Work with me

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Passions ignited the moment he touched my skin with his sweet lips. The night was like a dream. He made love to me. He showed me the broken parts of his heart that night. I could still feel his finger tips caressing me as he looked into my eyes. Those eyes intense and will consume you. Leaving you speechless and frozen in time.

" Why are you up so early ?" He's on his lap top. I didn't know he had brought it with him. Sneaky he was for sure. I lean up against his shoulders and kiss his cheek. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

" Work stuff I have to take care of real quick , then for the rest of the trip , I will play with you. Not just that way either dirty girl. I know what your thinking. Off subject though , can I ask you something ? Do you any sexual attraction towards Travis ? Just curious".

He didn't take his eyes off the screen to look at my facial reaction, which for his sake , was a good thing . I didn't understand , how he would ever question my love for him. I guess maybe, he still wasn't sure of us. Which truth be told , we're still in the newborn stage of this relationship.

So instead of answering in a passive aggressive way , I took a deep breath and said "  Close your eyes Shannon ".

He looked at me funny and I laughed.

" Come on just do it trust me "

He laid his head down closing the laptop.

" Ok , picture the moment you first feel in love , with someone when you were younger. Now can you see her face ? Is she smiling ? Is she touching your face or kissing you? How do you feel ? How fast is your heart racing ? Are you lost for words right now thinking about all that I'm asking you ?"  

He stayed quiet for a coupe seconds and didn't move an inch.

I leaned down and kiss his lips twice.

" How do you feel?" 

He opens his eyes and says" Happy and in love. ".

I caressed his face then smile. 

" That's how I feel when I'm with you and only you. Shannon there's no one else in my heart but you. Travis is my best friend . I've never had feelings for him past friendship .  I'm not a cheater. I know and hope your not either. Now that's taken care of , what do you think of the idea of both our of companies joining forces and maybe expand overseas ?"  

He sat up fast and opened his lap top again.

" Nevermind , forget I brought it up. I'm gonna take a shower ". 

As I stood up he reached for my hand pulling me back.

" You just took the idea right out of my mouth  ? I was thinking the same thing too. No joke. I'm alllll in with you. Did Travis bring it up or something ? I'm just baffled you beat me to the punch ".

I grabbed my phone and showed him the screen. Travis in fact did. But hey , now we're all on the same page. I was just as excited as he was. We all would indeed , make a great team.

But only one issue, who was gonna be the head honcho ? That's the question right there.  Would he let me have control? Could we mix business and pleasure, without making it even more complicated? Time will tell I guess.

But that could all wait another day. Time for coffee with my baby.

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