Actions speak louder then words

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Jared's POV

What a beautiful night for dinner on the balcony. She had no idea how much of a simple man I really am. We just met yet I can't help but want to get to know her deeper. The room service should be here anytime.

Knock at the door. Food is here as well as the wine & dessert.

I get everything set up and wait for her arrival. Taking one last look in the mirror and I'm good to go.

Another knock at the door. I know who that's gonna be.

I open the door and there she stands and it makes me laugh. She dressed up and I'm here standing in my black Pj silk Pants and t shirt.

" I guess I over dressed. No one gave me the memo it was casual dress to this party." She laughs and I let her in closing the door.

" I have spare pjs if you wanna change. I will give you privacy , I won't look."

I hand her a set and she takes off her heels and heads to the bathroom. I sit on the bed pouring us both a glass of white wine. I feel like it's gonna be a great night.

Door of the bathroom opens, she steps out. I think she looks much better , casual and laid back.

I stand up , handing her the glass. Soon after we head outside, sitting at the table & enjoy a late night meal.

" This is lovely , thanks for inviting me".

I smile and she blushes. She's got shy side, I can see that now. She's a boss, yet she feels so shy around me.

" What's your plans for the rest of the trip ?" I take a bite. Oh man it's like heaven in my mouth.

Surprisingly , she's enjoying the food to. I never asked if she was vegan but she's eating it up. I won't bother bringing it up.

" Meeting about coffee , then most likely hang out with Travis until he has to fly back with Shannon." She takes a drink. I watch her lips and bite mine. A woman's boobs and lips drive me insane. I'm a man so you can't blame my inner desires for a woman's body features. I'm definitely a boob man. Let that be known.

" Sounds like fun. I have to go do a photoshoot and go visit an old friend . Maybe have some lunch then fly back home and go work some more. As you know the bosses work never ends."

" That's the truth right there ! So what's up with your brother ? He seems like he's only about work . Not to be bold but has he ever been married or had a serious relationship? You don't have to answer that if...."

I look over the ledge and watch a plane fly overhead.

" I'm sorry I asked." She looks down at her plate and scrapped the fork back and forth.

" No no it's fine. Since you asked , yes he has. She left him and married his best friend awhile back , I think three years ago? Honestly , that you will get no where with him . I'm just gonna put it that way. He has this wall up.  Thats how he is. I know one thing though , if he likes you , he will push you away to see how much you really like him. Prove it , like they say , actions speak louder then words. Understand where I'm coming from ?"

" Pretty much yes . He's like me ".

" What do you mean ? You were married too?" I take another drink and almost spit it out when she speaks again.

" I was  yes, but tragically , he died of cancer. He went into Navy, three years of service straight out of high school. Oh man , we were sweet hearts , never were apart more then a day or two. Long story short , he got super sick. And then one hot summer night , he ended up passing away in our bed . I've been hiding behind this wall ever since. So I guess I can say , I really do understand how he feels. Maybe that's why we bump heads so much too. I'm sorry maybe that was to much info ".

I reach for her hand and pull it to my lips and say, " Not at all. Please Don't apologize. I'm sorry you went through that."

I catch her hazel eye and make her smile again. I wanna kiss her , yet don't wanna scare her away. My bold nature tends to have a mind of its own.  It's intense when my heart feels that spark of love ,there's no resisting anymore.

I lean over and cup her face , kissing her lips with a feathery kiss. She doesn't pull away. I kiss her again , this time with more intensity. I don't want her to leave this room , so I make up a excuse why she should stay.

" I have a movie I think we should watch , do you have anywhere I be really early in the morning? I don't wanna keep you ". I walk up to her body and she closes her eyes as she feels my breath on her face.

" No . Not until late am. Do you ?"

I come even closer and place her face on my hands and she looks in my eyes.

" No , please stay with me tonight. I won't make a move on you ". She leans in and takes me by suprise and kisses my lips. I grab her in my arms and take her over to the bed and lay her body underneath me. I know we are moving to fast yet when you feel that fire erupt it's hard to resist.

She runs her fingers in my hair and I kiss her deeper and roll us over so she is on top. We're both out of breath and smiling like teenagers who just snuck out to see each other.

I haven't felt this alive in so very long.

We don't even watch the movie. I pull back the covers and tuck us both in and pull her tight to me. One of us may regret this in the morning. But right now I don't regret a single move I made. And by the sight of her falling asleep in my arms she doesn't either. I gotta say it was a great night. I can't wait for the next.

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