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Two months later....

The sun rose in tbe cloudless sky. The smells of coffee and burnt toast litterd the hallways.  The warm fuzzy feeling of the carpet cradled my feet. Shannon was still fast asleep and I was happy to have some time alone to think about what he had told me last night.  It was a huge burden to have placed on your conscious.   He was probably not scared then I was. Growing up, I was always that person who saw the glimmer of light through the darkest momenets. I never really had problems believing a miracle would always happen. Shannons situation was no different. I know it would all be ok. If not , I had to make sure he would be ok at least.  I heard water running upstairs. Then vomiting. I quickly set down my cup and turned off the oven. Making my way upstairs I heard a loud thud.

" Shannon ?" I screamed out as I entered the room and found him laying next to the toilet. His eyes closed and his skin pale and clammy. I was petrified. I thought he could be dead for a second.  Millions of thoughts raced through my head.  I panicked. I never was good I'm intensely stressful  situations like emergencies.

I shook him a couple  of time, he didn't budge. I reached into his coat next to the closet and Dialed 911.  I could hardly speak ,  the person on the other line advised me to calm down to  tell him what had happened. I yelled and screamed even louder.  Soon after we hung up,  the paramedics arrived and joined us upstairs. I stepped back and let them take over.  I  watched in fear ,praying he would just "snap out of it"  and come back to normality again.  "He needs to be evaluated in the hospital , we have to take him now, quickly "  

The three men in white shirts and navy pants , hoisted Shannons body onto the stretcher. I didn't dare cry. I would do it in  my own privacy. Long clear tubes in his mouth and arms.Loud bepping sounds echo in my head.  "Should I follow you guys ?"  I said looking over to find my keys and try to listen to them at the same time.

" Yes ma'am .  But we must leave now, or you can meet us there ?"  answered one of the youngest of paramedics back to me  I wasn't about to wait around. I grabbed my purse & jacket then proceeded to follow them  down the stairs to the car.

The ambulance left seconds before I had , leaving me alone in a cold quiet car. I lost it. I broke into pieces.  I was scared that I was about to lose him for good. Through my waterfall of tears, I managed to start the car and drive off to meet up with Shannon at the emergency room. Praying he would be ok.

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