Come, be with me.

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It's so amazing how the moon can make the darkest waters shine like diamonds. I'm in awe of its beauty. I forgot what it felt like , to just take care of myself. I couldn't get Shannon out of my head , i felt anxious suddenly. I wondered what he was up to. Kim had a night cap with Jay after we get back to the shore. I was anxious to get back to Shannon anyways. I was happy to the love birds. But I was missing mine. Very badly in fact.

" This is wonderful baby thank you. I'm happy you agreed to do this with me." Kim said as she wrapped her arms around Jared neck kissing him.

" Anything for you" He sat back and left his arms around her shoulders , shielding her from the cool nights breezes. Seeing them happy made me happy.

" Shannon wanted me to give you this. I ran back up in the hospital after we picked you up and he hands me this letter. He said he'd written it awhile back , but saved it till now for you to read " Jared  pulled out an envelope and handed it to me. I was curious what it was gonna say, but excited at the same time.

" Should I read it aloud or should I just read it quietly?" I looked at the two of them and they agreed they would let me decide. I choose to read it aloud.

Shannons letter ....

"You were the ferocious fire
that always burn in my desire
with the passion
in the late fashion

I always wanted to be in your arms
cause I know there will be no harms
we can never stop the kissing
cause we really don't know what were missing

there are so many ways
our love heat
but there all sweet
if you were out of my sight
its like the world with no light

if you were away for a day
I would cry all the way to May
till you come back and say
"its okay"

I never thought I would find
a girl that's so kind
I love you so much
just by the way we touch"

I wrote this for you because your my fire and I couldn't imagine my life without you. I should have said I loved you from the second we met. You captured my heart , no one else ever had affected me like you have. I want to make you the happiest woman alive. You are the center of my world. I love you and I always will. I promise to take care of you for the rest of my life. And If i hould die before you , I will always be with you no matter what in this life and the next. God gave me the greatest gift when he put you in  my path that day. I hope I make you as happy as you make me each day. I'm so lucky I have you as my own. I love you! Love Shannon "

I balled tears of happiness , pain and deeply felt love. I knew then I had to go to the hospital. I wanted his touch , his kiss and hear  his voice in my ears,  more then ever. I couldn't wait anymore.

Jared dropped me back off at the hospital and Kim and him decided to go for a night stroll under the stars.

" I'm gonna marry you tonight , I can't wait anymore. Please say yes " Jared knelt on one knee and pulled out a Tiffany box. Looking into Kim's eyes, he said " I loved you from the second we spoke the word hello. I thought about this for a very long time. I couldn't be more sure this is what I want , your what I want , forever. Kim, would you do me the honor and be my wife , will you marry me ?" He held her shaking hands in his and smiled.

" YES YES , I WILL MARRY YOU !" She jumped up and down and hugged him so tight. Kissing sealed the deal of beautiful life ahead , for two blue eyed lovers, brought together by Destiny.

Back at the hospital ;

" You very mushy tonight. I take it you read my letter " Shannon said in sexy tone.

Travis felt a little uneasy watching the two of them. He got the hint   and excused himself for the night. Julie thanked him for keeping his buddy company and kissed his cheek, hugging tight one more time  as he left the room.

" I did , it was so heartfelt and sweet. I was thinking, I know you got the bad news yesterday and all, but how about you and I take a trip somewhere far from here just us two. Maybe Italy or how about Poland or Greece ? I think we both could use some time away from cancer and hospitalsand especially  work.  I think travis could use a vacation too. What do you say ?" I watched his lips curve into a sweet smile.  I could tell he was into the idea.

" It's a date. Just gotta make sure it's cool with the doctor and all first. I love your wanderlust sprirt babe.  You never cease to amaze me with your vibrant youthful mind , your just what the doctor ordered. " He tickled me ,  I laughed which  made him laugh, catching the attention of the nurses just outside the doors.

" Well , sounds like he's happy today " She hands him some  medication and water to wash it down , then checked his vitals. I was excited to explore the world with this hazel eyed man of mine. God willing the doctor would give him a pass. I prayed.

Just then my phone buzzed. It was a text from Kim. Oh my god ! She's getting married ?? I couldn't be more happier for them both , best news ever! I showed shannon the message,  he just smiled.

" Looks like you two will be dress shopping very soon " Shannon said with a kiss on my cheek.

I was excited for everyone's future. We all had many amazing things to plan and hope for , I couldn't wait!

" Business & pleasure " حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن