Words of the heart

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The airport is packed.  I'm scared and nervous for some reason. But that's LA for you when is it ever empty ?

I can smell his cologne. I know he's not to far away, I'm right. I soon hear his voice echoing through the walkway. Giving me goosebumps.

" Bout time you got here !" He said with a cheeky smile. I don't even have to look to know what his face looks like. I stay put and wait for him to come to me.

"You think I wasn't gonna show Shannon ? ". I smiled and still I don't face him.

Arms grab me tight into a bear hug. A scruffy face nuzzles into my neck. His breath tickles my ear as he whispers " I knew you would come ".

Oh lord my mind went dirty with way the words rolled off his lips.

" Did you now , maybe I should've taken longer to get here , made you wait and wonder ". I slid my hand up in the back of his shirt,  feeling the warmth of his body. He softly moaned in my ear , kissing  my shoulder, giving me chills from head to toe.

The world stood still as we got lost in this blissful moment. I was falling for this man fast. My heart was beating fast. I could barely stop thinking about him for even a second. He was taking over my heart in a big way.

" HEY! DAMIT ,  GET A ROOM YOU  NAUGHTY KIDS !" I heard him say as he laughed and ran up to us. Travis , oh man , he always knew how to make an entrance. He could make you laugh till you pee your pants . He was the one who would buy you a drink to break the ice. He just made you feel like you'd known him for years. That's how Travis was and still is for that matter. He's very protective. He was the guy who would beat someone up and go to jail for you. Loyalty was his middle name. That's why he's my best friend.

" Hey ! Do you mind ? We gotta go! Better hurry up if we wanna make this flight to Barbados.  Oh man , I'm looking forward to doing nothing , expect for planting my ass on a beach and watch hot chicks walk by me, maybe take one and ya know ...."  I smacked his arm.

" Dirty dog !"  We both laughed.

" Sounds like a plan to me ! Let's go !" Shannon said as we got checked then proceed to board the plane.

The scenery was breathtaking. The crystal clear blue water. The golden sands, what could be more beautiful and inviting then that ?

I couldn't wait to check in and run straight to the beach to just unwind. All of us had a super busy week and made a vow that no work will be done on this trip. No emails , no phone calls, nothing. And whomever picks up their phone first for anything during the meal time , pays for everyone's ticket.

Sunset may have fallen over us , but the night has just begun.

First round of fun starts with a piece of red velvet cake and a glass of wine. My birthday weekend was starting out in a sweet way.

" Ok jewels , so I know that Kim  is town and I'm not happy about it . I'm just letting you know , if she is around you , I will leave and talk to you after she's left. You know the things about her. I'm not fond of. I'm not gonna bullshit you whatsoever. She's trouble , I think you really should open your eyes and see why the rest of us don't care for her".

That just killed my mood big time. Thanks Shannon , Dick!

" Truthfully ? I don't owe you an explanation why I like her and your opinion of her , really doesn't matter to me.  It won't affect my friendship with her. You have your issues with her , it has nothing to do with me. Sooo , I appreciate it, if you didn't bad mouth her TO ME ".

I took another bite of my dinner salad and glanced up briefly to see him sneering at me. God, his death stare was intense as hell.

" Fine ! For the sake of this trip, I won't bring it up anymore. But you and I should have a chat when we get home, ok?"

I was over the whole thing all together. Why couldn't he just drop it ? It happened a long time ago for christ sake! Grudges are pointless. Let it go ! Move on with your life , stop bringing it up. Life is to short.

I stayed quiet and finished up my dinner. I wanted this vacation to be just that , stress free relaxing getaway.

Later that night , I was getting ready for a dip in the pool. It had been on my bucket list for awhile , to skinny dip in a pool at night. Good thing everyone was asleep at this hour.

Shannon decided not to join me. But Travis did. I was gonna have fun no matter what.

Drinks in hand , we sat against the wall of the pool and talked about life. Nothing could beat this.

" You guys ok ? Shannon ,you know , he can be very bullheaded when he wants to be." He said with concern as he set his glass down on the concrete.

" Yea, it's fine. I can see he has that attitude of not wanting to back down on the issues that he's passionate about. Kim's my friend and always will be. That whole situation he keeps bringing up , is between them. It should stay that way. Don't make it awkward for me. I love them both . I'm not choosing. I refuse Travis , it's not fair. Oh fuck ! Did I just say that out loud ?"

" If I heard you correctly , you just admitted you love me ". His voice sounded so angelic and sweet. I feared he had just listened to our whole conversation. Now I feel bad.

I didn't face him.

He walked over to where we were and bent down just above me. I got nervous for some reason.

" Don't worry , I won't put you in the middle anymore. But from now on , if your gonna say stuff about me , say it to me." I could hear pain and anger mixed in his tone.

I turned to look up at him. I could see hurt in his eyes and that in return ,hurt me.

" Say it again. Julie look in my eyes , say it again ".

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the water. He splashed me and laughed. I wanted to ease his tension make him laugh.

" You naughty devil you ! What if I had my phone on me ?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Our lips collided as he gripped me tighter against his body. Our tongues battled for dominance. The heat between us, was like a wildfire. So passionate & intense.

As we parted from that sweet kiss , I got right up to his ear and whispered " I said , I love you Shannon. "

He exhaled , kissing me softly with his sexy lips on my neck.

" I love you. You make me so happy". The softness of his words, made me feel like I was free floating in the heavens above.

I'd never imagined that I find someone who I could fall in love as deep as I have with him. His heart was deep as the ocean and I wanted to dive in as deep as I could. Explore every cavern and crevice of his beautiful soul. Where had he been all this time? Why had I only found him now? It didn't matter anymore , my heart was singing his name , we were falling in love , happy.

We swam and enjoyed the late night dip in the pool before heading back up to the room for a night cap.

Soon Travis had fallen asleep. Shannon and I decided to stay up till sunrise. It was a magical feeling, to look over and see someone , looking back at you with love and happiness reflecting in  their eyes.

If he asks me to marry him one day without a question , I'd say yes. There was no one else meant for me , but him. I never thought I'd be here again , falling in love with a man , with such a beautiful heart & soul. He was a gift , sent just for me to enjoy and I damn sure wasn't gonna let him get away.

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