Night hike

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Man it's hot ! Wish that sun would set already. Good lord !  I grab hold of the back pack and off we go to meet up with Jay. He had already arrived earlier in the day. The fresh air felt good. We decided to go to Joshua Tree instead.

Kim was behind me drinking water and putting her sunglasses atop her head.

" These damn things are so dark. I can't see where I'm going. Should have bought the utter pair. But hey there Gucci , I couldn't pass that up right ?" 

I laughed and put mine over my eyes.

Her and Shannon had expensive taste. Jay and myself , we went for the simpler tastes in life. But hey everyone's different. And that's ok.

I could hear Jay yelling down to us "HEY ! Up here !!! Hurry up slow pokes. We don't have much time before the sun sets. Did you bring water ? Please tell me you did". 

I watched as he climbed up higher and higher. He has that fearless spirit. My kinda man.

"We are going up there ? "

" Yep cmon lets do the damn thing ".

She laughed and Off in the distance I hear a door slam shut.

" Hey ! Wait up !"   Is that's Shannon ?

Sure enough it was . 

"Hello stranger ! You joining us for a night hike ?"  

He stopped and looked up to us and turned back around to his car.

" Where you going ?" 

" I'm not going anywhere near that bitch. I'm out ".

" Who are you calling a bitch ? The heck Shannon ?"  I said. That was uncalled for. How dare he. Dick. What's his issue with Kim ?

Kim looked his way and let her mouth fly.

" Please leave with that mouth of yours. Go away !" 

" Fuck off , go fuck someone else's husband again , maybe wreck a marriage. Your a Home wrecker!"  

What's he talking about ? What's happening ? I'm so lost right now. Shaking my head with confusion and disgust. These two must have history but what kind of history did they have?

" Why is he upset ? Wanna fill me in please ?" 

Kim walked past me and didn't say another word.

I headed Shannon's way. I was gonna get to the bottom of this.

" I don't wanna talk about it. I'm leaving. Why don't you go hiking , please don't mind me".

I got in his car and I wasn't leaving he till he fessed up.

" Tell me please. You just made this very awkward, thank you ". 

" You really wanna know ? Fine !" 

He unleashed all the details and explained to me how Kim's sister , was his ex. Kim was also the one who convinced her sister to cheat on Shannon and leave him. Try to tell her that could do so much better. 

Shannon never let the grudge go.  But I still didn't understand what he meant about "Go sleep with  someone husband " issue?

" She fucked my exes husband. I found this out only because Travis was friends with the guy. He fessed up and later made amends with my ex , Kalie. Sorry I should just have told you her name.  But there you go. That's why I can't even look at her right now. She's caused so much bullshit in my life. Almost destroyed Kalies marriage. I apologize for my tone when I pulled up. It wasn't you.  And I'm sorry about when I left out the other day.  didn't wanna talk. Any how , I'm gonna go eat , you wanna come or stay here.  It's up to you ". 

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