Just a touch

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The sun is setting and the warm wind is blowing across my skin. Perfect setting in the city that never sleeps. I could get used to this busy place. Rent is expensive as hell but really can it be anymore them LA ? Probably not.

Shannon and Travis sit across from jared and I. I can feel something is off. Not with me but with Travis. He shows his emotions just like I do. Not with words but through his body language.

" Are we ready for some more ? Dessert is in its way ". Jared reached under the table and grabbed my hand. I felt my cheek burn and I knew he could see it too.

But my blushing flirtation halted,  when I was kicked under the table. I look up to see , it's no other then Travis, and he's laughing to himself.

" What's that kick for ? You wanna take it to the streets and fight ?"

" I would totally whoop your ass jewels , sorry. Don't wanna embarrass you in front of the knuckle heads ". He flips me off hiding it behind his other hand.

I stick out my tongue and flip him off.

Shannon stepped away.
Maybe we were to immature for him.

" Where ya off to big boy ?" I had a couple drinks and was feeling tipsy. So I became the cocky girl that only Travis knew best

" Bathroom , wanna come and watch ? Maybe take some pictures while your at it ?" He turned and went in the restaurant.

I got up and followed him.

The bathroom door opened and I did indeed follow him inside. He looked at me and " That wasn't an invitation ".

I came closer to him and smacked his ass. Taking him by surprise.

He pushed me playfully to the back of the room. Then went back and proceeded to go pee.

I wanted to check out what the man was packing , but I didn't. I behaved.

He zipped up and came over washing his hands and dried off. I stood in front of the door and locked it. I laughed and heard people outside wanting to get in.

I yelled out " Cleaning right now come back later ". I leaned against it and waved him over with my finger.

He stood there and I leaned forward grabbing him by his shirt and swung my leg around his legs and stared in his eyes.

" Why are you avoiding me ? Is it because I'm with Jared ?" He wasn't impressed.

" Truthfully , i don't care your with him. I'm not avoiding you , you just keep getting in my way. Now let me pass , I'm Hungry ".

He reached for the door and I pushed his hand away.

" You will leave when I say you can ".

He placed his hands on the wall above my head.

I felt his breath on my lips and every fiber on my body wanted him to just lean in and kiss me.

Do I dare make a move ?

I get on my tip toes and kiss his neck once, then look in his eyes.

He didn't say anything at first. Just stared back at me.

Then finally he budged and touched my face and spoke " I can't do this with you , please move. "

I did as he said and moved away so he could leave.

But he didn't.

He pushed me back up against the door grabbing my arms above my head. My heart was pounding so fast.

" What are you thinking about ?" I swallowed hard.

" If you want me , come find me after we get back the hotel ". He leaned down and lightly bit my neck. My insides flipped. My hair stood straight up.

I didn't wanna wait. I wanted him then and there.

I grabbed his face and kissed his lips. God his lips!

Closing my eyes , I felt my body being shaken. As I open then again. I'm sitting at the table with Jared and there's no Travis and Shannon's gone.

Did that really happen? Am I crazy? Must be sleepy from the jet lag ?

Jared brushed hair away from my cheek. "Hey you ok ? You seem sleepy , you want to call it a night ?"

" Where did everyone go ?" I look around and am so confused.

He laughed and kisses my cheek.

" It's almost one am , they went back to their rooms".

I didn't have the heart to tell him what had just occurred in my head.

" I'm tired. You mind if we just go back and relax. We both have a busy day tomorrow. "

" Not at all lets go". He paid the tab and grabbed my hand and we walked back to the cab.

As we arrived at the hotel , I couldn't help but replay the day dream I had a short while ago. It was so intense and passionate.

Jared changed , laid in bed waiting , for me to join him. Instead I said I needed to grab something from the desk downstairs and that I would be back before he fell asleep.

I slid the room key into my pocket.As the door shut , I heard another door one close as well.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Shannon stepping out of his room.

Our eyes locked. I didn't know what to say.

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