Stay away from my heart

148 9 2

Shannon's POV

Travis is on his way and I need to finish up the paper work. The deal is set two shops will be opened by the fall of next year. It's a amazing feeling when you witness's your dreams become reality. I never lost hope and knew it would but like many I had doubt off and on.

A text comes through and its him. He's parking and coming up. Time to do this.

Another text comes through and its from Jay. I take a quick glance and it's mostly about meeting up for lunch and wants to knows how work is going.

I send a quick reply I will get back later I'm busy.

There's the door. Travis hands me a coffee and we are off. As we make our way down the hallway , I look and wonder where her room could be. If it's on my hall or another floor out ? Oh well not gonna worry about it.

Travis smacks my shoulder and I almost drop my coffee.

" The hell was that for punkass?" Thank god none of it spilled.

" Stop thinking about her , she's with him. I thought you weren't interested anyhow ?" He smiles and pulls his sunglasses over his eyes and sips his coffee.

" I wasn't even thinking about her for your info. I was wondering if Jay was gonna meet us here later for lunch or ... Why am I even explaining myself to you. Shut up already & drink your coffee. "

He throw his head back laughing. I don't know what's so funny. I'm not in the mood. Coffee hasn't kicked in and I have three meetings ahead of me.

As we get in the car , I see someone coming towards me. It's Jared.

" What ? You can't retain your own brothers text ? Rude ! Anyhow , I have a photoshoot to attend to . So what time you wanna meet up for food ?"

Travis starts the car and I put on my seatbelt.

" Whenever . Just shoot me a text I will meet you there. I gotta go ".

" Are you gonna answer this time ? Where's your meetings ?" He adjusts his shades and pulls sleeves up.

" Downtown by Central Park. Meet me somewhere down there ".

" Ok have fun kids. ". He smiles and walks off to catch a cab.

Two hours later .....

Two meetings down one more to go. Travis hands me the finalized plans and I snap a shot of both and Email them to the office. Time to eat.

I shoot a text to Jay and he says be there in 15.

Yea Jay's 15 means more like a hour from when he sent that text. My brother is always late.

Finally we all sit to eat and I order a glass of white wine. Need to relax and enjoy this trip. I gotta admit I miss taking vacations and just chilling.

" You still not interested in coming on Julie's birthday trip ? Your gonna miss some fuckin amazing beaches." He takes a bite of chicken quesadilla and I drink some more wine.

" Im pretty sure she doesn't want me to go. She probably wants someone else to go instead. ". I look at Jared and he knows I mean him.

" Why would you say that's Shannon ? Have you even asked her if she wants me to go. Besides I have work to do. I can't go ". Jared shoots me a look and I'm over this whole party shit.

I grab my phone and stand up. I need to take a breather.

" Where you headed pretty boy ?"

" See you at the meeting ". I walk off and see a park ahead of my path. Just what I need. Peace and quiet.

I grabbed some rocks and toss them into the pond one at a time. Ducks pass by me and its funny how they walk.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and before I look up I think to myself , Why can't I be left alone ?

" Beautiful day out ". She it's down beside me and I don't wanna talk.

"Thought you could use one of these ". She hands me a ice cream cone. I'm smiling now.

" Thank you ".

" Your very welcome . How's your day going ?"

" Busy and you ?" I take a couple bites and it's so good.

" I'm free all day. Travis said he's got meetings and so I though hell why not go to the park and here I am sitting next to you. Imagine that ". She smiles and I think maybe she's not so bad.

She glances over my shoulder and I can tell someone is coming.

" Hey guys ! Thought you'd be here Shannon . We gotta go. People are waiting for us . Turns out , they need to do it now rather then later". Travis says and She stands up to go hug him. Then I watch her hug Jared. That bothers me for some reason.

Why does that bother me?

She waves goodbye to all of us and I watch her walk away. No ! Damit! Shannon snap out of it. Don't even go there. She's a distraction.

" Let's finish this day and meet up for dinner , my treat!" Jared says with a huge smile as we all part ways.

Why did that bother me she hugged Jared ? I have to stay away from her. I have to. For my own good , and hers.

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