head. I missed Shannon truth be told. I loved Travis don't get me wrong ,but not the way I loved  Shannon. Auh fuck,  I still love that fucker. He still has  my heart. My personality was pure stubbornness. I didn't  wanna cave or give in first. I missed him. A day didn't go by I didn't think of him. Damn him.

" You want some company or Do you want me to go jump off a bridge and leave you alone?" I knew that voice.

" Come here ,sit with me" I unlocked the car door and he climbed in my front seat.

" I'm sorry about your friend , you ok?" I lost it. I broke down. I didn't care if he hurt me , I missed him to much to push him away anymore.

He leaned over grabbing my arms pulling me onto his lap.

" I'm here baby, I won't let you go " He gripped my body with such a forceful hold ,  I couldn't breathe. It felt safe and just what I deeply needed.

" It wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to leave me until we were old and grey damit. Why him ?" I shook and cried my heart out.  Shannon  never loosened his grip. Instead of pushing him away,  I held onto  him like I was drowning , searching for that hand to help me live again. To help me make it back to the surface just to breathe again.

" I'm sorry I hurt you. I mean that with all my heart. I missed you so badly. She's out of  my life. It's just you and me. But if you love Travis , I will walk away. If your truly happy,  I won't stand in your way. I just need to know what your heart feels. What do you want to do Julie ?" His hand caresed my neck. I lifted my face to look in his eyes. Blood shot red like mine. He mirrored my pain. That truly touched me.

I said nothing , instead i kissed his lips. Oh those two lips of pleasure I missed so deeply.

His hand held my cheek and his tongue pushed its way into my mouth intensifying the kiss even more. I wanted him more then I ever had before.

I took off my shirt and felt his hands kneading both my breasts. Felt so good,  I wanted more.

He tore off my bra and began to suck hard on my nipples. My breath hitched as I felt his hand pushing aside my panties and skim along my clit.

"Shannon , please I need you !" I felt him lift my hips upwards and I glance down to him quickly undo his jeans an pull out his cock.

" Baby , ride me !" We kiss again as he lowers me down sliding deep into me. The car shakes as we fuck steaming up all the Windows.

" Fuck , I almost forgot how good your pussy feels wrapped around my dick. Shit, your fuckin  coming home with me after this meeting. I plan on fuckin you the  next two days . You might have to miss work. "

I moan deep in his ear and lick his neck.

" Your gonna get me fired. Bad boy. "

We kiss again and I reach down and dip my finger between us feeling my juices on   his cock , bringing it to my lips. He smiles and licks it all off my mouth  making me even more wet.

" AUH shit....  make me cum baby , I'm so close!!" He growls at me and winks.

He flips positions on me pulling out and flipping me on my knees.

" Oh baby I like this view a lot "

Whap! Two hard smacks on my ass making me jump.

" Oh baby , more !"

He grins and gives me three more hard smacks. My ass is sore but I'm loving it.

His dick dives deep in me again and we continue our little trist until finally "Oh shit....cum with me. Mmmmm oh YeAaa thats it " He kisses my back feeling me cum on command. He whispers in my neck "I love you " I close my eyes smiling then  say "I love you too" Another soft kiss on my neck he gives me.

My heart is whole again , he's mine again. I know I shouldn't have let him back in because of  what he did. Many wouldn't,  but this is what my heart wants. He didn't have to keep chasing me, to  Work so hard  to get me back. Most guys would have thought fuck her , I can get someone else.

He didn't , and that proved   to me , he really loved me in the first place. He loves me and I love him. That's all that matters to me . Now I would have to break it to Travis. Yea that was not gonna be fun.

" Business & pleasure " Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora