Crave you on me

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Shannon's POV

I vowed I never fall in love again. I said that no one would get through that steel plate surrounding my heart. Yet here I am with her sitting on a beach in Malibu. Yea I had other places to be , but truthfully it could wait. I needed a break from the monotony of everyday work ,day in and day out full of meetings, phone calls , only to do it all over again the next day.

I felt something tickling my foot. I set my phone down. She's sprinkling sand on my toes. I've never met someone so carefree and zen as her. I enjoy the calm she exudes.

" Wanna go for a swim ? It's not to cold . Cmon , lets go before we have to get back , I dare you to join me". Her eyes narrowed an a grin appeared across her face. A dare huh ? I'm game.

I stand up and toss my shirt off and then my pants. Leaving only my boxers on. The late afternoon is hot as hell so the water is gonna feel like heaven.

She strips down and I meet her just to the shoreline. Laughing ,  she runs into the crashing waves. I stand there for a few and watch her.  I'm curious why we have never met before now.

" You gonna come in or just watch from the edge of the water ? Come on big boy , if you dare ".  She turns her back to me and takes off her bra. She's nude. Oh fuck. I have to control every fiber screaming at me not to just ravage her in the ocean. Not caring if anyone saw either.

I walk in the water and it feels good against my skin. She comes closer to me and we sink deeper in the waves.

I can't help it. My hand reached for her face and a kiss unites our souls as one. She slides her hand inside of my waistband. I harden in her touch. Her lips taste the base of my neck and I'm revving to go for more.

I take control pushing them off completely and pull her body to me tight.

She grabs my cock rubbing the tip against her core. Moans escape our mouths. Kissing her , I feel her slide me in and I suddenly want to stop. I don't wanna do this here.

She panicked and backs off.

I knew what she was thinking and it wasn't that I didn't want it. Oh fuck I wanted it just as bad  as she did , just in my bed. Not here.

I quickly hand her bra back to her and out on my shorts. We run back to shire grab my shit and off we go.

Half hour later we finally arrive at my pad. I can't resist her pull on me anymore. I let go and dive into her world. 

Her ass in my hands , I carry her up to the bed and slam the door shut. She's digging her nails into my back. Tossing her in the bed , I throw off my clothes and pin her hands down into the sheets.

" I've wanted you since the day I laid eyes on you in that cafe."  I smiled and felt a hole in my heart begin to heal. She made me feel things I hadn't in so very long. Listen to me ! I sound like Romeo seducing Juliet for the very first time.

She climbed on top of me and proceeded to kiss me from head to toe. Her soft lips laid stains all over my body. The heat from her breath lit my soul a fire.

If this is what falling in love feels like, I don't ever wanna stop.

I sit up , pulling her back up to me , taking her nipple in my mouth. Suckin and bitting down , sending shock waves through her making her crave me even more.

I can't wait anymore.

My cock fills her up to capacity and she thrusts against me mocking my hip rhythms. 

The sounds coming from us both is erotic and animalistic.

I wanna see her face as I make love to her. I wanna watch her come undone as I bring her over the edge.

I shake the bed , rocking into her deeper and deeper each thrust.  I don't wanna cum yet , but fuck , it's hard to home back when your feel such intense pleasure as she's is giving me. 

God the way she whispers my name is driving me crazy. I want to taste her lips again and again. Drown in the taste of love and desire.

Our hands lock , she quivers beneath me. I'm already there , ready to lose myself in her.

She squeezes her eyes shut and I kiss her taking her breath away. We both cum and lay there not moving an inch.  Spent and happy. 

" My god that was amazing , want something to eat ?"  She sits up and looks to me. 

" Your hungry ? I'm tired . I'm thinking we take a snooze , then I gotta finish up some work before tomorrow ". My hand in her hair twirling it around my two fingers.

I pull her back down to me and cover her with my body heat. I want her again. I don't wanna leave this bed. Not for the rest of the day. Work can wait. So can food.

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