Deep within your heart

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Anger still was brewing at the surface just beneath my skin. His words echoed in my mind. How could he choose work over a commitment to his best friend. Who does that ? I would never. Even if you offered me a million bucks. No amount  of money,  can replace those relationships that you hold dear to your heart.

Oh well , time to get over it move on, start this day. Even when I just wanted to stay in bed and wallow in pity. If he wanted to do what he wanted , I would too.

I jumped in the shower , contemplating if I should just go by myself , or stay home and make him feel really really bad.

I'm not one to hold grudges. It's pointless. Life is to short anyhow. Time to make this day great no matter what.

The smell of coconut mixed with vanilla , fills the shower steam surrounding me. I breath in deep and release all the pent up animosities I feel deep within. He's still my bud , that will never change. But I will have a word with him , just not till later. Today is a pamper me day kind of day. Massage , maybe new top or pair of shorts just something anything to relax. Take my mind off of things.

Oh my !

I watch the door open, in walks a sexy beast of a man. The way he moves , oh my lord, could drive a girl insane.

" Why didn't you wake me ? I would have joined you in that shower " he said with that sly grin of his. He slowly stripped down to nothing. My pulse quickened , my hands craved to touch every inch of him. I'm glad there was a curtain between us. I could peak around and he would never notice.

" What are you up to today ?"  I lathered my hair and the washed my face.

" I have to go to the airport. I gotta catch a flight out to Cancun remember ? I leave in a couple hours. You wanna drop me off ?"  He pulled back the curtain an stepped in , catching me by suprise.

" Oh yea , that .  Sure , I'd be happy to drop you off." I didn't mean to sound passive aggressive , but I was still bitter about being ditched and all. " Are you guys meeting up then at the gate ?"   I rinsed off my hair and turned into him nuzzling my head against his shoulder. The warmth of his body made the water seem cold in comparison.  He exuded that gentle protector aura. I felt safe around him.

" Hey,  your coming to with us , I forgot to mention that. I bought an extra ticket, so you can come relax while we are in meetings. Pack light, we won't be gone more then two days or so ". His hair dripped on my face.  I couldn't resist running my fingers through it.

" You sure ? I might be a distraction. I can stay here  , no worries. I have to do some work any how. You guys go , have fun , meet chicks and go crazy".

The look he gave me was one of confusion and anger mixed.

" Why would I be looking for a chick ? I got one already , I'm good,  but thank you for your permission. ".  His body language shifted. It made me nervous . I knew it was time to back off.

I quickly got out and dried myself off , dressing again in shorts , tank and sandals. Beach attire.

" Wait ! I'm sorry for how said what I did . But why did you say that ? Do you want us to be together ? Or stay friends ? What ? Let me into your mind ,  give me an idea of what you want out of this ". He said with frustration.

" Out of what exactly ? You never said we're dating Shannon remember? Plus , I'm not ok with how you spoke to Kim the other day , you embarrassed me in fact. You plan  on apologizing ?"  I stood there arms folded and waited for him to say " Yes I will say I'm sorry , I was wrong ". But did he ? Nope.

" SHE owes me an apology , not the other way around. She almost destroyed a marriage ,  why should I say anything ?"  Thank god his phone went off just I time. I left the room and needed to cool off once again. She was my friend,  I will be damned if anyone will talk to her that way.

I could hear him call down to me. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

" Did you hear me ? Hello??" 

I flipped him off and rolled my eyes.

" I'm going out for the day , tell Travis to give you a ride."   And with that said , I left out, walked to my car , and drove off.  I just needed  some breathing space.

And wouldn't you know it, he proceeded to call me a bunch of times on the way down to the spa.  I silenced it. I would get back to the whole drama situation later.

Two hours later ......

It's amazing how a strangers gentle  hands can take all your stress away. I loved getting these kinds of deep muscle massages. With the sound of soft playing music , trickling waterfall paired with wind chimes and the sounds of gentle breezes outside. It was pure heavenly bliss. Just what the doctor ordered.

" All done ! Would you like a cup of Japanese  tea ?"   She wiped the oil off her hands and folding up the towels and tossing the rest into the basket below the bed.

" Sure ! I'd love some , thank you ".  I sat up and she left the room.

I felt like mush so very relaxed  & refreshed. And I'm Ready for the next event on my agenda. Lunch! Sushi and pho soup maybe a glass of wine too. Hell why not !

She handed me the tea,  it smelled like peppermint. The first sip was delicious. Slowly I drank it all down. 

My blissful moment was a suddenly halted by a text from Travis. Ugh , what now ?

A smile lit up my face I read what he typed up. It's so sweet!  How can I stay mad at him.

" Get your ass back home ! I'm canceling the trip and taking you on that bday trip . Shannon's coming to , he he I know what your thinking , naughty ! Stop it. I know you ! Anyhow, meet us at the airport in half hour , move it ! Love you buddy.  I know your still mad at me. That's why I had to text you first , miss pissy pants. Your so damn stubborn ! See you soon ".

Auh he canceled and made the day even better! Yea !

I hauled ass back. As I arrived , there  in the driveway , was Shannon's car. Why was he here ? Shouldn't he be with Travis ? Oh lord , I'm so confused right now.

I went inside and headed up to my room. As I open the door , I gasped ! Oh my gosh, he's so sweet !

I moved on closer to make sure I wasn't seeing things , no I sure wasn't. This was real.

On the bed laid two roses , a pink and red one. Beside them , was small note folded up and on the front it read  " Two roses ,  a few simple words to express how I feel. If you feel the same , you know where to find me. Shannon "

I sat down and open the note. My heart was bursting with joy!

" I'm falling for you faster then I ever thought I would. I'm ready for the next step. I want to offer you my heart , In return , I want yours. If someone asked  me , what I wanna do for the rest of my life , I would answer with this: I want to spend every breathing waking moment , with the girl who has hazel eyes , a gentle heart. The one who makes me smile without even trying. The one who makes me laugh to the point my stomach hurts. She captured my heart the moment  I laid eyes on her.  Julie , Follow your heart , meet me at the gate , take that next step. If you love me , prove it .  Shannon "

My head felt dizzy and my hands are shaking. I didn't even think twice about it.  I was falling for him too . I wasn't gonna let him leave without me. Not a chance.

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