Little suprises

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Who would have thought a simple swim in the ocean could make you feel like a kid again ? I watched as Shannon came running to me,  splashing like a five year old , who just discovered the beach for the very  first time. I enjoyed watching him smile and laugh. I look over his shoulder. I swore I was going crazy. Is that ? Nooooo, it couldn't be, It was ! Travis was here , but  how do he manage this ? Sneaky little fuck.

"Happy to see me ? That plane ride was hell Jesus , took forever  Lord.  Did you naughty kids have sex ? Your glowing jewels , c'mon tell me you did huh  ....yessss I knew it! Dirty kids shame shame.  Have some self control now would ya ? Good greif , anyways , what's on the agenda , besides you two fuckin again later on ?" 

He ran into the water , fully naked and didn't give a crap if anyone saw either. He made me laugh till my stomach hurt. I missed him so much.

" Dude, seriously ? This isn't skining dipping. Please put on some shorts  or something!"  Shannon was embbarrsed , I however , was  used to Travis's off the Walls antics. Hell, if it wasn't for him, I don't think would have tried half the shit I did back when I was younger.  That's why we clicked.

" Oh my , is someone jealous ?"  Travis mocked shannon and ran over to me hugging me. Making laugh even harder.  I was so happy to see him.  I didn't care if he was naked or clothed for  that matter.

We all swam and enjoyed the warm  waters. Later on , we helped Travis take  his luggage up to the room &  settled in.  I came to find out that he had this planned all along. He just wanted to give Shannon and I some breathing space. Which I appreciated. 

Dinner time had arrived and I really couldn't wait to wear my new pink dress.  I saved it for the right occasion, such as this one. I fixed my hair and yelled out " You almost ready babe can I come out now ? "   I started to feel sick suddenly and turned around just in time to throw up. Why was I feeling this  way ? I wasn't nervous at any means or had eaten  anything bad that I can recall. I was clueless why I was feeling like this. 

After a couple moments passed by , I heard him knocking at the door. I can't move to answer it. " Come in , it's not locked babe "  I threw up again and again. It won't stop. I flashed  back to the dream I had a couple nights ago. It puzzled me to no end thinking maybe I was pregnant, or very sick with something , just like the young child  had said in my  dream.

Shannons face as he walked in was no surprise.  He panicked and thought maybe I had fallen or was hurt. I explained that I  hadn't fallen.   Simply,  I was just feeling under the weather , that's all. He wasn't buying it however. He wasn't easy to fool,  not by a long shot.

He picked  me up in his arms and took me to bed.  " We will order in and if you want ,  I will have Travis join us.  You need to rest ok ? "  He kissed me so sweetly and covered me. He called Travis , then explained, that he would be more then welcome to come have dinner with us , but we wouldn't be going to a fancy restaurant, not tonight. He obliged and met up with us in our room. Dinner was ordered and the two of them are while true to calmtge storm raging inside of me. 

Hour later , I still feel off.  I muster up the courage to ask Shannon to please find a doctor for me to go see. I became worried when I couldn't sit up without feeling dizzy. He found one that would see me ,so I quickly got dressed and off we went. Travis followed us just in case Shannon tired out and needed an extra helping hand.

As I sat in the doctors office after he was finished performing multiple tests on me. I   felt nervous and scared what he would find. The more I thought about the worse I felt.  Finally he came back with my results. I didn't know weather to cry tears of joy or sadness. He informed me I was in fact , pregnant!  Oh dear heavens! Wow! I was thrilled to find this news out , but then quickly cane back to reality that Shannon may not live to see them arrive into this world. I need to snap out of this personal  dark torture I'm putting myself through.  I have to think positive.  Who knows really what life will bring . 

I come out to the waiting room and see Travis and Shannon stand up to greet me.  I smile big and say with a happy heart " Supise,  I'm pregnant!"   Shannon face was filled with joy and elated  happiness. I didn't feel the need to bring up the dream. Not now,  In time I would. I hugged them both and Shannon speaks quietly in my ear making me smile  " I'm so happy! I can't even explain how happy I am. Thank you for giving me more reasons to feel blessed and feel  alive again. "  His grip tightened as I kissed his neck, telling him I love him.

I prayed that life would stay this good for a very long time.

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