That's called love

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Shannons POV

To wake up to another day for us is a blessing. She's still asleep and I'm wide awake. Not because I'm worried or anything just up to check on work stuff. And return texts from Travis to. I felt bad all those times I go jealous of them being around each other. It's stupid really if   you think about it. I can hear her cell go off ,it's  probably Kim or Travis, speaking of which. I'm gonna a nosey Nancy and check.

Oh wow ! She needs to see this. I set it back down and decide to text her that way she will have to check it. I shoot het a quick one and wait. Bingo, she wakes up ,why? Because it's my ringtone she know its me texting.

" Why at you texting me in bed my  crazy man . What did you Send me, a nude pic? "  she laughs laughs, laying back down again.

" Why would I do that naughty girl ? Just read it "  I smack her arm playfully. She scroll and I hear her gasp. Yea , that's about go I felt reading it.

" Is this true? Oh my I dreaming ?"  I hear her sniffing and wiping her eyes. I lean  over and kiss her head.

" I think so , what do you think about it ? " I watch her face and study her reactions.

" I can't even breathe right now , I'm so.... happy. "  She covered her face and I grab her right to my chest and feel a huge sense of relief For us both. " I'm Cancer free ? But how can this be ? "  Best wedding gift ever !

I lift her chin to me and smile " That means I get to keep you around forever.  I'm very,  very ok with that. I'm not ready to say goodbye , I'm so happy !"  I pulled her into my body and laid back down again. 

She took awhile to say another word.  I knew I needed to give her some  breathing space. She re- read the news over and over again. I got up and ordered us some room service for breakfast. It's time to celebrate ! Its not long before we enjoy the feast of the gods in this  beautiful hotel by the sea. Just then I hear my voice being called.  I smile and turn over too look at Julie,  when I feel my body being shaken. What the heck was  going on?

I realize then,  it was all a dream. It's still dark out and shes asleep next to me , at 3 am. What a messed up way to wake up. I felt a tug in my heart at that moment  and heavy feeling in my chest. I quickly check my phone and then get up and look through it , hoping it wasn't all in my dream.  I saw only old texts from Travis and Jay ,  I realized, it was. I tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep again,  but it was no use. I couldn't shake this black cloud over us. 

Yes.  I was happy we both were married finally and enjoying this vacation. But in my heart of hearts I knew , as soon as we stepped off that plane in L.A., reality is gonna be a harsh blow and a difficult one to shake. I knew for her sake and my mental health , I would just keep the dream to myself. There was no need to ruin her day today , or mine for that matter.

I decided to step off the pity party train and just get up make coffee , try to do something constructive. Such as  catching up with Travis with some  work stuff. Luckily , he was awake, " Hey man  how's life been?" I say with a slight yawn.

" Well hello  there married man ! I'm good! And  how's life been with you and jewels ? I don't want details from the honeymoon so spare me ok?"  He laughs. I know he's drinking coffee from the sounds of his chugs.

" Oh man lemme tell you she did this and that "  I laughed to myself.  I could tell he wished I would stop, But I didn't. 

" She asleep still? " Travis said

" Yea , I had the worst dream man. Straight jacked up thought it was real till I woke up.  Ahhhh.....lemme step out hold on "  I creep out of bed  walking down onto   the beach. The winds are blowing slightly.  I can smell the flowers near by. I Should pick some for her later , suprise her in bed.  "Ok , you there ?"  I set my cup down, proceeding to tell him the dream that had me shook.

" I see what you mean , that's heavy. Don't tell her , I have a feeling you won't. Just it might upset her. "  He knew me to well. 

" Yea , I wasn't planning on it. So how's work ? "  sipping  my brew as I take a bite of my blue berry muffin left over  from yesterday. Still moist and good thankfully. 

" Busy , I can't wait till you guys get back. Let's just say the orders are exceeding the merch we have in stock. "  I'm a little curious why he had only told me this now. He knows I'm like Jay. A true bare bones perfectionist with work, no excuses.

" Did you send the shipments from last week ? " I said gruffly.

" Yea , I did "  He was getting short with me.  I knew if I  didn't end this convo now,  I would say things out of  anger instead of as his  boss.

" Listen , just get the orders filled , do inventory ,  please don't let this happen again. I'm gonna let you go , call you in a couple days or if something happens, you know how to reach me. "  I was about to hang up when he said something that pissed me off.

" Maybe if you were here and helping me , I could do my job! I get your sick , but still , you can make an effort too. It's not just me running  this business."  He hung up and didn't give me a chance to speak.

Whatever. Heavy signs and frustration fills me. My peace has been rattled.

I set my phone off  the side of me  finished off my coffee. I decided to stay out a bit and gather my thoughts again before going back in. It didn't last long though. 

" Did you have a fight with Travis , he just texted me "   She said with worry in her voice.

" Yea it's nothing , I will be in soon. "  i said. 

"I'm gonna join you and ...."  she said and I cut her off. 

"  I'd rather be alone."  I knew I sounded mad , I wasn't. I just needed to deal with my own shit. That's just how I am.

She came over ,  leaned down and kissed my lips , taking me by suprise. " Take all the time you need , you know where I will be , love you "  and she went back inside shutting the door.

I rustled my hair and looked back at her through the glass. How did I not end chasing her away with all my moodiness.

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