You just never know

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One minute we're fighting the next , very much back in love. Between us, it was like a roller coaster. Some would say it was a very odd relationship. To us, it seemed normal. No one is perfect. I laid in his bed and watched him begin to stir awake. I didn't dare say a peep , at least not until he had his coffee. He wasn't a morning person. I learned that very quickly. Texting him was a better bet then trying to get him to answer your phone call.

Travis however , well that's his boy. He of course, could get away with it. You know how guys can be. Talking on the phone is a short lived thing. A max one sentence convo. "Ok gotta go , later" that's the extent of it.

I was starting to get hungry. I got to the kitchen and made a fresh fruit smoothie and a piece of toast with almond butter. Low fat healthy. I told myself I was going to go work out every morning no matter what. Try and stay healthy.

Shannon didn't have to worry about that however. He could down three meals in one sitting and not gain an ounce. Lucky bastard. Wish I had that problem.

Any how , I finished fixing my breakfast hen speak of the devil , poped his head around the door frame sniffing the air and began to laugh to himself.

" You hungry ? You can have to I can fix another one for myself ?" I could feel his breath on my shoulder. Closing my eyes , I imagined him smiling beyond me. His hand reached around and intertwined into mine. I loved how affectionate he was in the morning.

" No no , you go ahead. All I'm here to steal is some coffee. Thank you anyways. You sleep ok ?" Kissing my cheek making me giggle.

" Mhmm.. I did. Best sleep I've had in a long time, and you?" I turned and laid my head under his chin, softly kissing it twice. His large hands pulling me in even tighter into his body.

" Good to hear. I have to meet up with Jay today and go over some of the last month details of the shop. He found some furniture that would look great with the layout. You wanna come ?"

" No I'm good I have a long day at work lots of paper work to catch up on. But thank you. You guys can talk about it. It's your business anyway. Lemme know how it goes later on tonight maybe. I gotta get ready speaking I which or I'm gonna be late. "

I tried to move , he wouldn't budge. I could tell he was feeling something, but he just wasn't telling me through words only by his body language.

" You ok?"

" Yea I'm fine. What do you want to dinner I can pick it up on the way home. "

" Shannon , what's up ?"

" It's nothing , promise "

" Shannon ! Tell me !"

" Kim is gonna join us for lunch. "

" Why would I be upset about that ? It's totally fine. "

" Your not upset ?"

" Shannon , seriously its ok. She's in love with Jay not you and I trust you both. Go have fun do whatever you want. Speaking of meet ups , Travis and I are having lunch. "

He finally let me go. I didn't think twice about it. I knew he still had jealous tendencies, but I wasn't worried. Plus I didn't have time for it. It was strictly business.

" So I will see you for Dinner then ?"

" Yea, look I gotta go. Just got a text their waiting for me" He kissed my cheek and walked out the door.

Later on, Travis and I met up at our favorite place to go since we were younger. I could smell the lasagna and garlic bread from outside. My Tast buds were dancing with delight. Italian was my weakness.

" Your staring into space again , what's wrong ? "

I shook my head and tried to play it off.

" Nothing Trav , what are you gonna order?"

He poked my side, making me jump.

" Your such a dork you know that? Your still that annoying kid i grew up with. "

" And YOU are such a snob. Let's go to Chanel, let's go but Gucci. You need to have less expensive taste, maybe come to some thrift store or flea markets with me one day , how about this weekend? Unless your busy with the boss ?"

" The boss ? Ohhhhhh Shannon you mean ? I do have a life outside of him we don't have to be together 24/7. Besides ,he's busy with Kim and Jared right now. And it's buisness. So I'm no worried , I know what your thinking. Don't even go there. "

Travis threw his hands up and laughed

" Hey, you said it not me girl. All I asked was of your gonna be busy with him. You overreacted. "

" Sooooo anyways , you ready to eat?"

We sat down and chowed down and didn't speak the rest of the meal.

Afterwards , we took a drive down to Malibu. The weather was perfect. We had just enough time before the traffic was about to get bad. LA, god bless the city, but the traffic was brutal.

" Do you think you will marry him one day ?"

Those words coming from Travis of all people was surprising. He didn't believe in marriage. He swore bachlor life till the day he died. I told him time and time again , he was missing out. He was missing out on having that special someone to wake up to. That one person who has your back , tells your when your wrong , when you hurt them , make them happy. He didn't know what it feels like to have someone who loves you so much they would give their life , last breath or right kidney just to save your life.

Time and time again , I told him I would give everything in my power to have one more day with my ex husband. But i can't.

" Julie, I asked you a question. You there ?"

As he waved his hands in my face , I came back to the present.

" Yea , I do see us getting hitched one day. Are you ever get married? There's someone out there for you , ya know?"

" Nah I'm good. I told you this already. Let's head back shall we ?"

" Your scared of comitment huh? Why ?"

" Don't wanna talk about it right now, come on!"

I followed him up to the car and we parted ways.

On the way home, I got a call from Shan.

" How far are you away from coming home to me. "

My heart skipped beats hearing how he missed me. I thought deep and hard about us getting married. I pictured us standing holding each other's hand and looking in his eyes as he said his vows to me. Promising till death do us part. Truthfully , I never thought I would get married again. Although , I shouldn't jump the gun. He hadn't asked me , it was only brought up in passing conversations.

" JULIE! Should I call you back ? Ive been taking to you for the last ten minutes. "

" I'm sorry. Just got a lot on my mind. I will be there soon babe ok ? I'm on my way "

" Ok see you soon , I love you. I missed you today "

I felt the sweetness in his words. He truly knew how to make me smile and feel loved.

" I love you and missed you too. See you in a bit. "

We hung up. I couldn't wait to get back home.

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