Unsaid hurt

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Travis's POV 

Today would be one of those days i wished I'd stayed in bed. From the second i put my feet on the ground , everything felt off. I couldn't pin point of it was just me or the universe saying hey don't get upset but I'm about to screw up your entire day. But keep calm.

I wasn't one of those guys with with long fuse. I didn't get mad at small things. To me , if you lie or hurt me , yes I would forgive you, but I wouldn't forget it. Don't try and burn me twice.

A call comes through and I can tell by the ringtone it's Julie. 

"Hey you ! What's ya been up too?"  I grab my coffee and head off to the office for a quick meeting with the CEO of our  partners. I was excited like a kid on Christmas.  I could hear Shannon and Jay in the background. I knew she was canlinb with them but hope she was behaving. Of course she was what am I thinking.

" It's so nice up here ! I wish you could have joined us ! I was thinking maybe we could have dinner  and talk when I can home, you free on Saturday ?"  

" Should i worry ? You ok ?" 

" Yea , everything is good. Hey lemme call you later I need to call the office. By the way how's it coming with the newest Partner in black fuel ?"  

Different thought raced through my head regarding what she wanted to tell me. In need to find a way to get off the phone.

" Lemme get back to you , I reAlly gotta go "   And I hung up. 

Awhile later.......

"Jay , you want a drink ?" I grab one for myself and hand one to Kim. Jared declined and instead reached for a ice tea. Simplicity.

" Travis call you ?"   Shannon asked with a raised eyebrow. Biting into the burger,  he couldn't help but wonder what they talked about. Maybe  he thought I don't wanna know.

" Yea , he just wanted to talk about some things. No big deal . Anyways,  you want to  take a walk with me ?"  

Shannon looked up at me then  grabbed my hand. 

As we made our way up the trail , I could feel his body shift. Like something was off.
His thumb rubbed my palm and that I knew , it was his way of telling me he loved me,  but didn't wanna talk.

So I let it go.

" It's so beautiful up here isn't it?  I think  this is where  we should scatter his ashes. Let him ride the wind and go wherever he wants to go. Just be free. What do you think ?"   I glance over to him brushing his hair off his cheek.

My lips couldn't resist.

Kissing him twice , finally he smiled. It's such a  beautiful thing to behold.

"I have a lot on my mind. Just occupied with some  things ya know ?  I feel like i have no control over anything  anymore. " He stopped,   turning  to face me.

" You wanna talk about it ? I'm all ears. " I waited.

" If I told you , I think you would be upset. So maybe we should wait till we get home. Let's keep walking "  

I grabbed him back to me quickly.

" I rather you get what you have to tell me out now. I hate moodiness and I wanna have  fun on this trip. So please , tell me" 

Instead of talking to me , he just  walked off. Leaving me by myself.  How a persons mood can constantly Change like his does is beyond me.  Truth be told , I didn't wanna even talk to him the rest of the trip. He was like a wet blanket. Yet , I recall last night , I witnessed  him and Kim , chatting it up like old pals having a drink. It bothered me , a lot in fact.

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